As of 1 June, anyone in the Netherlands with (mild) symptoms can be tested for COVID-19 in the GGD test lanes. People can sign up for a test, or be tested due to source and contact tracing. Between 1 June and 22 June at 09:30, 179,259 tests were administered at the GGD test sites. The results are known for 169,227 of the administered tests: 1.4% (2,357) of the tests were positive.
Figure 1. Percentage of positive tests at the GGD test sites, per GGD region, since 1 June. Source: CoronIT.
The percentage of positive results has been decreasing since 1 June. In week 23, 2% of the tests were positive for the coronavirus, compared to 1.5% in week 24; in week 25, the percentage of positive tests was 0.9%. There are regional differences in the percentage of positive tests (Figure 1). This also applies to the total number of tests taken per 100,000 inhabitants, see Figure 2.
Figure 2. Number of tests for which the results are known, administered at the GGD test sites since 1 June. Source: CoronIT.
Source and contact research*
The highest percentage of positive coronavirus tests is found in people who are tested for symptoms in the context of source and contact tracing, namely 13.9% of 2,658 tests. These are people who have been in contact with a confirmed COVID-19 patient.
Employees working in education and childcare
Since 1 June, 12,793 tests have been administered to people working in childcare (0-4 years) or education (primary, secondary or higher education). The results are known for 11,670 of the administered tests. 0.6% (68 tests) were positive for the coronavirus. The percentage of positive tests does not differ between people working in childcare, primary or secondary education.
*this information was included after the original publication at 16:00 PM