Publicaties van Willie Peijnenburg, wetenschappelijk onderzoeker/projectleider bij het Centrum Veiligheid Stoffen en Producten van het RIVM.
Peer reviewed publications
W. Peijnenburg, G. Dormans, G. Bezemer and H. Buck. The conformational controlled stereo and regio selective synthesis of cyclopropane derivatives of 8 hydroxy germacrene B. Tetrahedron, 40: 4959 4962, 1984.
G. Dormans, W. Peijnenburg and H. Buck. A non Woodward and Hoffmann reaction path for photochemical sigmatropic rearrangements. J. Molec. Struct. (Theochem), 119: 367 378, 1985.
W. Peijnenburg and H. Buck. The effects of substituents and solvent polarity on photochemical [1,3] sigmatropic shifts. Experimental evidence in favour of the occurrence of sudden polarization in acyclic alkenes. Tetrahedron, 44: 4927 4940, 1988.
W. Peijnenburg. An experimental and quantumchemical study on the mechanism and stereochemistry of photochemical [1,3] sigmatropic shifts. Thesis Eindhoven University of Technology, June 1988.
W. Peijnenburg. The use of quantitative structure activity relationships for predicting rates of environmental hydrolysis processes. Pure Appl. Chem., 63: 1667-1676, 1991.
W. Peijnenburg, M. 't Hart, H. den Hollander, D. van de Meent, H. Verboom and N. Wolfe. Reductive transformations of halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons in anaerobic water-sediment systems: kinetics, mechanisms and products. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 11: 289-300, 1992.
W. Peijnenburg, M. 't Hart, H. den Hollander, D. van de Meent, H. Verboom and N. Wolfe. QSARs for predicting reductive transformation rate constants of halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons in anoxic sediment systems. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 11: 301-314, 1992.
W. Peijnenburg, K. de Beer, M. de Haan, H. den Hollander, M. Stegeman and H. Verboom. The development of a structure-reactivity relationship for the photohydrolysis of substituted aromatic halides. Environ. Sci. Technol., 26: 2116-2121, 1992.
T. Vermeire, A. v. Iersel, F. de Leeuw, W. Peijnenburg, P. van de Poel, R. Taalman and C. Toet. Initial assessment of the hazards and risks of new chemicals to man and the environment. Sci. Total Environ., supplement 1993, 1597-1615, 1993.
W. Peijnenburg, K. de Beer, H. den Hollander, M. Stegeman and H. Verboom. Kinetics, products, mechanisms and QSARs for the hydrolytic transformation of aromatic nitriles in anaerobic sediment slurries. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 12: 1149-1161, 1993.
W. Peijnenburg. Structure-activity relationships for biodegradation, a critical review. Pure Appl. Chem., 66: 1931-1941, 1994.
E. Rorije, M. van Wezel and W. Peijnenburg. On the use of backpropagation neural networks in modeling environmental degradation. SAR QSAR (Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships) Environ. Res., 4: 219-235, 1995.
J. Hermens, S. Balaz, J. Damborský, W. Karcher, M. Müller, W. Peijnenburg, A. Sabljic and M. Sjöström. Assessment of QSARs for predicting fate and effects of chemicals in the environment – an international project. SAR QSAR Environ. Res., 3: 223-236, 1995.
E. Rorije, H. Langenberg, J. Richter and W. Peijnenburg. Modeling Reductive Dehalogenation with Quantum Chemically Derived Descriptors. SAR QSAR Environ. Res., 4: 237-252, 1995.
H. Langenberg, E. Rorije and W. Peijnenburg. On the reliability and usefulness of existing QSBR's for risk assessment and priority setting. SAR QSAR Environ. Res., 5: 1-16, 1996.
E. Rorije and W. Peijnenburg. QSARs for oxidation of phenols in the aqueous environment, suitable for risk assessment. J. Chemometrics, 10: 79-93, 1996.
L. Eriksson, H. Verboom and W. Peijnenburg. Multivariate QSAR modelling of the rate of reductive dehalogenation of haloalkanes. J. Chemometrics, 10: 483-492, 1996.
S.Z. Lee, H.E. Allen, C.P. Huang, D.L. Sparks, P.F. Sanders and W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Predicting soil-water partitioning coefficients for cadmium. Environ. Sci. Technol., 30: 3418-3424, 1996.
J. Struijs, D. van de Meent, W. Peijnenburg, M. van den Hoop and T. Crommentuijn. Added risk approach to derive maximum permissible concentrations for heavy metals. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety, 37: 112-118, 1997.
W. Peijnenburg, L. Posthuma, H. Eijsackers and H. Allen. A conceptual framework for implementation of bioavailability of metals for environmental management purposes. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety, 37: 163-172, 1997.
R. Janssen, W. Peijnenburg and M. van den Hoop. Equilibrium partitioning of heavy metals in Dutch soils. I. Relationships between metal partition coefficients and soil characteristics. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 16: 2470-2478, 1997.
R. Janssen, L. Posthuma, R. Baerselman, H. den Hollander, R. van Veen and W. Peijnenburg. Equilibrium partitioning of heavy metals in Dutch soils. II. Prediction of metal accumulation in earthworms. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 16: 2479-2488, 1997.
W. Peijnenburg, L. Eriksson, A. de Groot, M. Sjöström and H. Verboom. The kinetics of reductive dehalogenation of a set of halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons in anaerobic sediment slurries. Environ. Science Poll. Research, 5: 12-16, 1998.
E. Rorije, W. Peijnenburg and G. Klopman. Structural requirements for anaerobic biodegradation of organic chemicals: a fragment model analysis. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 17: 1943-1950, 1998.
J. Chen, W. Peijnenburg and L. Wang. Using PM3 Hamiltonian, factor analysis and regression analysis in developing quantitative structure-property relationships for the photohydrolysis of substituted aromatic halides. Chemosphere, 36: 2833-2853, 1998.
