Publicatiedatum 10-04-2017 | 00:00
Wijzigingsdatum 02-11-2018 | 18:55
Titel | Auteurs | Gepubliceerd in: | ||
2013 European Guideline on the management of proctitis, proctocolitis and enteritis caused by sexually transmissible pathogens | de Vries H.J.C., Zingoli A., White J.A., Ross J.D.C., Kreuter A. | Int J STD AIDS 2014; 25(7):465-74 | ||
22 jaar hiv (humaan immunodeficientievirus)-gerelateerde consulten in de huisartsenpraktijk | Donker G.A., Dorsman S., Spreeuwenberg P., van den Broek I., van Bergen J. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2014; 158(7):A6995 | ||
50 years of newborn screening | Hoffmann G.F., Lindner M., Loeber J.G. | J Inherit Metab Dis 2014;37(2):163-4 | ||
A combination of interferon-gamma and interleukin-2 production by Coxiella burnetii-stimulated circulating cells discriminates between chronic Q fever and past Q fever | Schoffelen T., Sprong T., Bleeker-Rovers C.P., Wegdam-Blans M.C.A., Ammerdorffer A., Pronk M.J.H., Soethoudt Y.E.P., van Kasteren M.E.E., Herremans T., Bijlmer H.A., Netea M.G., van der Meer J.W.M., Joosten L.A.B., van Deuren M. | Clin Microbiol Infect 2014; 20(7):642-50 | ||
A four-year nationwide molecular epidemiological study in Estonia: risk factors for tuberculosis transmission | Toit K., Altraja A., Acosta C.D., Viiklepp P., Kremer K., Kummik T., Danilovits M., van den Bergh R., Harries A.D., Supply P. | Public Health Action 2014; 4(Suppl 2):34-40 | ||
A framework to start the debate on neonatal screening policies in the EU (Europese Unie): an Expert Opinion Document | Cornel M.C., Rigter T., Weinreich S.S., Burgard P., Hoffmann G.F., Lindner M., Loeber J.G., Rupp K., Taruscio D., Vittozzi L. | Eur J Human Genet 2014; 22(1):12-7 | ||
A novel approach - The propensity to propagate (PTP) method for ontrolling for host factors in studying the transmission of mycobacterium tuberculosis | Nebenzahl-Guimaraes H., Borgdorff M.W., Murray M.B., van Soolingen D. | Plos One 2014; 9(5):e97816 | ||
A quantitative microbiological risk assessment for campylobacter in petting zoos | Evers E.G., Berk P.A., Horneman M.L., van Leusden F.M., de Jonge R. | Risk Anal 2014; 34(9):1618-38 | ||
A rapid ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent assay)-based method for screening Bordetella pertussis strain production of antigens included in current acellular pertussis vaccines | Barkoff A-M., Guiso N., Guillot S., Xing D., Markey K., Berbers G., Mertsola J., He Q. | J Immunol Methods 2014; 408:142-8 | ||
A SpoT polymorphism correlates with chill stress survival and is prevalent in clinical isolates of Campylobacter jejuni | Nierop Groot M.N., de Boer A.G., van Pelt W., van der Hulst-van Arkel M.C., de Leeuw P., Widjaja H.C.A., Smits M.A., van der Wal F.J. | Poult Sci 2014; 93(11):2900-9 | ||
A two-phase within-host model for immune response and its application to serological profiles of pertussis | de Graaf W.F., Kretzschmar M.E.E., Teunis P.F.M., Diekmann O. | Epidemics 2014; 9:1-7 | ||
Adverse events and association with age, sex and immunological parameters of Q fever vaccination in patients at risk for chronic Q fever in the Netherlands 2011 | Schoffelen T., Wong A., Rümke H.C., Netea M.G., Timen A., van Deuren M., Vermeer-de Bondt P.E. | Vaccine 2014; 32(49):6622-30 | ||
After adjusting for bias in meta-analysis seasonal influenza vaccine remains effective in community-dwelling elderly | Darvishian M., Gefenaite G., Turner R.M., Pechlivanoglou P., van der Hoek W., van den Heuvel E.R., Hak E. | J Clin Epidemiol 2014; 67(7):734-44 | ||
Age related differences in dynamics of specific memory B cell populations after clinical pertussis infection | van Twillert I., van Gaans-van den Brink J.A.M., Poelen M.C.M., Helm K., Kuipers B., Schipper M., Boog C.J.P., Verheij T.J.M., Versteegh F.G.A., van Els C.A.C.M. | Plos One 2014; 9(1):e85227 | ||
Age-related susceptibility to Japanese encephalitis virus in domestic ducklings and chicks | Cleton N.B., Bosco-Lauth A., Page M.J., Bowen R.A. | Am J Trop Med Hyg 2014; 90(2):242-6 | ||
An epidemiological perspective on gastroenteritis in child day care centers | Enserink R. | Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, 2014. Proefschrift | ||
An evidence synthesis approach to estimating the incidence of seasonal influenza in the Netherlands | McDonald S.A., Presanis A.M., de Angelis D., van der Hoek W., Hooiveld M., Donker G., Kretzschmar M.E. | Influenza Other Respir Viruses 2014; 8(1):33-41 | ||
An experimental Toxoplasma gondii dose response challenge model to study therapeutic or vaccine efficacy in cats | Cornelissen J.B.W.J., van der Giessen J.W.B., Takumi K., Teunis P.F.M., Wisselink H.J. | Plos One 2014; 9():e104740 | ||
An outbreak of salmonella Newport associated with mung bean sprouts in Germany and the Netherlands, October to November 2011 | Bayer C., Bernard H., Prager R., Rabsch W., Hiller P., Malorny B., Pfefferkorn B., Frank C., de Jong A., Friesema I., Stärk K., Rosner B.M. | Euro Surveillance 2014; 19(1): pii:20665 | ||
Anal, penile, and oral high-risk HPV (humaan papillomavirus) infections and HPV seropositivity in HIV-positive and HIV-negative men who have sex with men | van Rijn V.M., Mooij S.H., Mollers M., Snijders P.J.F., Speksnijder A.G.C.L., King A.J., de Vries H.J.C., van Eeden A., van der Klis F.R.M., de Melker H.E., van der Sande M.A.B., Schim van der Loeff M.F. | Plos One 2014; 9(3):e92208 | ||
Antibodies against MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) coronavirus in dromedaries, United Arab Emirates, 2003 and 2013 | Meyer B., Müller M.A., Corman V.M., Reusken C.B.E.M., Ritz D., Godeke G.-J., Lattwein E., Kallies S., Siemens A., van Beek J., Drexler J.F., Muth D., Bosch B.J., Wernery U., Koopmans M.P.G., Wernery R., Drosten C. | Emerg Infect Dis 2014; 20(4):552-9 | ||
ANTIDotE: anti-tick vaccines to prevent tick-borne diseases in Europe | Sprong H., Trentelman J., Seemann I., Grubhoffer L., Rego R.O.M., Hajdusek O., Kopacek P., Sima R., | Parasit Vectors 2014; 7(1):77 | ||
Antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from animals and the environment | Butaye P., van Duijkeren E., Prescott J.F., Schwarz S. | Vet Microbiol 2014; 171(3-4):269-72 | ||
