Publicaties van Peter Schielen, hoofd referentielaboratorium pre- en neonatale screening bij het centrum voor Infectieziekteonderzoek, Diagnostiek en laboratorium Surveillance(IDS Centrum Infectieziekteonderzoek, Diagnostiek en laboratorium Surveillance (Centrum Infectieziekteonderzoek, Diagnostiek en laboratorium Surveillance)) van het RIVM.

RIVM Rapporten


1. Janssen P.J.C.M., Apeldoorn M.E. van, Engelen J.G.M. van, Schielen P., Wouters M.F.A. Maximum Permissible Risk Levels for Human Intake of Soil Contaminants: Fourth Series of Compounds. Maximum Toelaatbare Risico-Niveaus voor Inname van Bodemcontaminanten door de Mens: Vierde tranche van stoffen. 1997 RIVM rapport no.: 711701004

2. Hulzebos E., Schielen P., Maslankiewicz L. (Q)SAR for human toxicological endpoints: A literature search. 1998 RIVM Rapport no.: 601516001


3. P.C.J.I. Schielen, A.M. Hagenaars, L.H. Elvers, J.G. Loeber. Risicoschatting voor Down syndroom / neuraalbuisdefecten door analyse van triple test parameters in maternaal serum 1995-1999. 2002. RIVM rapport 199101007.

4. PCJI Schielen, LH Elvers en JG Loeber. Down syndroom risicoschatting in het eerste trimester door bepaling van PAPP-A en vrij ß-hCG in serum. RIVM rapport 199101008/2003

5. M. Hoogendoorn, H.H. Hamberg-van Reenen, M.L.L. van Genugten, G.A. de Wit, P.C.J.I. Schielen. Vergelijking van kosten en effecten van prenatale screeningsmethoden voor Down syndroom en neuraalbuisdefecten. RIVM rapport 230041001/2004.

6. P.C.J.I. Schielen, L.H. Elvers, J.G. Loeber. Risicoschatting voor Down syndroom en neuraalbuisdefecten door analyse van triple test parameters in maternaal serum 1999-2002. RIVM rapport 230041002/2004.

7. PCJI Schielen, Leeuwen M van, Elvers LH, Loeber JG. Down syndroom kansbepaling met de eerste trimester combinatietest 2002-2004.  RIVM rapport 230024001

8. PCJI Schielen, Koster MPH, Elvers LH, Loeber JG. Downsyndroom-kansbepaling met de eerstetrimester-combinatietest 2004-2006 (deels 2007).  RIVM rapport 230024002

9. PCJI Schielen, Koster MPH, Elvers LH, Loeber JG. Downsyndroom-kansbepaling met de eerstetrimestercombinatietest 2006-2008.  RIVM rapport 230083001

10. Schielen PCJI. Kwaliteitsindicatoren van de Nederlandse downsyndroom screening laboratoria 2009 (deels 2007-2008). RIVM Rapport 230083002

11. Schielen PCJI Quality control parameters of Dutch Down's syndrome screening laboratories 2010. RIVM Rapport 230083003

12. Siljee, JE, Schielen PCJI  (on behalf of the Dutch downsyndrome screeninglaboratories).  2014. Quality control parameters of Dutch Down’s syndrome screening laboratories 2011. National Institute of Public Health and the environment. Report no. 120009001

13. Elvers, ….Schielen. Jaarrapport neonatale screening 2011. RIVM rapport nr.


Publicaties in de peer-reviewed wetenschappelijke literatuur


1. Faas BH, Odibo AO, Cirigliano V, Schielen P, Pergament D, Devers P, Oepkes D, Benn P. 2013. Summary of the ISPD Preconference Day, June 3, 2012, Miami Beach. Prenat Diagn 33(1):1-5.

2. Determinants affecting pregnant women's utilization of prenatal screening for Down syndrome: a review of the literature. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 26(17):1676-81

3. Kuc S, Koster MP, Franx A, Schielen PC, Visser GH. 2014. Maternal characteristics, mean arterial pressure and serum markers in early prediction of preeclampsia. PLoS Plos One (Plos One) One. 2013 May 22;8(5):e63546.

4. Siljee JE, Wortelboer EJ, Koster MP, Imholz S, Rodenburg W, Visser GH, de Vries A, Schielen PC, Pennings JL. 2013. Identification of interleukin-1 beta, but no other inflammatory proteins, as an early onset pre-eclampsia biomarker in first trimester serum by bead-based multiplexed immunoassays. Prenat Diagn. 2013 Dec;33(12):1183-8.

