What is the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) doing to prevent the spread of the West Nile virus? 

The Netherlands has an action plan that  allows us to detect signs of  the West Nile virus presence in our country at an early stage. One aspect of this plan of action is a strategy designed to minimise people’s exposure to mosquito-borne West Nile virus. More information on this strategy, called Integral Vector Management (Integraal Vectormanagement in Dutch), is provided in a report entitled West Nile virus in The Netherlands: Integrated Vector Management 2021-2023 (in Dutch, English synopsis).This strategy allows us to implement measures at an early stage, thus minimising the risks posed to humans. The strategy document, drawn up by RIVM in association with several public authorities and universities, outlines what situations pose a threat to humans, what actions are required and who is to take them. 

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