As of today, RIVM will publish weekly updates on vaccination turnout and vaccination coverage per neighbourhood in the Netherlands, both cumulative and broken down by calendar week. This information has been available since the start of the vaccination campaign in 2021 and can be found through RIVM open data. From next week on, the latest figures will be online from Wednesday at 15:15 hrs.
Vaccination turnout refers to the part of the population that has had at least one COVID-19 vaccination. Vaccination coverage refers to a completed basic series of COVID-19 vaccinations.
The information is based on all vaccinations registered in CIMS (the COVID-19 vaccination Information and Monitoring System), implemented by the Municipal Public Health Services (GGDs), general practitioners (GPs) and other vaccinators. The CIMS data contains no information about previous COVID-19 infection. As a result, people who have previously had COVID-19 and received one vaccination are not registered as fully vaccinated.
CIMS data only contains data on vaccinations if the vaccinated person consented to central registration of their vaccination(s) in CIMS. RIVM estimates that about 7% of vaccinated people do not consent to central registration. It is therefore possible that differences between neighbourhoods in vaccination coverage could be attributed to a lower vaccination coverage and/or a lower percentage of vaccinated people who consented to registration in CIMS.