Anti-pertussis antibody kinetics following DTaP-IPV (geinactiveerd polio vaccin) booster vaccination in Norwegian children 7-8 years of age | Aase A., Herstad T.K., Jorgensen S.B., Leegard T.M., Berbers G., Steinbakk M., Aaberge I. | Vaccine 2014; 32(45):5931-6 | ||
Antivirale therapie voor zwangere vrouwen met chronische hepatitis B | van Heiningen F.M., Hahne S.J.M. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(3):80-1 | ||
Are the specialized bird ticks, Ixodes arboricola and I. frontalis, competent vectors for Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato? | Heylen D., Sprong H., van Oers K., Fonville M., Leirs H., Matthysen E. | Environ Microbiol 2014; 16(4):1081-9 | ||
Assembly of viral genomes from metagenomes | Smits S.L., Bodewes R., Ruiz-Gonzalez A., Baumgärtner W., Koopmans M.P., Osterhaus A.D.M.E., Schürch A.C. | Front Microbiol 2014; 5:714 | ||
Attribution of human Salmonella infections to animal and food sources in Italy (2002-2010): Adaptations of the Dutch and modified Hald source attribution models | Mughini Gras L., Barrucci F., Smid J.H., Graziani C., Luzzi I., Ricci A., Barco L., Rosmini R., Havelaar A.H., van Pelt W., Busani L. | Epidemiol Infect 2014; 142(5):1070-82 | ||
Benefits of hepatitis C virus treatment: A balance of preventing onward transmission and re-infection | de Vos A.S., Kretzschmar M.E.E. | Math Biosci 2014; 258:11-8 | ||
Best urban water management practices to prevent waterborne infectious diseases under current and future scenarios | de Man-van der Vliet H. | Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, 2014. Proefschrift | ||
Bestrijding van de ziekte van Lyme | Hovius J.W.R., Sprong H. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2014; 158:A7986 | ||
Blood feeding on large grazers affects the transmission of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato by Ixodes ricinus | Pacilly F.C.A., Benning M.E., Jacobs F., Leidekker J., Sprong H., van Wieren S.E., Takken W. | Ticks Tick Borne Dis 2014; 5(6):810-7 | ||
Bofuitbraak na een feest op een jongerensoos | Ostendorf S.B., Ladbury G., Hahne S.J.M., Waegemaekers C.H.F.M. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(5):137-41 | ||
Bordetella pertussis proteins dominating the major histocompatibility complex class II-presented epitope repertoire in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells | Stenger R.M., Meiring H.D., Kuipers B., Poelen M., van Gaans-van den Brink J.A.M., Boog C.J.P., de Jong A.P.J.M., van Els C.A.C.M. | Clin Vaccine Immunol 2014; 21(5):641-50 | ||
Bridging the data gaps in the epidemiology of hepatitis C virus infection in Malaysia using multi-parameter evidence synthesis | McDonald S.A., Mohamed R., Dahlui M., Naning H., Kamarulzaman A. | BMC Infect Dis 2014; 14(1):564 | ||
Calculating disability-adjusted life years to quantify burden of disease | Devleesschauwer B., Havelaar A.H., Maertens de Noordhout C., Haagsma J.A., Praet N., Dorny P., Duchateau L., Torgerson P.R., van Oyen H., Speybroeck N. | Int J Public Health 2014; 59(3):565-9 | ||
Campylobacteriosis in returning travellers and potential secondary transmission of exotic strains | Mughini-Gras L., Smid J.H., Wagenaar J.A., de Boer A., Havelaar A.H., Friesema I.H.M., French N.P., Graziani C., Busani L., van Pelt W. | Epidemiol Infect 2014; 142(6):1277-88 | ||
Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis and anaplasma phagocytophilum in urban hedgehogs [Letter to the editor] | Földvari G., Jahfari S., Rigó K., Jablonszky M., Szekeres S., Majoros G., Tóth M., Molnár V., Coipan E.C., Sprong H. | Emerg Infect Dis 2014; 20(3):496-8 | ||
Characteristics of Escherichia coli sequence type 131 isolates that produce extended-spectrum beta-lactamases: Global distribution of the H30-Rx sublineage | Peirano G., van der Bij A.K., Freeman J.L., Poirel L., Nordmann P., Costello M., Tchesnokova V.L., Pitout J.D.D. | Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2014; 58(7):3762-7 | ||
Characteristics of hospitalized acute Q fever patients during a large epidemic, the Netherlands | Wielders C.C.H., Wuister A.M.H., de Visser V.L., de Jager-Leclercq M.G., Groot C.A.R., Dijkstra F., van Gageldonk-Lafeber A.B., van Leuken J.P.G., Wever P.C., van der Hoek W., Schneeberger P.M. | Plos One 2014; 9(3):e91764 | ||
Chikungunya outbreak in the Caribbean region, December 2013 to March 2014, and the significance for Europe | van Bortel W., Dorleans F., Rosine J., Blateau A., Rousset D., Matheus S., Leparc-Goffart I., Braks M., Reimerink J., Swaan C., | Euro Surveill 2014; 19(13): pii.20759 | ||
Chlamydia trachomatis antibody testing in vaginal mucosal material versus blood Samples of women attending a fertility clinic and an STI (Sexually transmitted infection) clinic | van den Broek I.V.F., Land J.A., van Bergen J.E.A.M., Morré S.A., van der Sande M.A.B. | Obstet Gynecol Int 2014; 2014:601932 | ||
Chlamydia trachomatis IgG (Immunoglobulin G) seroprevalence in the general population of the Netherlands in 1996 and in 2007: Differential changes by gender and age | van Aar F., de Moraes M., Morré S.A., van Bergen J.E.A.M., van der Klis F.R.M., Land J.A., van der Sande M.A.B., van den Broek I.V.F. | Sex Transm Infect 2014; 90(5):434-40 | ||
Circulation of four Anaplasma phagocytophilum ecotypes in Europe | Jahfari S., Coipan E.C., Fonville M., Docters van Leeuwen A., Hengeveld P., Heylen D., Heyman P., van Maanen C., Butler C.M., Földvari G., Szekeres S., van der Giessen J., Takumi K., Sprong H., et al. | Parasit Vectors 2014; 7:36530 | ||
Circulation of reassortant influenza A(H7N9) viruses in poultry and humans, Guangdong Province, China, 2013 | Ke C., Lu J., Wu J., Guan D., Zou L., Song T., Yi L., Zeng X., Koopmans M., et al. | Emerg Infect Dis 2014; 20(12):2034-40 | ||
Climate change and public health policy: translating the science | Braks M., van Ginkel R., Wint W., Sedda L., Sprong H. | Int J Environ Res Public Health 2014; 11(1):13-29 | ||
Co-infection of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and Rickettsia species in ticks and in an erythema migrans patient | Tijsse-Klasen E., Sprong H., Pandak N. | Parasit Vectors 2014; 6(1):347 | ||