5. Benn P, Borrell A, Chiu R, Cuckle H, Dugoff L, Faas B, Gross S, Johnson J, Maymon R, Norton M, Odibo A, Schielen P, Spencer K, Huang T, Wright D, Yaron Y. 2013. Response to "On gestational weeks and maths". Prenat Diagn. 2013 Dec;33(12):1218-9.

6. Lichtenbelt KD, Schuring-Blom GH, van der Burg N, Page-Christiaens GC, Knoers NV, Schielen PC, Koster MP. 2013. Factors determining uptake of invasive testing following first-trimester combined testing. Prenat Diagn. 33(4):328-33.

7. Siljee JE, Knegt AC alimentair consulent (alimentair consulent ), Knapen MF, Bekker MN, Visser GH, Schielen PC. 2014. Positive predictive values for detection of trisomies 21, 18 and 13 and termination of pregnancy rates after referral for advanced maternal age, first trimester combined test or ultrasound abnormalities in a national screening programme (2007-2009). Prenat Diagn. 2014 Mar;34(3):259-64

8. Kuc S, Koster MP, Pennings JL, Hankemeier T, Berger R, Harms AC, Dane AD, Schielen PC, Visser GH, Vreeken RJ. 2014. Metabolomics profiling for identification of novel potential markers in early prediction of preeclampsia. PLoS One 29;9(5):e98540.

9. Pennings JL, Siljee JE, Imholz S, Kuc S, de Vries A, Schielen PC, Rodenburg W. 2014.  Comparison of different blood collection, sample matrix, and immunoassay methods in a prenatal screening setting. Dis Markers. Epub. 509821.

10. Crombag NM, Vellinga YE, Kluijfhout SA, Bryant LD, Ward PA, Iedema-Kuiper R, Schielen PC, Bensing JM Joint meeting (Joint meeting), Visser GH, Tabor A, Hirst J. 2014. Explaining variation in Down's syndrome screening uptake: comparing the Netherlands with England and Denmark using documentary analysis and expert stakeholder interviews.BMC Health Serv Res. 2014 Sep 25;14:437.

11. Peter Benn, Antoni Borrell, Howard Cuckle, Lorraine Dugoff, Susan Gross, Jo-Ann Johnson, Ron Maymon, Anthony Odibo, Peter Schielen, Kevin Spencer, Dave Wright and Yuval Yaron. Prenatal Detection of Down Syndrome using Massively Parallel Sequencing (MPS): a rapid response position statement from a committee on behalf of the Board of the International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis, 24 October 2011. Prenat Diagn. 2012 Jan;32(1):1-2

12. Reusken C, van den Wijngaard C, van Beek P, Beer M, Bouwstra R, Godeke GJ, Isken L, van den Kerkhof H, van Pelt W, van der Poel W, Reimerink J, Schielen P, Schmidt-Chanasit J, Vellema P, de Vries A, Wouters I, Koopmans M. 2012. Lack of evidence for zoonotic transmission of Schmallenberg virus. Emerg Infect Dis. 2012 Nov;18(11):1746-54

13. Benn P, Borrell A, Crossley J, Cuckle H, Dugoff L, Gross S, Johnson JA, Maymon R, Odibo A, Schielen P, Spencer K, Wright D, Yaron Y.Aneuploidy screening: a position statement from a committee on behalf of the Board of the International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis, January 2011. Prenat Diagn. Jun;31(6):519-22

14. Franx, S. Kuc, E. J. Wortelboer, B.B. van Rijn, P.C.J.I. Schielen.  Predictie van pre-eclampsie en interventie: biochemie en vroege Doppler. Bijdrage Proceedings 18e Doelencongres Infertiliteit, Gynaecologie en Obstetrie Rotterdam, de Doelen. 6, 7 en 8 april 2011 E.J.

15. Wortelboer, M.P.H. Koster, S. Kuc, Ph. Stoutenbeek, P.C.J.I. Schielen, G.H.A. Visser. Screening naar meer dan alleen Down Syndroom. Slager congres 2011.

16. Pennings JL, Rodenburg W, Imholz S, Koster MP, van Oostrom CT, Breit TM, Schielen PC, de Vries A. 2011. Gene expression profiling in a mouse model identifies fetal liver- and placenta-derived potential biomarkers for Down Syndrome screening. PLoS One. 2011 Apr 14;6(4):e1886

17. Bouva MJ, Sollaino C, Perseu L, Galanello R, Giordano PC, Harteveld CL, Cnossen MH, Schielen PC, Elvers LH, Peters M. 2011. Relationship between neonatal screening results by HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography (High Performance Liquid Chromatography ) and the number of α-thalassaemia gene mutations; consequences for the cut-off value. J Med Screen. 18(4):182-6.