J. Chen, W. Peijnenburg, X. Quan, Y. Zhao, D. Xue and F. Yang. The application of quantum chemical and statistical techniques in developing quantitative structure-property relationships for the photohydrolysis quantum yields of substituted aromatic halides. Chemosphere, 37: 1169-1186, 1998.
H. Loonen, F. Lindgren, B. Hansen, W. Karcher, J. Niemela, K. Hiromatsu, M. Takatsuki, W. Peijnenburg, E. Rorije and J. Struijs. Prediction of biodegradability from chemical structure: modeling of ready biodegradation test data. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 18: 1763-1768, 1999.
E. Rorije, H. Loonen, M. Müller, G. Klopman and W. Peijnenburg. Evaluation and application of models for the prediction of ready biodegradability in the MITI-I test. Chemosphere, 38: 1409-1417, 1999.
W. Peijnenburg, L. Posthuma, P. Zweers, R. Baerselman, A. de Groot, R. Van Veen and D. Jager. Prediction of metal bioavailability in Dutch field soils for the oligochaete Enchytraeus crypticus. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf., 40: 170-186, 1999.
W. Peijnenburg, L. Posthuma, P. Zweers, R. Baerselman, A. de Groot, R. Van Veen and D. Jager. Relating environmental availability to bioavailability: soil-type dependent metal accumulation in the oligochaete Eisenia andrei. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf., 44: 294-310, 1999.
L. Klasinc, W. Peijnenburg, A. Sabljić and J. Slanina (volume editors). Degradation processes in the Environment. Chemosphere, 38: 1189-1468, 1999.
S. Wiegman, P. Van Vlaardingen, S. van Beusekom, W. Peijnenburg, M. Kraak and W. Admiraal. Photokinetics of azaarenes and toxicity of phototransformation products to the marine diatom Phaedactylum tricornutum. Environ. Sci. Technol., 33: 4256-4262, 1999.
J. Chen, W. Peijnenburg, X. Quan and F. Yang. Quantitative structure-property relationships for direct photolysis quantum yields of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Science Total Environ., 246: 11-20, 2000.
J. Chen, W. Peijnenburg, X. Quan, S. Chen, Y. Zhao and F. Yang. The use of PLS algorithms and quantum chemical parameters derived from PM3 hamiltonian in QSPR studies on direct photolysis quantum yields of substituted aromatic halides. Chemosphere, 40: 1319-1326, 2000.
W. Peijnenburg, R. Baerselman, A. de Groot, T. Jager, D. Leenders, L. Posthuma, and R. Van Veen. Quantification of metal bioavailability for Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L) in field soils. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 39: 420-430, 2000.
A. Sabljić, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Modeling lifetime and degradability of organic compounds in air, soil, and water systems. Pure Appl. Chem., 73: 1331-1348, 2001.
J. Chen, X. Quan, Y. Yan , F. Yang and W. Peijnenburg. Quantitative structure-property relationship studies on direct photolysis of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric aerosol. Chemosphere, 42: 263-270, 2001.
J. Chen, X. Quan, F. Yang and W. Peijnenburg. Quantitative structure-property relationships on photodegradation of PCDD/Fs in cuticular waxes of laurel cherry (Prunus Laurocerasus). Science Total Environ., 269: 163-170, 2001.
J. Chen, W. Peijnenburg, X. Quan, S. Chen, D. Martens, K.-W. Schramm and A. Kettrup. Is it possible to develop a QSPR model for direct photolysis half-lives of PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) under irradiation of sunlight? Environ. Poll., 114: 137-143, 2001.
J. Chen, X. Quan, W. Peijnenburg and F. Yang. Quantitative structure-property relationships (QSPRs) on direct photolysis quantum yields of PCDDs. Chemosphere, 43: 235-241, 2001.
H. Zhao, J. Chen, X. Quan, F. Yang and W. Peijnenburg. Quantitative structure-property relationship study on reductive dehalogenation of selected halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons in sediment slurries. Chemosphere, 44: 1557-1563, 2001.
M. Vijver, T. Jager, L. Posthuma and W. Peijnenburg. The impact of metal pools and soil properties on metal accumulation in Folsomia candida (Collembola). Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 20: 712-720, 2001.
J. Damborský, E. Rorije, A. Jesenká, Y. Nagata, G. Klopman and W. Peijnenburg. Structure-Specificity Relationships for Haloalkane Dehalogenases. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 20: 2681-2689, 2001.
Heikens, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg and A.J. Hendriks. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in terrestrial invertebrates. Environ. Poll., 113: 385-403, 2001.
J.K. Saxe, C.A. Impellitteri, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg and H.E. Allen. Novel model describing trace metal concentrations in the earthworm Eisenia andrei. Environ. Sci. Technol., 35: 4522-4529, 2001.
C.A. Impellitteri, Y. Lu, J.K. Saxe, H.E. Allen and W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Correlation of the partitioning of dissolved organic matter fractions with the desorption of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn from 18 Dutch soils. Environ. Int., 28, 401-410, 2002.
W. Peijnenburg, E. Sneller, D. Sijm, J. Lijzen, T. Traas and E. Verbruggen. Implementation of bioavailability in standard setting and risk assessment? J. Soils Sediments, 2, 169-173, 2002.
M. Vijver, T. Jager, L. Posthuma and W. Peijnenburg. Influences of soil characteristics on metal uptake from soils and mixtures of soils and sediments by the beetle larvae Tenebrio molitor (L.) (Col. Tenebrionidae). Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety, 54: 277-289, 2003.
P. van Beelen, E. Verbruggen and W. Peijnenburg. The evaluation of the equilibrium partitioning method using sensitivity distributions of species in water and soil. Chemosphere, 52: 1153-1162, 2003.
T. Jager, R. Baerselman, E. Dijkman, A. de Groot, E. Hogendoorn, A. de Jong, J. Kruitbosch, W. Peijnenburg. Availability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to earthworms (Eisenia andrei, oligochaeta) in field-polluted soils and soil-sediment mixtures. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 22: 767-775, 2003.
