More than one in ten Dutch people aged 18 and over engage in sufficient minutes of physical activity, but do not sufficiently spread out this throughout the week. As a result, this group does not meet the Physical Activity Guidelines of the Health Council of the Netherlands (Gezondheidsraad). They would meet the guidelines if they were to make active choices more often during the day and throughout the week. People could, for example, use the bicycle more often instead of taking the car, or regularly take the stairs instead of the elevator. This is the outcome of a study conducted by RIVM.

With these adjustments, the percentage of Dutch adults meeting the physical activity guidelines would reach 56%. In 2023, this percentage was only 44%. According to the GR, sufficient physical activity for adults includes 150 minutes, spread out over the week. This involves moderate to vigorous physical activity, such as cycling, intensive household chores and vigorous sports. In addition, it is recommended to engage in bone and muscle-strengthening activities at least twice a week, such as walking or strength training.

Spreading out physical activity over the week

This RIVM study shows that people who do not meet the physical activity guidelines in some cases do manage to be physically active for at least 150 minutes per week, but have difficulty in spreading their activity throughout the week. A small change in behaviour would be enough for this group to help them meet the Physical Activity Guidelines. The government’s goal is for 75 per cent of the population to meet these guidelines by 2040. More effort is needed to reach that goal. A “system approach” could help in this respect. In this approach various parties (such as the government, community organisations and the business community) from multiple domains (such as healthcare, work, education and living environment) work together to ensure that people engage in more physical activity more regularly.

 Greatest health benefit

RIVM also examined the composition of the groups of people identified as ‘do not or barely engage in physical activity or ‘engage in physical activity, but do so insufficiently’. The first group is relatively small, 1.6% in 2023, while over half of the Dutch population insufficiently engages in physical activity. Older adults and those with physical disabilities and/or chronic conditions are more likely to be insufficiently physically active or not at all. For people who do not or barely engage in physical activity, the most significant health improvement can be achieved by starting with physical activity. For those who are already physically active, further health benefits can be gained by being physically active more often, for longer durations or at higher intensities.

RIVM conducted this study at the request of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. The results are based on data from the 2023 Health Survey/Lifestyle Monitor conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and RIVM. Over 9,000 people aged 4 and older participated in this survey. This survey is repeated annually.