18. Rodenburg W, Reimerink JH, Imholz S, Godeke GJ, Pennings JL, Schielen PC, Koster MP, de Vries A. Quantitative performance of antibody array technology in a prenatal screening setting. 2011; Clin Chem Lab 50(2):325-32

19. Pennings JL, Kuc S, Rodenburg W, Koster MP, Schielen PC, de Vries A. 2011. Integrative data mining to identify novel candidate serum biomarkers for pre-eclampsia screening. Prenat Diagn. 31(12):1153-9.

20. Kuc S, Wortelboer EJ, van Rijn BB, Franx A, Visser GH, Schielen PC. 2011. Evaluation of 7 serum biomarkers and uterine artery Doppler ultrasound for first-trimester prediction of preeclampsia: a systematic review. Obstet Gynecol Surv. 66(4):225-39.

21. Lichtenbelt KD, Alizadeh BZ, Scheffer PG, Stoutenbeek P, Schielen PC, Page-Christiaens LC Liquid chromatography (Liquid chromatography), Schuring-Blom GH. 2011. Trends in the utilization of invasive prenatal diagnosis in The Netherlands during 2000-2009. Prenat Diagn. 31(8):765-72

22. Wortelboer EJ, Koster MP, Kuc S, Eijkemans MJ, Bilardo CM, Schielen PC, Visser GH. Longitudinal trends in fetoplacental biochemical markers, uterine artery pulsatility index and maternal blood pressure during the first trimester of pregnancy. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2011 Oct;38(4):383-8

23. Van Ravenswaaij R, Tesselaar-van der Goot M, de Wolf S, van Leeuwen-Spruijt M, Visser GH, Schielen PC. 2011. First-trimester serum PAPP-A and fβ-hCG concentrations and other maternal characteristics to establish logistic regression-based predictive rules for adverse pregnancy outcome. Prenat Diagn 31(1), 50-7

24. Koster MP, Wortelboer EJ, Stoutenbeek P, Visser GH, Schielen PC. 2011. Modeling Down syndrome screening performance using first-trimester serum markers.U ltrasound Obstet Gynecol. 38(2):134-9.

25. Kuc S, Wortelboer EJ, Koster MP, de Valk HW, Schielen PC, Visser GH. 2011Prediction of macrosomia at birth in type-1 and 2 diabetic pregnancies with biomarkers of early placentation. BJOG. 118(6):748-54

26. Koster MP, Pennings JL, Imholz S, Rodenburg W, Visser GH, de Vries A, Schielen PC. 2010. Proteomics and Down syndrome screening: a validation study. . Prenat Diagn 30(11):1039-43

27. Wortelboer E J; Koster M P H; Cuckle H S; Stoutenbeek P H; Schielen P C J I; Visser G H A. First-trimester placental protein 13 and placental growth factor: markers for identification of women destined to develop early-onset pre-eclampsia. BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology 2010;117(11):1384-9.

28. Kuc S; Koster M P H; Visser G H A; Schielen P C J I. Performance of first-trimester serum screening for trisomy 21 before and from 11 + 0 weeks of gestational age in The Netherlands. Prenatal diagnosis 2010;30(9):906-8.

29. Koster M P H Wendy; Heetkamp Kirsten M; Pennings Jeroen L A; de Vries Annemieke; Visser Gerard H A; Schielen Peter C J I. Down syndrome screening: imagining the screening test of the future. Expert review of molecular diagnostics 2010;10(4):445-57.

30. Koster M P H; Wortelboer E J; Stoutenbeek Ph; Visser G H A; Schielen P C J I. Distributions of current and new first-trimester Down syndrome screening markers in twin pregnancies. Prenatal diagnosis 2010;30(5):413-7.

31. Koster M P H; Wortelboer E J; Cuckle H S; Stoutenbeek Ph; Visser G H A; Schielen P C J I. Placental protein 13 as a first trimester screening marker for aneuploidy. Prenatal diagnosis 2009;29(13):1237-41.

32. Wortelboer E J; Linskens I H; Koster M P H; Stoutenbeek P; Cuckle H; Blankenstein M A; Visser G H A; van Vugt J M G; Schielen P C J I. ADAM12s as a first-trimester screening marker of trisomy. Prenatal diagnosis 2009;29(9):866-9.

33. Koster M P H; Wortelboer E J; Stoutenbeek Ph; Visser G H A; Schielen P C J I. Distributions of current and new first-trimester Down syndrome screening markers in twin pregnancies. Prenatal diagnosis 2010;30(5):413-7.