S. Baker, M. Herrschen, K. Hund-Rinke, W. Klein, W. Kördel, W. Peijnenburg and C. Rensing. Underlying issues including approaches and information needs in risk assessment. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety, 56: 6-19, 2003.
R. Fleuren, T. Jager, W. Roelofs, A. de Groot, R. Baerselman and W. Peijnenburg. Feeding behaviour of Eisenia andrei in two different field contaminated soils. Pedobiologia, 47: 670-675, 2003.
W. Peijnenburg and T. Jager. Monitoring approaches to assess bioaccessibility and bioavailability of metals: matrix issues. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety, 56: 63-77, 2003.
H. Egli, M. Dassenakis, H. Garelick, R. van Grieken, W Peijnenburg, L. Klasinc, W. Kördel, N. Priest and T. Tavares. Minimum requirements for reporting analytical data for environmental samples. Pure Appl. Chem., 75: 1097-1106, 2003.
W. Peijnenburg, E. Sneller, D. Sijm, J. Lijzen, T. Traas and E. Verbruggen. Implementation of bioavailability in standard setting and risk assessment. Suggestions based on a workshop with emphasis on metals. Environ. Sci., 11: 141-149, 2004.
W. Peijnenburg, E. Sneller, D. Sijm, J. Lijzen, T. Traas and E. Verbruggen. Implementation of bioavailability in standard setting and risk assessment. Suggestions based on a workshop with emphasis on metals. Arh. Hig Rada Toksikol., 55: 273-278, 2004.
M. Koster, L. Reijnders, N.R. van Oost and W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Comparison of the method of diffusive gels in thin films with conventional extraction techniques for evaluating zinc accumulation in plants and isopods. Environ. Poll. 133: 103-116, 2005.
M.G. Vijver, C.A.M. van Gestel, R.P. Lanno, N.M. van Straalen and W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Internal metal sequestration and its ecotoxicological relevance – a review. Environ. Sci. Technol., 38: 4705-4712, 2004.
W. Peijnenburg, A. de Groot, T. Jager and L. Posthuma. Short term ecological risks of depositing contaminated sediment on arable soil. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety, 60: 1-14, 2005.
A.D. Vethaak, J. Lahr, S.M. Schrap, A.C. Belfroid, G.B.J. Rijs, A. Gerritsen, J. de Boer, A.S. Bulder, G.C.M. Grinwis, R.V. Kuiper, J. Legler, T.A.J. Murk, W. Peijnenburg, H.J.M. Verhaar and P. de Voogt. An integrated assessment of estrogenic contamination and biological effects in the aquatic environment of The Netherlands. Chemosphere, 59: 511-524, 2005.
R. Bos, M. Huijbregts and W. Peijnenburg. Soil type-specific environmental quality standards for zinc in Dutch soil. Integr. Environ. Assessm. Managem., 1: 252-258, 2005.
A. Sabljić and W. Peijnenburg. Modeling lifetime and degradability of organic compounds in air, soil, and water systems. Angewandte Chemie, 117: 834-845, 2005.
N. Steenbergen, F. Iaccino, M. de Winkel, L. Reijnders and W. Peijnenburg. Development of a biotic ligand model and a regression model predicting acute copper toxicity to the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa. Environ. Sci. Technol., 39: 5694-5702, 2005.
R. Posthumus, T.P. Traas, W. Peijnenburg and E. Hulzebos. External validation of EPIWIN biodegradation models. SAR QSAR Environ. Res., 16: 135-148, 2005.
S. Yoshida, Y. Muramatsu and W. Peijnenburg. Multi-element analysis of earthworms for radioecology and ecotoxicology. Radioprotection, Suppl. 1, 40: S491-S495, 2005.
M.G. Vijver, C.A.M. van Gestel, N.M. van Straalen, R.P. Lanno and W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Biological significance of metals partitioned to subcellular fractions within earthworms (Aporrectodea caliginosa). Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 25, 807-814, 2006.
W. Peijnenburg and J. Struijs. Occurrence of phthalate esters in the environment of the Netherlands. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety, 63, 204-215, 2006.
P. van Vliet, W. Didden, S. van der Zee and W. Peijnenburg. Accumulation of heavy metals by enchytraeids and earthworms in a floodplain. Eur. J. Soil Biol., 42: 117-126, 2006.
M. Koster, A. de Groot, M. Vijver and W. Peijnenburg. Copper in the terrestrial environment: verification of a laboratory-derived terrestrial biotic ligand model to predict earthworm mortality with toxicity observed in field soils. Soil Biol. Biochem. 38, 1788-1796, 2006.
M.G. Vijver, M. Koster and W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Impact of pH on Cu accumulation kinetics in earthworm cytosol. Environ. Sci. Technol. 41, 2255-2260, 2007.
K. Veltman, M.A.J. Huijbregts, M.G. Vijver, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, P.H.F. Hobbelen, J.E. Koolhaas, C.A.M. van Gestel, P.C.J. van Vliet and A.J. Hendriks. Metal accumulation in the earthworm Lumbricus rubellus. Model predictions compared to field data. Env. Poll. 146, 428-436, 2007.
W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, M. Zablotskaja and M.G. Vijver. Monitoring metals in terrestrial environments within a bioavailability framework and a focus on soil extraction. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety. 67, 163-179, 2007.
W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg and M.G. Vijver. Metal Specific Interactions at the Interface of Chemistry and Biology. Pure Appl. Chem. 79, 2351-2366, 2007.
B.E. Arnold, M.E. Hodson, J. Charnock and W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Comparison of Subcellular Partitioning, Distribution, and Internal Speciation of Cu between Cu-Tolerant and Naïve Populations of Dendrodrilus rubidus Savigny. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42: 3900-3905, 2008.