Comparing the impact of two concurrent infectious disease outbreaks on the Netherlands population, 2009, using disability-adjusted life years | Brooke R.J., van Lier A., Donker G.A., van der Hoek W., Kretzschmar M.E.E. | Epidemiol Infect 2014; 142(11):2412-21 | ||
Comparison of contact patterns relevant for transmission of respiratory pathogens in Thailand and the Netherlands using respondent-driven sampling | Stein M.L., van Steenbergen J.E., Buskens V., van der Heijden P.G.M., Chanyasanha C., Tipayamongkholgul M., Thorson A.E., Bengtsson L., Lu X., Kretzschmar M.E.E. | Plos One 2014; 9(11):e113711 | ||
Complete genome sequences of Bordetella pertussis isolates B1917 and B1920, representing two predominant global lineages | Bart M.J., Zeddeman A., van der Heide H.G.J., Heuvelman K., van Gent M., Mooi F.R. | Genome Announce 2014; 2(6):e01301-14 | ||
Continued seasonal circulation of enterovirus D68 in the Netherlands, 2011-2014 | Meijer A., Benschop K.S., Donker G.A., van der Avoort H.G. | Euro Surveill 2014; 19(42): pii:20935 | ||
Coprophagy in dogs interferes in the diagnosis of parasitic infections by faecal examination | Nijsse R., Mughini-Gras L., Wagenaar J.A., Ploeger H.W. | Vet Parasitol 2014; 204(3-4):304-9 | ||
Corrigendum to Definition and quantification of initial anthropogenic pollutant release in swimming pools" [Water Res. 46 (11):3682-3692]" | Keuten M.G.A., Schets F.M., Schijven J.F., Verkerk J.Q.J.C., van Dijk J.C. | Water Res 2014; 49:484 | ||
Costs of tuberculosis disease in the European Union: a systematic analysis and cost calculation | Diel R., Vande Putte J., de Vries G., Stillo J., Wanlin M., Nienhaus A. | Eur Respir J 2014; 43(2):554-65 | ||
Coxiella burnetii seroprevalence and risk factors in sheep farmers and farm residents in the Netherlands | de Lange M.M.A., Schimmer B., Vellema P., Hautvast J.L.A., Schneeberger P.M., van Duynhoven Y.T.H.P. | Epidemiol Infect 2014; 142(6):1231-44 | ||
Coxiella burnetii seroprevalence and risk factors on commercial sheep farms in The Netherlands | Schimmer B., de Lange M.M.A., Hautvast J.L.A., Vellema P., van Duynhoven Y.T.H.P. | Vet Rec 2014; 175(1):17 | ||
Coxiella burnetii seroprevalence and risk for humans on dairy cattle farms, the Netherlands, 2010-2011 | Schimmer B., Schotten N., van Engelen E., Hautvast J.L.A., Schneeberger P.M., van Duynhoven Y.T.H.P. | Emerg Infect Dis 2014; 20(3):417-25 | ||
Coxiella burnetii seroprevalence in small ruminants in The Gambia | Klaasen M., Roest H.-J., van der Hoek W., Goossens B., Secka A., Stegeman A. | Plos One 2014; 9(1):e85424 | ||
Cross-sectional study of genital carcinogenic HPV infections in Paramaribo, Suriname: prevalence and determinants in an ethnically diverse population of Women in a pre-vaccination era | Geraets D.T., Grünberg A.W., van der Helm J.J. , Schim van der Loeff M.F., Quint K.D., Sabajo L.O.A., de Vries H.J.C. | Sex Transm Infect 2014; 90(8):627-33 | ||
Dagelijkse advisering en respons in de praktijk van de LCI (Landelijke coördinatie infectieziektebestrijding) in 2012 | Urbanus A., van den Kerkhof H., Swaan C. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(1):9-13 | ||
DALY (Disability Adjusted Life Year) calculation in practice: a stepwise approach | Devleesschauwer B., Havelaar A.H., Maertens de Noordhout C., Haagsma J.A., Praet N., Dorny P., Duchateau L., Torgerson P.R., van Oyen H., Speybroeck N. | Int J Public Health 2014; 59(3):571-4 | ||
De geschiedenis van rabiës bij dieren in Nederland | de Rosa M., Stenvers O.F.J., Mak J.A. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(3):69-74 | ||
Decline of IgG pertussis toxin measured in umbilical cord blood, and neonatal and early infant serum | Smallenburg L.C.S., van Welie N.A., Elvers L.H., van Huisseling J.C.M., Teunis P.F.M., Versteegh F.G.A. | Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2014; 33(9):1541-5 | ||
Decreased lung function precedes severe respiratory syncytial virus infection and post-respiratory syncytial virus wheeze in term infants | Zomer-Kooijker K., Uiterwaal C.S.P.M., van der Gugten A.C., Wilbrink B., Bont L.J., van der Ent C.K. | Eur Resp J 2014; 44(3):666-74 | ||
Delayed start of diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis and inactivated polio vaccination in preterm and low birth weight infants in the Netherlands | Woestenberg P.J., van Lier A., van der Maas N.A.T., Drijfhout I.H., Oomen P.J., de Melker H.E. | Pediatr Infect Dis J 2014; 33(2):190-8 | ||
Detection of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL (Extended spectrum beta-lactamases))-producing Escherichia coli on flies at poultry farms | Blaak H., Hamidjaja R.A., van Hoek A.H.A.M., de Heer L., de Roda Husman A.M., Schets F.M. | Appl Environ Microbiol 2014; 80(1):239-46 | ||
Development and pre-clinical evaluation of two LAIV strains against potentially pandemic H2N2 influenza virus | Isakova-Sivak I., de Jonge J., Smolonogina T., Rekstin A., van Amerongen G., van Dijken H., Mouthaan J.J., Roholl P., Kuznetsova V., Doroshenko E., Tsvetnitsky V., Rudenko L. | Plos One 2014; 9(7):e102339 | ||
Diagnosis of human granulocytic anaplasmosis in Belgium by combining molecular and serological methods | Hing M., Woestyn S., van Bosterhaut B., Desbonnet Y., Heyman P., Cochez C., Silaghi C., Sprong H., Fournier P.E., Raoult D., Neirinckx P., Heuninckx W. | New Microbes New Infect 2014; 2(6):177-8 | ||
Diarrhoea in general practice: When should a Clostridium difficile infection be considered? Results of a nested case-control study | Hensgens M.P.M, Dekkers O.M., Demeulmeester A., Buiting A.G.M., Bloembergen P., van Benthem B.H.B., le Cessie S., Kuijper E.J. | Clin Microbiol Infect 2014; 20(12):O1067-74 | ||
Differences in clinical condition and genotype at time of diagnosis of cystic fibrosis by newborn screening or by symptoms | Vernooij-van Langen A.M.M., Gerzon F.L.G.R., Loeber J.G., Dompeling E., Dankert-Roelse J.E. | Mol Genet Metab 2014; 113(1-2):100-4 | ||
Differential characteristics of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes restricted by the protective HLA alleles B*27 and B*57 in HIV-1 infection | Schellens I.M., Spits H.B., Navis M., Westerlaken G.H., Nanlohy N.M., Coffeng L.E., Kootstra N., Miedema F., Schuitemaker H., Borghans J.A., van Baarle D. | J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2014; 67(3):236-45 | ||
