RIVM has a leading role in Europe in developing models to estimate the exposure to chemical substances in food. By using this expertise in a global context, RIVM contributes to the harmonisation of dietary exposure methods between Europe and the rest of the world. As a trading nation, the Netherlands has an interest in globally harmonised concentration limits of chemical substances in food.
In 2003, RIVM developed the International estimated Daily intake (IEDI) and the International estimate of short-term intake (IESTI) calculation sheets, which are presently used by the JMPR for risk assessment of plant protection products (‘pesticides’). RIVM maintains these sheets and contributes to the harmonisation of the IESTI calculation sheet at the international level. RIVM has also participated in the development of the Cluster Diets. JECFA uses these diets to assess the exposure to additives, contaminants and mycotoxins.
Furthermore, RIVM is involved in collaborations and research on an integrated consideration of food safety (Integrated Probabilistic Risk Assessment (IPRA)), benchmark dose modelling, and risk assessment based on a negative physical burden.