34. Koster M P H; Stoutenbeek P; Visser G H A; Schielen P C J I. Trisomy 18 and 13 screening: consequences for the Dutch Down syndrome screening programme. Prenatal diagnosis 2010;30(3):287-9.

35. Koster MP, Pennings JL, Imholz S, Rodenburg W, Visser GH, de Vries A, Schielen PC. Bead-based multiplexed immunoassays to identify new biomarkers in maternal serum to improve first trimester Down syndrome screening. Prenat Diagn. 2009 Sep;29(9):857-62.

36. Wortelboer EJ, Linskens IH, Koster MP, Stoutenbeek P, Cuckle H, Blankenstein MA, Visser GH, van Vugt JM, Schielen PC. ADAM12s as a first-trimester screening marker of trisomy. Prenat Diagn. 2009 Sep;29(9):866-9.

37. Koster MP, Wortelboer EJ, Engels MA, Stoutenbeek PH, Elvers LH, Visser GH, Schielen P. Quality of nuchal translucency measurements in The Netherlands: a quantitative analysis. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2009 Aug;34(2):136-41.

38. Koster MP, Wortelboer EJ, Cuckle HS, Stoutenbeek P, Visser GH, Schielen PC. Placental protein 13 as a first trimester screening marker for aneuploidy. Prenat Diagn. 2009 Dec;29(13):1237-41.

39. Pennings JL, Koster MP, Rodenburg W, Schielen PC, de Vries A. Discovery of novel serum biomarkers for prenatal Down syndrome screening by integrative data mining. PLoS One. 2009 Nov 24;4(11):e8010.

40. Schielen PC, Wildschut HI, Loeber JG. Down syndrome screening: determining the cutoff level of risk for invasive testing. Prenat Diagn. 2009 Feb;29(2):190-2

41. Linskens IH, Levitus M, Frans A, Schielen PC, van Vugt JM, Blankenstein MA, Dijstelbloem HM. Performance of free beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin (free beta-hCG) and pregnancy associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) analysis between Delfia Xpress and AutoDelfia systems in The Netherlands. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2009;47(2):222-6

42. Wortelboer EJ, Koster MP, Stoutenbeek P, Elvers LH, Loeber JG, Visser GH, Schielen PC. First-trimester Down syndrome screening performance in the Dutch population; how to achieve further improvement? Prenat Diagn. 2009

43. Koster MP, Van Leeuwen-Spruijt M, Wortelboer EJ, Stoutenbeek P, Elvers LH, Loeber JG, Visser GH, Schielen PC. Lack of standardization in determining gestational age for prenatal screening. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2008 Oct;32(5):607-11

44. Wortelboer EJ, Koster MP, Stoutenbeek P, Loeber JG, Visser GH, Schielen PC. Fifteen years of triple tests in The Netherlands; the life cycle of a screening test. Prenat Diagn. 2008 Oct;28(10):950-5.

45. Schielen, P, Van Veldhuizen, H, Loeber, G. A new screening organization for Down’s syndrome and other congenital abnormalities in the Netherlands. 2007. DSNews 14 (2): 27-28.

46. K. Flipsen-ten Berg, A.C.C. van Oppen, J.M.L. Wentges-van Holthe, P.C.J.I. Schielen, D.A.J.E. Lambrechts, R.J. Galjaard, D. Lindhout. Neural tube defects associated with prenatal exposure to antiepileptic drugs (2007). Reproductive Toxicology 24: 60-61

47. Ducellier P, Muller F, Guibourdenche J, Weinans M, Schielen P, Wyatt P, Meier C, Sancken U. Hyperglycosylated hCG (ITA) in Down syndrome screening: an international multicenter study. Abstract book-7 th IDSSG Congress. Amsterdam, 2006.

48. Schielen P, Van Leeuwen M. NT as a parameter for risk estimation. 2006. DSNews 13(1): 45

49. Hoogendoorn, M., Evers, S.M.A.A., Schielen, P.C.J.I., Van Genugten, M.L.L., De Wit, G.A., Ament, A.J.H.A. Costs and effects of prenatal screening methods for down’s syndrome and neural tube defects. Int. J. Technol. Health Care. Community Genet 2008; 11:359-367

50. Schielen, P.C.J.I., M. Spruijt, I. Belmouden, L.H. Elvers, M. Jonker and J.G. Loeber. Multicentre first trimester screening for down syndrome in the netherlands: strengths and weaknesses. Prenat Diagn. 2006 Aug;26(8):711-8.