Differential gene expression of Moraxella catarrhalis upon exposure to human serum | de Vries S.P.W., Bootsma H.J. | Genomics Data 2014; 2:312-3 | ||
Differentially expressed genes in Bordetella pertussis strains belonging to a lineage which recently spread globally | de Gouw D. , Hermans P.W.M., Bootsma H.J., Zomer A., Heuvelman K., Diavatopoulos D.A., Mooi F.R. | Plos One 2014; 9(1):e84523 | ||
Difficulties in diagnosing terminal ileitis due to Yersinia pseudotuberculosis | Wunderink H.F., Oostvogel P.M., Frénay I.H.M.E., Notermans D.W., Fruth A., Kuijper E.J. | Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2014; 33(2):197-200 | ||
Direct and indirect effects of climate change on the risk of infection by water-transmitted pathogens | Sterk A., Schijven J., de Nijs T., de Roda Husman A.M. | Environ Sci Technol 2014; 47(22):12648-60 | ||
Disclosure of selective advantages in the modern" sublineage of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing genotype family by quantitative proteomics" | de Keijzer J., de Haas P.E., de Ru A.H., van Veelen P.A., van Soolingen D. | Mol Cell Proteomics 2014; 13(10):2632-45 | ||
Discrimination of influenza infection (A/2009 H1N1) from prior exposure by antibody protein microarray analysis | te Beest D., de Bruin E., Imholz S., Wallinga J., Teunis P., Koopmans M., van Boven M. | Plos One 2014; 9(11):e113021 | ||
Disease outbreaks associated with untreated recreational water use | Schets F.M., de Roda Husman A.M., Havelaar A.H. | Epidemiol Infect 2014; 139(7):1114-25 | ||
Disease transmission through hospital networks | Donker T. | Groningen, Rijksuniversiteit, 2014. Proefschrift | ||
Dispersal of antibiotic-resistant high-risk clones by hospital networks: changing the patient direction can make all the difference | Donker T., Wallinga J., Grundmann H. | J Hosp Infect 2014; 86(1):34-41 | ||
Do sexual risk behaviour, risk perception and testing behaviour differ across generations of migrants? | Kramer M.A., van Veen M.G., Op de Coul E.L.M., Coutinho R.A., Prins M. | Eur J Public Health 2014; 24(1):134-8 | ||
Draft genome sequence of the rodent opportunistic pathogen Pasteurella pneumotropica ATCC 35149T | Sasaki H., Ishikawa H., Asano R., Ueshiba H., Matsumoto T., Boot R., Kawamoto E. | Genome Announc 2014; 2(4):e00771-14 | ||
Dromedaris en 'Middle East respiratory syndrome' | Reusken C.B.E.M., Haagmans B.L., Koopmans M.P.G. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2014; 158:A7806 | ||
Dynamics of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus carriage in pig farmers: A prospective cohort study | van Cleef B.A.G.L., van Benthem B.H.B., Verkade E.J.M., van Rijen M., Kluytmans-van den Bergh M.F.Q., Schouls L.M., Duim B., Wagenaar J.A., Graveland H., Bos M.E.H., Heederik D., Kluytmans J.A.J.W. | Clin Microb Infect 2014; 20(10):O764-71 | ||
Ecological niche modelling of potential West Nile virus vector mosquito species and their geographical association with equine epizootics in Italy | Mughini-Gras L., Mulatti P., Severini F., Boccolini D., Romi R., Bongiorno G., Khoury C., Bianchi R., Montarsi F., Patregnani T., Bonfanti L., Rezza G., Capelli G., Busani L. | EcoHealth 2014; 11(1):120-32 | ||
Een cluster van PVL (Panton-Valentine leukocidine)-positieve MRSA (Methicilline-resistente Staphylococcus aureus )-infecties bij gedetineerden | van den Berg G.T., te Wierik M.J.M. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(6):160-3 | ||
Een reis met een venijnig staartje | Bosschart M., van de Schepop P., Waegaemakers T., Kasper S. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(1): 6-8 | ||
Effectiveness of post-exposition prophylaxis with oseltamivir in nursing homes: a randomised controlled trial over four seasons | van der Sande M.A.B., Meijer A., Sen-Kerpiclik F., Enserink R., Cools H.J.M., Overduin P., Ferreira J.M., Veldman-Ariesen M.J. | Emerg Themes Epidemiol 2014; 11(1):13 | ||
Efficient surveillance for healthcare-associated infections spreading between hospitals | Ciccolini M., Donker T., Grundmann H., Bonten M.J.M., Woolhouse M.E.J. | Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (United States of America) 2014; 111(6):2271-6 | ||
Eight new genomes and synthetic controls increase the accessibility of rapid melt-MAMA SNP (single-nucleotide polymorphism) typing of Coxiella burnetii | Karlsson E., Macellaro A,, Bystrom M., Forsman M., Frangoulidis D., Janse I., Larsson P., Lindgren P., Öhrman C., van Rotterdam B., Sjödin A., Myrtennäs K. | Plos One 2014; 9(1):e85417 | ||
E-learning enables parents to assess an infantile hemangioma | de Graaf M., Knol M.J., Totté J.E.E., van Os-Medendorp H. , Breugem C.C., Pasmans S.G.M.A. | J Am Acad Dermatol 2014; 70(5):893-8 | ||
Emergence of Escherichia coli encoding Shiga toxin 2f in human Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (Escherichia coli) (STEC (Shigatoxineproducerende E. coli-stammen)) infections in the Netherlands, January 2008 to December 2011 | Friesema I., van der Zwaluw K., Schuurman T., Kooistra-Smid M., Franz E., van Duynhoven Y., van Pelt W. | Euro Surveill 2014; 19(17):26-32 ;pii 20787 | ||
Emergence of the virulence-associated PB2 E627K substitution in a fatal human case of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus A(H7N7) infection as determined by illumina ultra-deep sequencing | Jonges M., Welkers M.R.A., Jeeninga R.E., Meijer A., Schneeberger P., Fouchier R.A.M., de Jong M.D., Koopmans M. | J Virol 2014; 88(3):1694-702 | ||
Enhancement of in vitro activity of tuberculosis drugs by addition of thioridazine is not reflected by improved in vivo therapeutic efficacy | de Knegt G.J., ten Kate M.T., van Soolingen D., Aarnoutse R., Boeree M.J., Bakker-Woudenberg I.A.J.M., de Steenwinkel J.E.M. | Tuberculosis 2014; 94(6):701-7 | ||
Epidemic of mumps among vaccinated persons, the Netherlands, 2009-2012 | Sane J., Gouma S., Koopmans M., de Melker H., Swaan C., van Binnendijk R., Hahne S. | Emerg Infect Dis 2014; 20(4):643-8 | ||