F. Gimbert, M.G. Vijver, M. Coeurdassier, R. Scheifler, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, P.-M. Badot, A. de Vaufleury. How Subcellular Partitioning Can Help to Understand Heavy Metal Accumulation and Elimination Kinetics in Snails. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 27, 1284-1292, 2008.
M.G. Vijver, A. de Koning, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Uncertainty of water type specific hazardous copper concentrations derived with biotic ligand models. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 27, 2311-2319, 2008.
W. Kördel, W. Peijnenburg, C.L. Klein, G. Kuhnt, B.M. Bussian, B.M. Gawlik. The reference-matrix concept applied to chemical testing of soils. Trends Anal. Chem., 28, 51-63, 2009.
S.W.P. Wijnhoven, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, C.A. Herberts, W.I. Hagens, A.G. Oomen, E.H.W. Heugens, B. Roszek, J. Bisschops, I. Gosens, D. van de Meent, S. Dekkers, W. de Jong, M. van Zijverden, A.J.A.M. Sips, R.E. Geertsma. Nano-silver - a review of available data and knowledge gaps in human and environmental risk assessment. Nanotoxicology, 3, 109-138, 2009.
L.-Z. Li, D.M. Zhou, P.W. Wang, S.Y. Jin, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, A.J. Reinecke, C.A.M. van Gestel. Effect of cation competition on cadmium uptake from solution by the earthworm Eisenia fetida. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 28, 1732-1738, 2009.
L.-Z. Li, D.M. Zhou, P.W. Wang, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Kinetics of cadmium uptake and subcellular partitioning in the earthworm Eisenia fetida exposed to cadmium-contaminated soil. Archives Environ. Cont. Toxicol., 57, 718-724, 2009.
A. Katayama, R. Bhula, G.R. Burns, E. Carazo, A. Felsot, D. Hamilton, C. Harris, Y.-H. Kim, G. Kleter, W. Kördel, J. Linders, W. Peijnenburg, A. Sabljic, R.G. Stephenson, K.D. Racke, B. Rubin, K. Tanaka, J. Unsworth, R.D. Wauchope. Bioavailability of xenobiotics in the soil environment. Rev. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 203, 1-86, 2010.
M.L. Diamond, N.G. Gandhi, W.J. Adams, J. Atherton, S.P. Bhavsar, C. Bulle, P.G.C. Campbell, A. Dubreuil, A. Fairbrother, K. Farley, A. Green, J. Guinee, M.Z. Hauschild, M.A.J. Huijbregts, S. Humbert, K.S. Jensen, O. Jolliet, M. Margni, J.C. McGeer, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, R. Rosenbaum, D. van de Meent, M.G. Vijver. The Clearwater consensus: the estimation of metal hazard in fresh water. Int J Life Cycle Assess., 15, 143-147, 2010.
L.-Z. Li, D.-M. Zhou, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, P. Wang, C.A.M. van Gestel, S.-Y. Jin, Q.-Y. Wang. Uptake pathways and toxicity of Cd and Zn in the earthworm Eisenia fetida. Soil Biol. Biochem. 42, 1045-1050, 2010.
P. Wang, D.-M. Zhou, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, L.-Z. Li, N. Weng. Evaluating mechanisms for plant-ion (Ca2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, or Ni2+) interactions and their effectiveness on rhizotoxicity. Plant Soil, 334, 277-288, 2010.
M.G. Vijver, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, G.R. de Snoo. Toxicological mixture models are based on inadequate assumptions. Environ. Sci. Technol., 44: 4841–4842, 2010.
N. Gandhi, M.L. Diamond, D. van de Meent, M.A.J. Huijbregts, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, J. Guinee. New method for calculating comparative toxicity potential of cationic metals in freshwater: Application to copper, nickel, and zinc. Environ. Sci. Technol., 44: 5195-5201, 2010.
P. Wang, T.B. Kinraide, D., P.M. Kopittke, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Plasma Membrane Surface Potential: Dual Effects upon Ion Uptake and Toxicity. Plant Physiol., 155: 808-820, 2010.
N. Gandhi, M.A. Huijbregts, D. Meent, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, J. Guinée, M.L. Diamond. Implications of geographic variability on Comparative Toxicity Potentials of Cu, Ni and Zn in freshwaters of Canadian ecoregions. Chemosphere, 82: 268-277, 2011.
L.-Z. Li, D.-M. Zhou, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, C.A.M. van Gestel, S.-Y. Jin, Y.-J. Wang, P. Wang. Toxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticles in the earthworm Eisenia fetida and subcellular fractionation of Zn. Environ. Intern., 37, 1098-1044, 2011.
Z. Wang, J. Chen, Q. Sun, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. C60-DOM interactions and effects on C60 apparent solubility: a molecular mechanics and density functional theory study. Environ. Intern., 37, 1078-1082, 2011.
M.G. Vijver, E.G. Elliott, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, G.R. de Snoo. Response predictions for organisms water-exposed to metal mixtures: a meta-study. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 30: 1482-1487, 2011.
W. Peijnenburg. Guest editorial special issue “Environmental Fate and Effects of Nanoparticles”. Environ. Intern., 37, 1043, 2011.
D.-M. Zhou, L.-Z. Li, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, D.R. Ownby, A.J. Hendriks, P. Wang, D.-D. Li. A QICAR approach for quantifying binding constants for metal–ligand complexes. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety, 74, 1036-1042, 2011.
P. Wang, D.-M. Zhou, N. Weng, D. Wang, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Calcium and magnesium enhance arsenate rhizotoxicity and uptake in Triticum aestivum. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 30, 1641-1648, 2011.
P.S. Fedotov, W. Kördel, M. Miró, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, R. Wennrich, P.-M. Huang. Extraction and Fractionation Methods for Exposure Assessment of Trace Metals, Metalloids and Hazardous Organic Compounds in Terrestrial Environments. Rev. Environ. Sci. Technol., 42, 1117-1171, 2012.
