- Publicatiedatum
- 26/03/2009
De bijdrage van emissies uit intensieve varkenshouderijen aan fijnstof- en ammoniakconcentraties kan worden vastgesteld met metingen in de directe omgeving. Hiermee kunnen in de toekomst de effecten van het reconstructie beleid in Landbouw Ontwikkelingsgebieden worden gevolgd. Het onderzoek is gericht op het effect van beleidsmaatregelen in het kader van de reconstructie van de veeteeltsector waarbij verdichting van veeteeltbedrijven en toepassing van technische installaties zullen leiden tot veranderingen van de emissies. Metingen in de directe omgeving van het Landbouw Ontwikkelingsgebied De Rips, waar vooral varkenshouderijen zijn gevestigd, toonden een duidelijke bijdrage van stalemissies aan ammoniak. De bijdrage van fijn stof is geringer maar wel waarneembaar. Met dit resultaat wordt de beslissing voor voortzetting van het project onderbouwd en de uitbreiding naar het Landbouw Ontwikkelingsgebied in de Gelderse Vallei (vooral pluimveebedrijven) gerechtvaardigd.
Particulate matter is an important environmental problem for which abatement measures are being developed to reduce the emissions for a number of sources categories, including animal farming. A part of this policy the government supports reduction measures for the intensive animal farms, among others exhaust air filters. In the framework of the reconstruction policy LOGs (Agricultural Development Regions) are selected in which the concentration of farms and the implementation of exhaust air filters are combined.
To monitor the effect of the measures the Ministry of VROM and the provinces of Noord-Brabant en Gelderland have initiated research to follow the developments in the LOG by measuring concentrations. The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) has set up a limited monitoring network for ammonia (NH3) and particulate matter (PM10 and PM2,5) in the LOG De Rips in Noord-Brabant consisting of three monitorsites. The first evaluation focuses on the applicability of the developed research setup.
The impact of NH3-emissions in the LOG is clearly discernible in the concentrations measured on the down-wind site (average approximately 60% of the up-wind concentration) applying a wind directional analysis. A simple wind rose also indicates clearly observable contributions of the emissions in the LOG. For PM10 and PM2,5 the wind directional analysis approach is necessary, in the wind rose the contribution from the LOG is obscured by a contribution from the southeast (probably large scale) and other sources of PM.
The results support the expectation that the developments in the LOG can be monitored and carry the decision to continue the project and setup the monitoring network in the LOG in the Gelderse Vallei in Gelderland, using an identical setup.
To allow the interpretation of the observed concentrations the activities in the LOG need to be registered. A protocol is currently being developed in collaboration with the provinces and the involved authorities (municipalities, local trade organizations and individual businesses.
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