Epidemiology of Q fever in dairy goat herds in the Netherlands | Hogerwerf L. | Utrecht, Universiteit Utrecht 2014. Proefschrift | ||
Epidemiology of tuberculosis in big cities of the European Union and European Economic Area countries | de Vries G., Aldridge R.W., Caylà J.A., Haas W.H., Sandgren A., van Hest N.A., Abubakar I. | Euro Surveill 2014; 19(9): pii:20726 | ||
Equity in human papilloma virus vaccination uptake?: sexual behaviour, knowledge and demographics in a cross-sectional study in (un)vaccinated girls in the Netherlands | Mollers M., Lubbers K., Spoelstra S.K., Weijmar-Schultz W.C.M., Daemen T., Westra T.A., van der Sande M.A.B., Nijman H.W., de Melker H.E., Tami A. | BMC Public Health 2014; 14:288 | ||
Escherichia fergusonii | Gaastra W., Kusters J.G., van Duijkeren E., Lipman L.J.A. | Vet Microbiol 2014; 172(1-2):7-12 | ||
Estimating the burden of foodborne diseases | Lake R.J., Stein C.E., Havelaar A.H. | In: Motarjemi Y, ed. Encyclopedia of food safety. Volume 1: history, science and methods. Elsevier, 2014:73-9 | ||
Estimating the transfusion transmission risk of Q fever | Oei W., Kretzschmar M.E.E., Zaaijer H.L., Coutinho R., van der Poel C.L., Janssen M.P. | Transfusion 2014; 54(7):1705-11 | ||
Estimation of the serial interval of pertussis in Dutch households | te Beest D.E., Henderson D., van der Maas N.A.T., de Greeff S.C., Wallinga J., Mooi F.R., van Boven M. | Epidemics 2014; 7:1-6 | ||
Etiologies for seizures around the time of vaccination | Verbeek N.E., Jansen F.E., Vermeer-de Bondt P.E., de Kovel C.G.F., van Kempen M.J.A., Lindhout D., Knoers N.V.A.M., van der Maas N.A.T., Brilstra E.H. | Pediatrics 2014; 134(4):658-66 | ||
Evaluation of a fourth-generation avidity assay for recent HIV infections among men who have sex with men in Amsterdam | Op de Coul E.L.M., Hogema B.M., Sane J., Heijman T., Fennema J.S.A., Murphy G., Koot M. | J Med Microbiol 2014; 63(8):1116-7 | ||
Evaluation of Borrelia real time PCR (polymerase chain reaction) DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) targeting OspA, FlaB and 5S-23S IGS and Borrelia 16S rRNA RT (Real Time)-qPCR | de Leeuw B.H.C.G.M., Maraha B., Hollemans L., Sprong H., Brandenburg A.H., Westenend P.J., Kusters J.G. | J Microbial Methods 2014; 107C:41-6 | ||
Evaluation of yield of currently available diagnostics by sample type to optimize detection of respiratory pathogens in patients with a community-acquired pneumonia | Huijskens E.G.W., Rossen J.W.A., Kluytmans J.A.J.W., van der Zanden A.G.M., Koopmans M. | Influenza Other Respir Viruses 2014; 8(2):243-9 | ||
Evolution of an influenza pandemic in 13 countries from 5 continents monitored by protein microarray from neonatal screening bloodspots | de Bruin E., Loeber J.G., Meijer A., Martinez Castillo G., Granados Cepeda M.L., Rosario Torres-Sepulveda M., Borrajo G.J.C., Caggana M., Giguere Y., Meyer M., Fukushi M., Rama Devi A.R., Khneisser I., Vilarinho L., von Döbeln U., Torresani T., MacKenzie J., Zutt I., Schipper M., Elvers L.H., Koopmans M.P.G. | J. Clin Virol 2014; 61(1):74-80 | ||
Exceptionally low rotavirus incidence in the Netherlands in 2013/14 in the absence of rotavirus vaccination | Hahne S., Hooiveld M., Vennema H., van Ginkel A., de Melker H., Wallinga J., van Pelt W., Bruijning-Verhagen P. | Euro Surveill 2014; 19(43): pii:20945 | ||
Expanding the detectable HLA peptide repertoire using electron-transfer/higher-energy collision dissociation (EThcD). | Mommen G.P.M., Frese C.K., Meiring H.D., van Gaans-van den Brink J., de Jong A.P.J.M., van Els C.A.C.M., Heck A.J.R. | Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2014; 111(12):4507-12 | ||
Explaining variation in Down's syndrome screening uptake: comparing the Netherlands with England and Denmark using documentary analysis and expert stakeholder interviews | Crombag N.M.T.H., Vellinga Y.E., Kluijfhout S.A., Bryant L.D., Ward P.A., Iedema-Kuiper R., Schielen P.C.J.I., Bensing J.M., Visser G.H.A., Tabor A., Hirst J. | BMC Health Serv Res 2014; 14(1):437 | ||
Exploiting the explosion of information associated with whole genome sequencing to tackle Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in global food production systems | Franz E., Delaquis P., Morabito S., Beutin L., Gobius K., Rasko D.A., Bono J., French N., Osek J., Lindstedt B.A., Muniesa M., Manning S., LeJeune J., Callaway T., Beatson S., Eppinger M., Dallman T., Forbes K.J., Aarts H., Aarts H., Pearl D.L., Gannon V.P.J., Laing C.R., Strachan N.J.C. | Int J Food Microbiol 2014; 187C:57-72 | ||
Exploring interaction effects in small samples increases rates of false-positive and false-negative findings: Results from a systematic review and simulation study | Schmidt A.F.., Groenwold R.H.H., Knol M.J., Hoes A.W., Nielen M., Roes K.C.B., de Boer A., Klungel O.H. | J Clin Microbiol 2014; 67(7):821-9 | ||
Exploring the potential of next-generation sequencing in detection of respiratory viruses | Prachayangprecha S., Schapendonk C.M.E., Koopmans M.P., Osterhaus A.D.M.E., Schurch A.C., Pas S.D., van der Eijk .A.A., Poovorawan Y., Haagmans B.L., Smits S.L. | J Clin Microbiol 2014; 52(10):3722-30 | ||
Extended spectrum beta-lactamase- and constitutively AmpC-producing Enterobacteriaceae on fresh produce and in the agricultural environment | Blaak H., van Hoek A.H.A.M., Veenman C., Docters van Leeuwen A.E., Lynch G., van Overbeek W.M., de Roda Husman A.M. | Int J Food Microbiol 2014; 168-169:8-16 | ||
Extended-spectrum and AmpC beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in broilers and people living and/or working on broiler farms: prevalence, risk factors and molecular characteristics | Huijbers P.M.C., Graat E.A.M., Haenen A.P.J., van Santen M.G., van Essen-Zandbergen A., Mevius D.J., van Duijkeren E., van Hoek A.H.A.M. | J Antimicrob Chemother 2014; 69(10):2669-75 | ||
Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing Klebsiella spp (species). in chicken meat and humans: A comparison of typing methods | Overdevest I.T.M.A., Heck M., van der Zwaluw K., Huijsdens X., van Santen M., Rijnsburger M., Eustace A., Xu L., Hawkey P., Savelkoul P., Vandenbroucke-Grausl C., Willemsen I., van der Ven J., Verhulst C., Kluytmans J.A.J.W. | Clin Microbiol Infect 2014; 20(3):251-5 | ||