W. Peijnenburg, E. Capri, C. Kula, M. Liess, R. Luttik, M. Montforts, K. Nienstedt, J. Römbke, J. Paulo Sousa, J. Jensen. Evaluation of exposure metrics for effect assessment of soil invertebrates. Crit. Rev. Environ. Sci. Technol., 42, 1862-1893, 2012.
D. Wang, L. Chu, M. Paradelo, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, Y. Wang, D.-M. Zhou. Transport behavior of humic acid-modified nano-hydroxyapatite in saturated packed column: Effects of Cu, ionic strength, and ionic composition. J. Colloid Interface Sci., 360, 398-407, 2011.
G. Ding, M. Wouterse, R. Baerselman, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Toxicity of poly- and perfluorinated compounds to lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and green algae (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata). Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 62, 49-55, 2012.
H. Qiu, M. Vijver, W. Peijnenburg. Mutual interactions of cadmium and zinc impact their toxicity to the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 30, 2084-2093, 2011.
P. Wang, P.M. Kopittke, K.A.C. De Schamphelaere, F.-J. Zhao, D.-M. Zhou, K. Lock, Y.-B. Ma, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, S.P. McGrath. Evaluation of an electrostatic toxicity model for predicting Ni2+ toxicity to barley root elongation in hydroponic cultures and in soils. New Phytologist, 192, 414-427, 2011.
N. Gandhi, M.L. Diamond, M.A.J. Huijbregts, J. Guinée, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, D. van de Meent. Implications of considering metal bioavailability in estimates of freshwater ecotoxicity: examination of two case studies. Int. J. Life Cycle Assess., 16, 774-787, 2011.
L. Song, M. Vijver, W. Peijnenburg, G. de Snoo. Smart nanotoxicity testing for biodiversity conservation. Environ. Sci. Technol., 45, 6229–6230, 2011.
D. Wang, M. Paradelo, S.A. Bradford, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, L. Chu, D. Zhou. Facilitated Transport of Cu with Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles in Saturated Sand: Effects of Solution Ionic Strength and Composition. Water Research. 45, 5905-5915, 2011.
T.T. Yen Le, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, A.J. Hendriks, M.G. Vijver. Predicting effects of cations on copper toxicity to lettuce Lactuca sativa by the Biotic Ligand Model. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 31, 355-359, 2012.
D. Wang, S.A. Bradford, M. Paradeloc, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, D. Zhou. Facilitated Transport of Cu with Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles in Saturated Sand: Effects of pH, velocity and iron oxide grain coating. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 76, 375-388, 2012.
P. Wang, K.A.C. De Schamphelaere, P.M. Kopittke, D.-M. Zhou, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, K. Lock. Development of an electrostatic model predicting copper toxicity to plants. J. Experimental Bot. 63: 659-668, 2012.
L. Li, X. Liu, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, J. Zhao, X. Chen, J. Yu, H. Wu. Pathways of cadmium fluxes in the root of the halophyte Suaeda salsa. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf., 75, 1-7, 2012.
G.-H. Ding, T. Frömel, E.-J. van den Brandhof, R. Baerselman, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Acute toxicity of poly- and perfluorinated compounds to two cladocerans, Daphnia magna and Chydorus sphaericus. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 31, 605-610, 2012.
J. Quik, M. Cohen Stuart, M. Wouterse, W. Peijnenburg, A.J. Hendriks, D. van de Meent. Natural colloids are the dominant factor in the sedimentation of nanoparticles. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 31, 1019-1022, 2012.
F. Li, H. Wu, L. Li, X. Li, J. Zhao, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Docking and QSAR study on the binding interactions between polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and estrogen receptor. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety, 80, 273–279, 2012.
C.T. Moermond, M.P. Janssen, J.A. de Knecht, M.H. Montforts, W.J. Peijnenburg, P.G. Zweers, D.T. Sijm. PBT (Persistent, Bioaccumulerend en Toxisch) assessment using the revised annex XIII of REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals ): a comparison with other regulatory frameworks. Integr. Environ. Assess. Manag., 8, 359-371, 2012.
T.T. Yen Le, M.G. Vijver, A.J. Hendriks, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Modeling toxicity of binary metal mixtures (Cu2+–Ag+, Cu2+–Zn2+) to lettuce, Lactuca sativa, with the biotic ligand model. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 32, 137-143, 2013.
Z. Wang, J. Chen, X. Li, J. Shao, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Aquatic toxicity of nanosilver colloids to different trophic organisms: Contributions of particles and free silver ion. Environ. Toxic. Chem. 31, 2408-2413, 2012.
P. Wang, T.B. Kinraide, E. Smolders, D.-M. Zhou, N.W. Menzies, S. Thakali, W.-W. Xia, X.-Z. Hao, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, P.M. Kopittke. An electrostatic model predicting Cu and Ni toxicity to microbial processes in soils. Soil Biol. Biochem. 57, 720-730, 2013.
S. Cucurachi, W.L.M. Tamis, M.G. Vijver, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, J.F.B. Bolte, G.R. de Snoo. A review of the ecological effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF (Electromagnetic Fields)). Environ. Int., 51, 116-140, 2013.
M. Vijver, J. Bolte, T. Evans, W. Tamis, W. Peijnenburg, C. Musters, G. De Snoo. Investigating short-term exposure to electromagnetic fields on reproductive capacity of invertebrates in the field situation. Electromagn. Biol. Med. Accepted for publication, 2013.
E. Brand, J. Lijzen, W. Peijnenburg , F. Swartjes. Possibilities of implementation of bioavailability methods for organic contaminants in the Dutch Soil Quality Assessment Framework. J. Hazard. Mat., DOI:, 2013.
W. Kördel, H. Garelick, B.M. Gawlik, N.G. Kandile, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, H. Rüdel. Substance-related environmental monitoring strategies regarding soil, groundwater, and surface water - an overview. Environ. Sci. Poll. Res. Accepted for publication, 2013.
