RIVM participates in a wide range of international research and innovation projects to help solve some of the biggest societal challenges. Within the field of population screening, RIVM participates in several international networks. A few examples of international projects and networks are shown below.
International Society for Neonatal Screening
The International Society for Neonatal Screening (ISNS) aims to enhance the quality of neonatal screening through dissemination of information, guidelines and best practices. The network has members from over 70 different countries. The semi-permanent ‘office’ is based in Bilthoven, the Netherlands since 2012.
Joint Action-iPAAC
RIVM-CvB participates in several work packages of the European Joint Action-iPAAC (Innovative Partnership for Action Against Cancer). The general objective of the Joint Action is to develop innovative approaches to advances in cancer control in several European countries. The Joint Action looks at the further development of cancer prevention and comprehensive approaches to the use of genomics in cancer control. Furthermore it aims to develop cancer information and registries, improvements and challenges in cancer care, mapping of innovative cancer treatments and governance of integrated cancer control, including a new analysis of National Cancer Control Plans. A so-called ‘Roadmap’ on Implementation and Sustainability of Cancer Control Actions will be the main deliverable of this Joint Action-iPAAC. In this roadmap several one pagers will be developed with best practices on cancer from the participating 24 countries. RIVM-CvB is involved in work packages that involve prevention & early detection (WP5) and cancer registries (WP7). The iPAAC Joint Action has officially started on 1 April 2018 and will last for three years.
International Breast Screening Network
In 2005, around 25 countries joined the International Breast Screening Network (IBSN), including the Netherlands. This network is supported by the American National Cancer Institute and aims to exchange international expertise and compare results from different programmes. The IBSN also provides information about the current state of affairs of breast cancer screening in Europe.