Extent and origin of resistance to antituberculosis drugs in the Netherlands, 1993 to 2011 | Ruesen C., van Gageldonk-Lafeber A.B., de Vries G., Erkens C.G., van Rest J., Korthals Altes H., de Neeling H., Kamst M., van Soolingen D. | Euro Surveill 2014; 19(11):pii 20738 | ||
Factors affecting the uptake of vaccination by the elderly in Western society | Eilers R., Krabbe P.F.M., de Melker H.E. | Prev Med 2014; 69C:224-34 | ||
Fast vaccine design and development based on correlates of protection (COPs): Influenza as a trendsetter | van Els C., Mjaaland S., Naess L., Sarkadi J., Gonczol E., Smith Korsholm K., Hansen J., de Jonge J., Kersten G., Warner J., Semper A., Kruiswijk C., Oftung F. | Hum Vaccin Immunother 2014; 10(7):1935-48 | ||
First description of fexA-positive meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ST398 from calves in Portugal [Letter to the editor] | Couto N., Belas A., Centeno M., van Duijkeren E., Pomba C. | J Global Antimicrobial Resist 2014; 2(4):342-3 | ||
First report of established population of Aedes japonicus japonicus (Theobald, 1901) (Diphtera, Culicidae) in the Netherlands | Ibanez Justicia A., Kampen H., Braks M., Schaffner F., Steeghs M., Werner D., Zielke D., den Hartog W., Brooks M., Dik M., van den Vossenberg B., Scholte E.-J. | J Eur Mosquito Control Assoc 2014; 32:9-13 | ||
Gastrointestinal and respiratory illness in children that do and do not attend child day care centers: a cost-of-illness study | Enserink R., Lugner A., Suijkerbuijk A., Bruijning-Verhagen P., Smit H.A., van Pelt W. | Plos One 2014; 9(8):e104940 | ||
Genetic susceptibility to norovirus GII.3 and GII.4 infections in Chinese pediatric diarrheal disease | Liu P., Wang X., Lee J.-C., Teunis P., Hu S., Tang Paradise H., Moe C. | Pediatr Infect Dis J 2014; 33(11):e305-9 | ||
Getting more out of less - a quantitative serological screening tool for simultaneous detection of multiple influenza a hemagglutinin-types in chickens | Freidl G.S., de Bruin E., van Beek J., Reimerink J., de Wit S., Koch G., Vervelde L., van den Ham H.-J., Koopmans M.P.G. | Plos One 2014; 9(9):e108043 | ||
Gezondheidsrisico's van baden met knabbelvisjes | Schets F.M., van den Berg H.H.J.L., de Zwaan R., Oomen T., van Soolingen D., de Roda Husman A.M. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(4):102-7 | ||
Global population structure and evolution of Bordetella pertussis and their relationship with vaccination | Bart M.J., Harris S.R., Advani A., Arakawa Y., Bottero D., Bouchez V., Cassiday P.K., Chiang C.-S., Dalby T., Fry N.K., Gaillard M.E., van Gent M., Guiso N., Hallander H.O., Harvill E.T., He Q., van der Heide H.G.J., Heuvelman K., Mooi F.R., | Mbio 2014; 5(2):e01074 | ||
Global prevalence of norovirus in cases of gastroenteritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis | Ahmed S.M., Hall A.J., Robinson A.E., Verhoef L., Premkumar P., Parashar U.D., Koopmans M., Lapman B.A. | Lancet Infect Dis 2014; 14(8):725-30 | ||
Global update on the susceptibility of human influenza viruses to neuraminidase inhibitors, 2012-2013 | Meijer A., Rebelo de Andrade H., Correia V., Besselaar T., Drager-Dayal R., Fry A., Gregory V., Gubareva L., Kageyama T., Lackenby A., Lo J., Odagiri T., Pereyaslov V., Siqueira M.M., Takashita E., Tashiro M., Wang D., Wong S., Zhang W., Daniels R.S., Hurt A.C. | Antiviral Res 2014; 110C:31-41 | ||
Goede bescherming tegen pneumokokkenziekte kan met één vaccinatie minder | Berbers G.A.M., Spijkerman J., Knol M.J., Schouls L.M. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(6):164-7 | ||
Guillain-Barré syndrome and adjuvanted pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009 vaccines: a multinational self-controlled case series in Europe | Romio S., Weibel D., Dieleman J.P., Olberg H.K., de Vries C.S., Sammon C., Andrews N., Svanstrom H., Molgaard-Nielsen D., Hviid A., Lapeyre-Mestre M., Sommet A., Saussier C., Castot A., Heijbel H., Arnheim-Dahlstrom L., Sparen P., Mosseveld M., Schuemie M., van der Maas N., Jacobs B.C., Leino T., Kilpi T., Storsaeter J., Johansen K., Kramarz P., Bonhoeffer J., Sturkenboom M.C.J.M. | Plos One 2014; 9(1):e82222 | ||
Handhygiëne in de jeugdgezondheidszorg, ook bij het vaccineren? | de Groot R., Oomen T., Vermeulen G., van Vliet J.A. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(3):86-7 | ||
Health risk assessment for splash parks that use rainwater as source water | de Man H., Bouwknegt M., van Heijnsbergen E., Leenen E.J.T.M., van Knapen F., de Roda Husman A.M. | Water Res 2014; 54:254-61 | ||
Hepatitis A laten typeren? | Oomen T., Duizer E., Vennema H. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(9):263 | ||
Hepatitis C virus infection epidemiology among people who inject drugs in europe: A systematic review of data for scaling up treatment and prevention | Wiessing L., Ferri M., Grady B., Kantzanou M., Sperle I., Cullen K.J., Hatzakis A., Prins M., Vickerman P., Lazarus J.V., Hope V.D., Matheï C., Op de Coul E., | Plos One 2014; 9(7):e103345 | ||
High detection rates of enteropathogens in asymptomatic children attending day care | Enserink R., Scholts R., Bruijning-Verhagen P., Duizer E., Vennema H., de Boer R., Kortbeek T., Roelfsema J., Smit H., Kooistra-Smid M., van Pelt W. | Plos One 2014; 9(2):e89496 | ||
High risk of a large measles outbreak despite 30 years of measles vaccination in The Netherlands | Mollema L., Smits G.P., Berbers G.A., van der Klis F.R., van Binnendijk R.S., de Melker H.E., Hahne S.J.M. | Epidemiol Infect 2014; 142(5):1100-8 | ||
High seroprevalence of Borrelia miyamotoi antibodies in forestry workers and individuals suspected of human granulocytic anaplasmosis in the Netherlands | Jahfari S., Herremans T., Platonov A.E., Kuiper H., Karan L.S., Vasillieva O., Koopmans M.P.G., Hovius J.W.R., Sprong H. | New Microbes New Infect 2014; 2(5):144-9 | ||
High-throughput screening of tick-borne pathogens in Europe | Michelet L., Delannoy S., Devillers E., Umhang G., Aspan A., Juremalm M., Chirico J., van der Wal F.J. , Sprong H., Pihl T.P.B., Klitgaard K., Bodker R., Fach P., Moutailler S. | Front Cell Infect Microbiol 2014; 4:103 | ||
