Vaccination rate again drops slightly, HPV vaccination rate drops considerably The vaccination rate for vaccines included in the National Immunisation Programme has dropped slightly by about 1 percent.
More people are tested for STIs The number of people who have been tested for a sexually transmitted infection (STI) went up in 2017. This is the case both at the Sexual Health Centres and at the General Practitioner.
One Health European Joint Programme (EJP) Expert Meeting On the 4th and 5th of June 2018, an expert meeting was held at RIVM to redefine and prioritise the topics for One Health research and integrative activities in Europe.
People who eat meat do not carry more ESBL bacteria RIVM research reveals that people who eat meat regularly do not carry ESBLs more frequently than vegetarians.
New bacterium in ticks Last year, a man was treated at the Amsterdam Academic Medical Centre (AMC) after being bitten by a tick and becoming infected with a strain of the Borrelia bacterium not previously encountered in
Regional differences in testing rates underestimate incidence of LGV epidemic Until 2003, Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV), an aggressive form of chlamydia, was considered to be a rare tropical disease, endemic to Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.