51. Van Heesch PNACM, Schielen PCJI, Wildhagen MF, den Hollander K, Steegers EAP, Wildschut HIJ Combined first trimester screening for trisomy 21:Lack of agreement between risk calculation methods. J. Perinatal Medicine. J Perinat Med. 2006;34(2):162-5

52. Schielen PCJI, Elvers LH, Loeber JG. Towards a national programme for Down syndrome and neural tube defect screening in The Netherlands. In: Gynaecology, Obstetrics, and Reproductive Medicine in Daily Practice Proceedings of the 15th Congress of Gynaecology, Elsevier, May 2005. pp 213-220.

53. Schielen, P.C.J.I., J.G. Loeber (2004). Experience with first trimester screening for down’s syndrome in the Netherlands. DSNEWS 11(2), 44.

54. Schielen, P.C.J.I., J.G. Loeber (2003). A Dutch programme and current developments. DSNEWS 10(2), 26.

55. Schielen, P.C.J.I. (2004). Serumscreening in het eerste en tweede trimester van de zwangerschap- -Cursusboek Boerhaave cursus Preconceptieadvies en Prenatale screening.

56. Schielen, PCJI., Van Lith., J.M.M., Loeber, J.G. Uniforme screening. Testen op Down syndroom niet gebaat bij vrij ondernemerschap. Medisch Contact 2004: 39, 1516-1518

57. Schielen, P.C.J.I., J.G. Loeber. Organisatie van een landelijk screeningsprogramma voor Down syndroom en neuraalbuisdefecten-. Nederlands tijdschrift Klinische Chemie-Labgeneeskunde 2004 vol 29(4), 188-191

58. Schielen, P. Comparative Study on Down screening policies wrongfully discredits risk screening tests. (2002). British Medical Journal-rapid response. 15#24044

59. Schielen, P. Quality Assurance in Down Syndrome and Neural Tube Defect risk estimation based on maternal serum analysis (DPC-proceedings; mei 2002).



60. Den Besten C., Bennik M.H.J., Bruggeman I., Schielen P., Kuper F., Brouwer A., Koeman J.H., Vos J.G., Van Bladeren P.J. (1993). The role of oxidative metabolism in hexachlorobenzene-induced porphyria and thyroid homeostasis: A comparison with pentachlorobenzene in a 13-week feeding study. Toxicol Appl. Pharmacol. 119, 181-19

61. Schielen P., Schoo W., Tekstra J., Oostermeijer H.H.A., Seinen. W., Bloksma N. (1993) Autoimmune effects of hexachlorobenzene in the rat. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 122, 233-243.

62. Schielen P., Den Besten C., Vos J.G., Van Bladeren P.J., Seinen W., Bloksma N. (1995). Immune effects of hexachlorobenzene in the rat : role of metabolism in a 13-week feeding study. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 131, 37-43

63. Schielen P., Van Rodijnen W., Tekstra J., Albers R., Seinen W. (1995). Quantification of natural antibody producing B cells in rats by an improved ELISPOT technique using the polyvinylidene difluoride membrane as the solid support.  J. Immunol. Meth. 188, 33-41

64. Schielen P., Van der Pijl A., Bleumink R., Pieters R.H.H.,  Seinen W. (1996). Local popliteal lymph node reactions to hexachlorobenzene and pentachlorobenzene: comparison with systemic effects. Immunopharmacology 31, 171-181

65. Schielen P. Autoimmune effects of Hexachlorobenzene in the rat (1995). Thesis University of Utrecht, The Netherlands

66. Vos J.G. Bloksma N. De Heer C., De Swart R.L., Ross P.S., Schielen P., Van Loveren H. (1995). Immunotoxicity of antropogenic trace materials in the environment Proceedings: 5 statuskolloqium des projektes Umwelt und gesundheit (PUG) des Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, 15-16 maart 1995. pp 1-12 Umweltministerium Karlsruhe/Baden Württemberg

67. Schielen P. Is Star Trek over the hill? [letter-to-the-editor] (2000). Clinical Toxicology 38(3), 357-358



68. Oosterlaken T.A.M.., Harmsen M, Tagerman C, Schielen P, Kraaijeveld C.A., Snippe H..

69. (1988) . A neutralization-inhibition enzyme immuno-assay for antiidiotypic antibodies that block monoclonal antibodies neutralizing semliki forest virus J.Immunol. Meth. 115, 255-261

70. Oosterlaken TAM. Brandeburg A, Schielen P, Fransen R, Kraaijeveld C.A., Snippe H, (1991). Efficient induction of semliki forest virus and mumps virus neutralizing anti-anti-idiotypic antibodies using Quil A as adjuvant. J.Immunol. Meth. 136, 169-175