Historical poliomyelitis? | van Vliet H., van der Avoort H., Conyn-van Spaendonck M. | In: Reference module in biomedical sciences, 2014 | ||
Hoe snel tetanusvaccin toedienen na verwonding? | Oomen T. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(7):207 | ||
HPV seroconversion following anal and penile HPV infection in HIV-negative and HIV-infected MSM (mannen die seks hebben met mannen) | Mooij S.H., Landén O., van der Klis F.R.M., van der Sande M.A.B., de Melker H.E., Xiridou M., van Eeden A., Heijman T., Speksnijder A.G.C.L., Snijders P.J.F., Schim van der Loeff M.F. | Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2014; 23(11):2455-61 | ||
Human exposure to endotoxins and fecal indicators originating from water features | de Man H., Heederik D.D.J., Leenen E.J.T.M., de Roda Husman A.M., Spithoven J.J.G., van Knapen F. | Water Res 2014; 51:198-205 | ||
Human exposure to tickborne relapsing fever spirochete Borrelia miyamotoi, the Netherlands [Letter to the editor] | Fonville M., Friesema I.H.M., Hengeveld P.D., Docters van Leeuwen A., Jahfari S., Harms M.G., van Vliet A.J.H., Hofhuis A., van Pelt W., Sprong H., van den Wijngaard C.C. | Emerg Infect Dis 2014; 20(7):1244-5 | ||
Human hantavirus infections in the Netherlands | Sane J., Reimerink J., Harms M., Bakker J., Mughini-Gras L., Schimmer B., van Pelt W. | Emerg Infect Dis 2014; 20(12):2107-10 | ||
Humoral and B-cell memory responses in children five years after pertussis acellular vaccine priming | Carollo M., Pandolfi E., Tozzi A.E., Buisman A.M., Mascart F., Ausiello C.M. | Vaccine 2014; 32(18):2093-9 | ||
Identification and typing of Brucella spp. in stranded harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) on the Dutch coast | Maio E., Begeman L., Bisselink Y., van Tulden P., Wiersma L., Hiemstra S., Ruuls R., Gröne A., Roest H.I.J., Willemsen P., van der Giessen J. | Vet Microbiol 2014; 173(1-2):118-24 | ||
Identification of a novel conjugative plasmid in mycobacteria that requires both type IV (Informatievoorziening ) and type VII secretion | Ummels R., Abdallah A.M., Kuiper V., Aajoud A., Sparrius M., Naeem R., Spaink H.P., van Soolingen D., Pain A., Bitter W. | MBio 2014; 5(5):e01744-14 | ||
Identification of the novel spectinomycin resistance gene spd in a different plasmid background among methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus CC398 and methicillin-susceptible S. aureus ST433 | Wendlandt S., Fessler A.T., Kadlec K., van Duijkeren E., Schwarz S. | J Antimicrob Chemother 2014; 69(7):2000-3 | ||
Identifying recently acquired HIV infections among newly diagnosed men who have sex with men attending STI clinics in the Netherlands | Sane J., Heijman T., Hogema B., Koot M., van Veen M, Götz H., Fennema J., Op de Coul E. | Sex Transm Infect 2014; 90(5):414-7 | ||
Immune responses to pertussis vaccines and disase | Edwards K.M., Berbers G.A.M. | J Infect Dis 2014; 209(supp 1):S10-5 | ||
Immunity against poliomyelitis in the Netherlands, assessed in 2006 to 2007: the importance of completing a vaccination series | van der Maas N.A., Mollema L., Berbers G.A., van Rooijen D.M., van der Avoort H.G., Conyn-van Spaendonck M.A.E., de Melker H.E., van der Klis F.R. | Euro Surveillance 2014; 19(7): pii:20705 | ||
Immuno-epidemiological modeling of HIV-1 predicts high heritability of the set-point virus load, while selection for CTL escape dominates virulence evolution | van Dorp C.H., van Boven M., de Boer R.J. | Plos Comput Biol 2014; 10(12):e1003899 | ||
Immunogenicity and safety of the bivalent HPV vaccine in female patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: A prospective controlled observational cohort study | Heijstek M.W., Scherpenisse M., Groot N., Tacke C., Schepp R.M., Buisman A.M., Berbers G.A.M., van der Klis F.R.M., Wulffraat N.M. | Ann Rheum Dis 2014; 73(8):1500-7 | ||
Immunogenicity of the Q fever skin test | Schoffelen T., Herremans T., Sprong T., Nabuurs-Franssen M., van der Meer J.W.M., Joosten L.A.B., Netea M.G., Bijlmer H.A., van Deuren M. | J Infect 2014; 69(2):161-4 | ||
Impact of acquired immunity and dose-dependent probability of illness on quantitative microbial risk assessment | Havelaar A.H., Swart A.N. | Risk Anal 2014; 34(10):1807-19 | ||
Impact of early-stage HIV transmission on treatment as prevention | Powers K.A., Kretzschmar M.E., Miller W.C., Cohen M.S. | Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2014; 111(45):15867-8 | ||
Impact of genital warts on emotional and sexual well-being differs by gender | Vriend H.J., Nieuwkerk P.T., van der Sande M.A.B. | Int J STD AIDS 2014; 25(13):949-55 | ||
Impact of measles national vaccination coverage on burden of measles across 29 Member States of the European Union and European Economic Area, 2006-2011 | Colzani E., McDonald S.A., Carrillo-Santisteve P., Busana M.C., Lopalco P., Cassini A. | Vaccine 2014; 32(16):1814-9 | ||
Impacts of globalisation on foodborne parasites | Robertson L.J., Sprong H., Ortega Y.R., van der Giessen J.W.B., Fayer R. | Trends Parasitol 2014; 30(1):37-52 | ||
Impaired immune response to vaccination against infection with human respiratory syncytial virus at advanced age | Guichelaar T., Hoeboer J., Widjojoatmodjo M.N., Reemers S.S.N., van Els C.A.C.M., Otten R., van Remmerden Y., Boes J., Luytjes W. | J Virol 2014; 88(17):9744-50 | ||
In vitro synergy between linezolid and clarithromycin against Mycobacterium tuberculosis [Letter to the editor] | Bolhuis M.S., van der Laan T., Kosterink J.G.W., van der Werf T.S., van Soolingen D., Alffenaar J.-W.C. | Eur Respir J 2014; 44(3):808-11 | ||
Increase in number of helminth species from Dutch red foxes over a 35-year period | Franssen F., Nijsse R., Mulder J., Cremers H., Dam C., Takumi K., van der Giessen J. | Parasit Vectors 2014; 7(1):166 | ||
Increased incidence of serotype-1 invasive pneumococcal disease in young female adults in The Netherlands | van Mens S.P., Deursen A.M.M., Meijvis S.C.A., Vlaminckx B.J.M., Sanders E.A.M., de Melker H.E., Schouls L.M., van der Ende A., de Greeff S.C., Rijkers G.T. | Epidemiol Infect 2014; 142(9):1996-9 | ||
