Publicatiedatum 12-12-2012 | 00:00
Wijzigingsdatum 02-11-2018 | 18:29
Een selectie uit de nevenfuncties van Mirjam Kretzschmar, chief science officer Mathematical Disease Modelling bij het RIVM.
- Hoogleraar Dynamics of Infectious Diseases bij de Universiteit Utrecht
- Coordinator and project leader of the Utrecht Centre for Infection Dynamics (UCID), a collaboration of several research groups in the area of infectious disease epidemiology and modeling within the Focus area Epidemiology at Utrecht University (
- Speerpuntcoordinator of the Strategic Research RIVM focus areas INF and IDD (since January 2012).
- Member of Editorial Board of the journal Mathematical Biosciences since 2003, Elsevier, see
- Associate Editor of BMC Infectious Diseases since 2009
- Member of Editorial Board of Sexually Transmitted Infections (BMJ Journal) since 2010 (
- Academic editor and reviewer for PLoS (Plos One) Medicine and PLoS ONE
- Member of the reviewers pool of the European Science Foundation (ESF (European Science Foundation))
- Reviewing of manuscripts for many international epidemiology and mathematical biology journals; among others Nature, PNAS, Lancet, AIDS, AIDS and Behaviour, Proceedings of the Royal Society London B, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Mathematical Biosciences, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Biometrical Journal, Theoretical Population Biology, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Vaccine, Emerging Infectious Diseases, American Journal of Epidemiology, Journal of Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology, Social Networks, and others.