T.T. Yen Le, M.G. Vijver, T.B. Kinraide, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, A.J. Hendriks. Modelling metal-metal interactions and metal toxicity of mixtures of Cu2+, Zn2+, and Ag+ to lettuce Lactuca sativa. Environ. Poll. Accepted for publication, 2013.
G. Ding, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg Physicochemical Properties and Aquatic Toxicity of Poly- and Perfluorinated Compounds. Crit. Rev. Environ. Sci. Techn., 43, DOI: 10.1080/10643389.2011.627016, 2013.
Books/book chapters
W. Peijnenburg, M. 't Hart, H. den Hollander, D. van de Meent, H. Verboom and N. Wolfe. QSARs for predicting biotic and abiotic transformation rate constants of halogenated hydrocarbons in anoxic sediment systems. Sci. Total Environ., 109/110: 283-300, 1991. Also published in: QSAR in Environmental Toxicology. J. Hermens and A. Opperhuizen (Eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 283-300, 1991.
W. Peijnenburg. Some experiences in the Netherlands regarding the presence of xenobiotics in drinking water sources. In: A.J. Dobbs, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, T.R. Roberts and M. Waldman (Eds.). Pesticides in surface water, mechanisms of transport and control. Proceedings of the IUPAC workshop, August, Hamburg, 1991. 89-93, 1992.
M. van de Berg, D. van de Meent, W. Peijnenburg, D. Sijm and W. Tas. Transport, accumulation and transformation processes. In: C. van Leeuwen and J. Hermens (Eds.). Risk assessment of chemicals. Kluwer, Dordrecht. 37-102, 1995.
W. Peijnenburg and J. Damborský (Eds.). Biodegradability Prediction. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1997.
L. Posthuma, J. Notenboom, A. de Groot and W. Peijnenburg. Soil acidity as a major determinant of zinc partitioning and zinc uptake in two oligochaete worms (Eisenia andrei and Enchytraeus crypticus) exposed in contaminated field soils. In: Sheppard S., Bembridge J., Holmstrup M., Posthuma L. (eds) Advances in earthworm ecotoxicology. SETAC Press, Pensacola, FL USA (United States of America), 111-127, 1998.
W. Peijnenburg, A. de Groot and R. van Veen. Experimental and theoretical study on equilibrium partitioning of heavy metals. In: I. Iskandar, M.B. Kirkham (Eds). Trace elements in soil. Bioavailability, flux and transfer. CRC (Chemical Review Committee) Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 91-126, 2001.
W. Peijnenburg. Mogelijke verklaringen voor de grote variatie in beschikbaarheid van metalen in landbodems. In: Jaarboek 2002. Sectie Milieuchemie. Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging. 's-Gravenhage: KNCV (Koninklijke Nederlandse Centrale Vereniging (voor tuberculosebestrijding) - Tuberculosis Foundation), 22-26, 2002.
W. Peijnenburg, D. Sijm, J. Lijzen, E. Sneller, T. Traas, and E. Verbruggen. Biobeschikbaarheid: hoe kun je dat gebruiken in normstelling en risicobeoordeling? In: Jaarboek 2002. Sectie Milieuchemie. Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging. 's-Gravenhage: KNCV, 12, 2002.
W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Bioavailability of metals to soil invertebrates. In: H.E. Allen (Ed). Bioavailability of metals in terrestrial ecosystems. SETAC Press, Pennsacola, Fl. 115-142, 2002.
W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Fate of contaminants in soils. In: P. Doelman, H. Eijsackers (Eds). Vital soil. Function, value and properties. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 245-280, 2004.
D. Sijm, M. Rikken, E. Rorije, T. Traas, M. McLachlan and W. Peijnenburg. Transport, accumulation and transformation processes. In: C. van Leeuwen and T. Vermeire (Eds.). Risk assessment of chemicals – 2nd edition. Spinger, Berlin. 73-158, 2007.
W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, M.G. Vijver, M. Koster. Impact of pH on Cu accumulation kinetics in earthworm cytosol. In: Y. Zhu, N. Lepp, R. Naidu (Eds.). Biogeochemistry of trace elements: environmental protection, remediation and human health. Tsighua University Press, Bei Jing (China), 645-647, 2007.
D. de Zwart, A. Warne, V.E. Forbes, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, D. van de Meent, D. Matrix and media extrapolation. In: K.R. Solomon, T.C.M. Brock, S.D. Dyer, L. Posthuma, S. Richards, H. Sanderson, P.K. Sibley, P.J. van den Brink, D. de Zwart, (Eds.). Extrapolation practice for ecological effect characterization of chemicals (EXPECT). SETAC Press, Pensacola, FL, 2008.
W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Phthalates. In: S.E. Jørgensen, B.D. Fath (Editors-in-Chief), Ecotoxicology. Vol. 4 of Encyclopedia of Ecology, 1st edition, Elsevier b.v., Oxford, 2733-2738, 2008.
W. Peijnenburg and H. Den Hollander. Short overview of the toxicity and (modelled) degradability of model substances of the 1st generation biofuels. In: S. Li, Y. Wang, F. Cao, P. Huang, Y. Zhang (Editors). Progress in Environmental Science and Technology (Volume II, part A), Science Press, Beijing, P.R. China. 227-230, 2009.
M.E. Hodson, M. Vijver and W. Peijnenburg. Bioavailability in soils. In: F. Swartjes (ed.). Dealing with Contaminated Sites. From Theory towards Practical Application. Springer Netherlands. 721-746, 2011.
R.M. Mann, M.G. Vijver, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Metals and Metalloids in Terrestrial Systems: Bioaccumulation,Biomagnification and Subsequent Adverse Effects. In: F. Sanchez-Bayo, P. van den Brink, R. Mann. Ecological Impacts of Toxic Chemicals (open Access). 43-62, 2011.
W. Peijnenburg, H. den Hollander, J. Verboom, D. van de Meent and N. Wolfe. The development of structure-activity relationships for the reduction of halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons in anaerobic water-sediment systems. RIVM report 718817002, 1989.
