On the website of the NVWA, fill in the following items.
For question 1, click on “Roken en e-sigaretten”.
Click on button "Ga verder" (further). Question 2 will appear.
For question 2, click on “Tabak en rookwaren” (tobacco products and related products).
Click on button “Toon resultaat” (show results). The results will appear.
Open "Stel hier uw vraag" (ask your question here) by clicking on button “˅”. A new text will appear.
Click on "dit vragenformulier" (this question form). A new window will open.
In this window give your company information:
- Dhr. = Mr.,
- Mevr. = Mrs.,
- Voorletters = initials,
- Achternaam = family name,
- Straatnaam = street,
- Huisnummer = number,
- Postcode = ZIP code,
- Plaatsnaam = place,
- Land = country,
- E-mailadres = email address,
- Herhaal e-mailadres = repeat e-mail addres.
Click on button "verder >>" (further). A new window will open.
In the field “Uw vraag” you can ask your question.
Click on button "Kies bestand" (choose document) to add a document (optional). Maximum 3 documents of maximum 1Mb each.
Click on button “Verstuur” to send your question.