W. Peijnenburg. Evaluation system new substances: Assessment methodology for transformation rates. RIVM report no. 718708002, 1989.
W. Slooff, J. Janus, C. Koning, W. Peijnenburg and J. Ros. Exploratory report phthalates. RIVM report no. 710401001, 1990.
D. Jager, T. Vermeire, C. Visser (Eds.). C. Toet, A. de Nijs, P. van der Poel, J. Tuinstra, D. van de Meent, P. van der Zandt, W. Peijnenburg, H. Booij, H. Roelfzema, H. Emans, M. Beek and J. Linders. Uniform beoordelingssysteem stoffen (UBS); tweede prototype. RIVM Report no. 679120002, 1992.
T. Vermeire, E. Kroese, G. Meyer, G. Mohn, J. Notenboom, W. Peijnenburg, A. Piersma and C. Roghair. Initial assessment of the hazards and risks of new substances for man and the environment, part II. RIVM report no. 679102018, 1993.
E. Rorije, J. Richter and W. Peijnenburg. The use of quantum chemically derived descriptors for QSAR modeling of anaerobic dehalogenation of aromatic compounds. RIVM report no. 719101015, 1994.
W. Peijnenburg and W. Karcher. Proceedings of the workshop "Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships for biodegradation" [September 1994, Belgirate, Italy]. RIVM Report 719101021, 1995.
R. Janssen, P. Pretorius, W. Peijnenburg and M. van den Hoop. Determination of field-based partition coefficients for heavy metals in Dutch soils and the relationships of these coefficients with soil characteristics. RIVM report no. 719101023, 1996.
P. Pretorius, R. Janssen, W. Peijnenburg and M. van den Hoop. Chemical equilibrium modelling of metal partitioning in soils. RIVM report no. 719101024, 1996.
W. Peijnenburg, M. van de Hoop. D. van de Meent and J. Struijs. A conceptual basis for dealing with background concentrations and risk levels in deriving environmental quality objectives. RIVM report no. 719101018, 1996.
R. Janssen, F. Swartjes, M. van den Hoop and W. Peijnenburg. Evaluatie van het evenwichtspartitieconcept voor zware metalen in bodems en sedimenten. RIVM report no. 719101027, 1996.
E. Rorije E, M. Müller and W. Peijnenburg. Prediction of environmental degradation rates for High Production Volume Chemicals (HPVC (humaan papilloma virus campagne)) using Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships. RIVM report no. 719101030, 1997.
A. de Groot, W. Peijnenburg, M. van den Hoop, R. Ritsema and R.P.M. van Veen. Heavy metals in Dutch field soils: an experimental and theoretical study on equilibrium partitioning. RIVM report no. 607220001, 1998.
J. Otte, J. van Grinsven, W. Peijnenburg and A. Tiktak. Determination of field-based sorption isotherms for Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in Dutch soils. RIVM report no. 711401007, 1999.
L. Posthuma, A. de Groot, D. Jager, W. Peijnenburg, R. Baerselman, R.Ritsema, E. van der Velde and R. Franken. Beoordeling van de ecotoxicologische risico’s van de verspreiding van baggerspecie op land, RIVM-rapport 733007006, 1999.
W. Peijnenburg, H. den Hollander, R. Luttik, D. van de Meent and D. de Zwart. Ontwikkeling en toepassing van een Milieukwaliteitsindicator Bestrijdingsmiddelen. RIVM report no. 60788002, 2000.
M. van den Hoop, W. Peijnenburg, D. Sijm, G. van den Berg, L. van der Heijdt and J. Zwolsman. Acid Volatile Sulfide (AVS) als instrument bij de risicobeoordeling van waterbodems. RIVM report no. 607220003, 2000.
M. Rutgers, T. Aldenberg, R. Franken, D. Jager, J. Lijzen, W. Peijnenburg, A. Schouten, T. Traas, D. de Zwart and L. Posthuma. Ecologische risicobeoordeling van verontreinigde (water)bodem – voorstellen ter verbetering van de urgentiesystematiek. RIVM report no. 711701018, 2000.
W. Peijnenburg, R. Franken, A. de Groot, E. Hogendoorn, D. Jager, L. Posthuma and R. Ritsema. Ecotoxicologische risico's van de verspreiding van baggerspecie uit regionale wateren op land: Vervolgonderzoek naar de ecologische betekenis van normoverschrijding. RIVM report no. 733007007, 2001.
W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, D.T. Jager, L. Posthuma and D.T.H.M. Sijm. Huidige mogelijkheden en inzichten voor implementatie van metaalbiobeschikbaarheid in de risicobeoordeling van landbodems. RIVM report no. 607220004, 2001.
P. van Beelen, E. Verbruggen, W. Peijnenburg. The evaluation of the equilibrium partitioning method using sensitivity distributions of species in water and soil or sediment. RIVM report no. 607220005, 2002.
D. Sijm, J. Lijzen, W. Peijnenburg, E. Sneller, T. Traas and E. Verbruggen. Biobeschikbaarheid in beleid ... wat er aan vooraf ging en wat nog komt. Resultaten van een workshop en het beleidsvervolg (Bioavailability in standard setting, results of a workshop). RIVM report 607220006, 2002.
E.M. Dirven, P. van Vlaardingen, W. Peijnenburg, D. Sijm and L. Posthuma. Pilotstudie naar toetsing van ecologische relevantie van soorten voor normstelling (Pilot study for assessing the ecological relevance of biotic species used in ecotoxicity testing). RIVM report no. 607220007, 2002.
J. Struijs and W. Peijnenburg. Predictions by the multimedia environmental fate model SimpleBox compared to field data: Intermedia concentration ratios of two phthalate esters. RIVM report no. 607220008, 2002.
W. Peijnenburg, R. Baerselman, A. de Groot and C. Strien. Biobeschikbaarheid van essentiële metalen voor bodem-organismen: zinktitratie als middel ter bepaling van accumulatie en toxiciteit. RIVM report no. 607220009, 2003.
W. Peijnenburg, J. Bogte, H. van Wijnen and A. Wintersen. Towards a European Chemicals Information System: a survey on reported monitoring activities of chemicals in Europe. RIVM report no. 607900001, 2004.
A. Schouten et al. Site specific ecological risk assessment. Research with the TRIAD approach: part 3. RIVM report no. 711701036, 2004.
P. van Noort et al. Beslissen over bagger op bodem. Deel 2. Onderbouwing stofgedragmodellering en voorspelde landbodemconcentraties na verspreiding bagger op land. RIVM report no. 711701045, 2006.
J.J.G. Zwolsman and W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg. 2e-lijnsbeoordeling ecologische risico's in oppervlaktewater. Wat te meten in 2007? KIWA-report no. 06.112, 2006.
T. Vermeire et al. Selected Integrated Testing Strategies (ITS) for the risk assessment of chemicals. RIVM report no. 601050001, 2007.
W. Peijnenburg. Establishment of a Pesticide Information and Support Centre in Slovakia – Completion report for project PPA04/SK/6/8. Joint report of RIVM, TNO, CTB and Septa Management within the framework of RIVM-project E/607029/01/AA, 2007.
J. Struijs, D. van de Meent, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, E. Heugens, W. de Jong, W. Hagens, C. de Heer, J. Hofman and E. Roex. Nanodeeltjes in water. RIVM report no. 607030001, 2007.
W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg and H.A. den Hollander. Supporting REACH – Development of building blocks of a module for intelligent testing of data-poor organic substances. RIVM report no. 607220011, 2008.
H. den Hollander, A. Franco, S. Trapp, W. Peijnenburg. Sorption of polar and ionic compounds - A review of available data and models. OSIRIS (information system) report M 3.1.5. Available from the OSIRIS-website: 2008.
S. Wijnhoven, C. Herberts, W. Hagens, A. Oomen, E. Heugens, B. Roszek, J. Bisschops, W. Peijnenburg, I. Gosens, D. van de Meent, S. Dekkers, C. de Heer, A. Sips, W. de Jong, M. van Zijverden, R. Geertsma. Nano-silver - A review of available data and knowledge gaps. RIVM report 360003001, 2008.
W. Peijnenburg, H. den Hollander. Short overview of the toxicity and (modeled) degradability of model substances of the 1st generation biofuels. RIVM letter report 630177002, 2009.
M. Pronk, S. Wijnhoven, E. Bleeker, E. Heugens, W. Peijnenburg, R. Luttik, B. Hakkert. Nanomaterials in REACH. Nanosilver as a case study. RIVM report 601780001, 2009.
M. van Zijverden, A. Sips, R. Geertsma, B. Roszek, C. Herberts, N. Brouwer, S. Wijnhoven, J. van Engelen, S. Dekkers, D. van de Meent, W. Peijnenburg, J. Linders, E. Heugens, F. Cassee, W. de Jong, J. Roels, D. Brouwer, M.J. Nieboer-op de Weegh, J. van de Sandt, F. Kampers. Nanotechnology in perspective. Risks to man and the environment. RIVM report 601785003, 2009.
J.A. Vonk, J. Struijs, D. van de Meent, W. Peijnenburg. Nanomaterials in the aquatic environment: toxicity, exposure and risk assessment. RIVM report 607794001, 2010.
C. Bodar, J. Lijzen, C. Moermond, W. Peijnenburg, E. Smit, E. Verbruggen, M. Janssen. Advies risicogrenzen grond en grondwater voor PFOS (perfluoroctaansulfonaten). RIVM report 601050002, 2011.
E. Brand, F. Smedes, C. Jonker, J. Harmsen, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, J.P.A. Lijzen. Advice on implementing bioavailability in the Dutch soil policy framework - User protocols for organic contaminants. RIVM report 711701102, 2012.
Professional publications
R. Franken, S. van Dijk, W. Peijnenburg and L. Posthuma. Verspreiding van baggerspecie op land. H2O, 14/15: 24-26, 2000.
E. Sneller and W. Peijnenburg. Biobeschikbaarheid: (hoe) te gebruiken in normstelling en risicobeoordeling. H2O, 19: 96-97, 2002.
W. Peijnenburg, H. den Hollander, D. van de Meent and D. de Zwart. Ontwikkeling en toepassing van een milieukwaliteits-indicator bestrijdingsmiddelen. H2O, 35: 28-30, 2002.
P. van Beelen, W. Peijnenburg and G. van de Berg. Is een verbetering van de metaalnormen voor de waterbodems mogelijk? H2O, 36: 29-31, 2003.
W. Peijnenburg, D. Sijm, J. Lijzen, T. Traas, E. Verbruggen and E. Sneller. Biobeschikbaarheid: (hoe) kun je dat gebruiken in normstelling en risicobeoordeling? Bodem, 13: 18-20, 2003.
T. Breure and W. Peijnenburg. Developments in soil protection in The Netherlands. J. Soils Sedim., 3: 248-249, 2003.
W. Peijnenburg, E. Sneller, D. Sijm, J. Lijzen, and T. Traas, E. Verbruggen. Implementation of bioavailability of standard setting and risk assessment. SETAC Globe, 3: 36-38, 2003.
W. Peijnenburg and M. Vijver. Predicting toxicity of metals to soil organisms. SETAC Globe, 7: 19-20, 2006.
M. Vijver, W. Peijnenburg and A. de Koning. Biotic ligand modellen in lijn met kaderrichtlijn water. H2O, 12: 29-31, 2006.
W. Peijnenburg, M. Vijver and A. de Koning. Aanzet voor watertype specifieke risicogrenzen voor metalen in oppervlaktewater. H2O, 17: 35-37, 2007.
T. de Nijs, D. de Zwart and W. Peijnenburg. Toxiciteit van het oppervlaktewater blijft een probleem. H2O, 21: 29-31, 2008.