Increasing sexually transmitted infection rates in young men having sex with men in the Netherlands, 2006-2012 | Koedijk F.D.H., van Benthem B.H.B., Vrolings E.M.D.C., Zuilhof W., van der Sande M.A.B. | Emerg Themes Epidemiol 2014; 11:12 | ||
Infecties door recreatie in oppervlaktewater; huidige en toekomstige risico's op transmissie in Nederland | Schets F.M., de Roda Husman A.M. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2014; 158(0):A7969 | ||
Infection of great apes and a zoo keeper with the same Mycobacterium tuberculosis spoligotype | Akkerman O.W., van der Werf T.S., Rietkerk F., Eger T., van Soolingen D., van der Loo K., van der Zanden A.G.M. | Med Microbiol Immunol 2014; 203(2):141-4 | ||
Influenza at the animal-human interface: a review of the literature for virological evidence of human infection with swine or avian influenza viruses other than A(H5N1) | Freidl G.S., Meijer A., de Bruin E., de Nardi M., Munoz O., Capua I., Breed A.C., Harris K., Hill A., Kosmider R., Banks J., Koopmans M., | Euro Surveill 2014; 19(18):pii 20793 | ||
Informatie van GGD (Gemeentelijke Gezondheidsdienst) naar ketenpartners | Wagelaar M., Niessen W., van der Have J. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(2):49-50 | ||
Initial evaluation of use of an online partner notification tool for STI, called 'suggest a test': a cross sectional pilot study | Götz H.M., van Rooijen M.S., Vriens P., Op de Coul E., Hamers M., Heijman T., van den Heuvel F., Koekenbier R., van Leeuwen A.P., Voeten H.A.C.M. | Sex TransmInfect 2014; 90(3):195-200 | ||
International outbreak investigation of Salmonella Heidelberg associated with in-flight catering | Rebolledo J., Garvey P., Ryan A., O'Donnell J., Cormican M., Jackson S., Cloak F., Cullen L., Swaan C.M., Schimmer B., Appels R.W., Nygard K., Finley R., Sreenivasan N., Lenglet A., Gossner C., McKeown P. | Epidemiol Infect 2014; 142(4):833-42 | ||
Internationale clusters van invasieve meningokokken C-infecties onder mannen die seks hebben met mannen: implicaties voor Nederland? | van der Sande M.A.B., Timen A., van der Ende A., Berbers W.A.M., Op de Coul E.L.M., Mollema L., Knol M.J., Beek P.M., Kroon F.P., Davidovich U., de Melker H.E., Sonder G., van Bergen J.E.A., Coutinho R.A. | Tijdschr Infectieziekten 2014; 9(1):3 | ||
Interventions for STI control | Vriend H.J. | Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2014. Proefschrift | ||
Intestinal immunity is a determinant of clearance of poliovirus after oral vaccination | Wright P.F., Wieland-Alter W., Ilyushina N.A., Hoen A.G., Arita M., Boesch A.W., Ackerman M.E., van der Avoort H., Oberste S., Pallansch M.A., Burton A.H., Jaffar M.A., Sutter R.W. | J Infect Dis 2014; 209(10):1628-34 | ||
Inventory study of non-tuberculous mycobacteria in the European Union | van der Werf M.J., Ködmön C., Katalinic-Jankovic V., Kummik T., Soini H., Richter E.., Papaventsis D., Tortoli E., Perrin M., van Soolingen D., Zolnir-Dovc M., Ostergaard-Thomsen V. | BMC Infect Dis 2014; 14:62 | ||
Investigations into the emergence of pertactin-deficient Bordetella pertussis isolates in six European countries, 1996 to 2012 | Zeddeman A., van Gent M., Heuvelman C.J., van der Heide H.G., Bart M.J., Advani A., Hallander H.O., Wirsing von Konig C.H., Riffelman M., Storsaeter J., Vestrheim D.F., Dalby T., Krogfelt K.A., Fry N.K., Barkoff A-M., Mertsola J., He Q., Mooi F. | Euro Surveill 2014; 19(33): pii:20881 | ||
Is contactisolatie bij ESBL in een woongroep noodzakelijk? | Oomen T. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(1):25-6 | ||
Is er risico na een besmettingsaccident met een overledene? | Oomen T., Sitters I. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(6):176-7 | ||
Is wateroverlast door een wolkbreuk ongezond? | Oomen T. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(8):232-3 | ||
Kat vangt vleermuis: is er een risico op rabies? | Oomen T. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(2):51-2 | ||
Kinetics of the long-term antibody response after meningococcal C vaccination in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a retrospective cohort study | Stoof S.P., Heijstek M.W., Sijssens K.M., van der Klis F., Sanders E.A., Teunis P.F., Wulffraat N.M., Berbers G.A. | Ann Rheum Dis 2014; 73(4):728-34 | ||
Kunnen luchtwassers legionella-bacteriën verspreiden naar de omgeving? | Bartels A. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(5):148-9 | ||
Laboratory capability and surveillance testing for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection in the WHO (World Health Organization ) European Region, June 2013 | Pereyaslov D., Rosin P., Palm D., Zeller H., Gross D., Brown C.S., Struelens M.J., Reusken C., | Euro Surveill 2014; 19(40): pii:20923 | ||
Lage influenzavaccinatiegraad onder ziekenhuismedewerkers | van Gageldonk-Lafeber A.B., Dijkstra F., van 't Veen H., Orchudesch M., van der Hoek W. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2014; 158(41): A7650 | ||
Landelijke diergegevens, wat kan de GGD ermee? | Bekker C.L., Aangenend H., Waegemaekers C.H.F.M., van der Hoek W., Zenker J.W., van Dam A.S.G., Bom B., Hautvast J.L.A. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(1):22-4 | ||
Large outbreak of Salmonella Thompson related to smoked salmon in the Netherlands, August to December 2012 | Friesema I., de Jong A., Hofhuis A., Heck M., Heck M., van den Kerkhof H., de Jonge R., Hameryck D, Nagel K., van Vilsteren G., Beek P., Notermans D., van Pelt W. | Euro Surveill 2014; 19(39): pii.20918 | ||
Legionellapneumonie als vakantiesouvenier: reisgerelateerde legionellose-meldingen in 2012 en 2013 | Brandsema P., Isken L. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(5):142-5 | ||
Legionellapneumonie na bezoek aan een autowasstraat | de Jong S., Klapwijk H.P., Euser S.M., Bruin J.P., Brandsema P.S., Reijnen L., den Boer J.W. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(10):275-6 | ||
Legionellapreventie bij scholen, kantoren en andere niet-prioritaire locaties niet nodig - interpretatie zorgplicht Drinkwaterwet | Bartels A., Schalk M., Brandsema P., Ruijs H. | H2O - online 2014; 19 september | ||
Legionnaires' disease after using an industrial pressure test pump: A case report | Euser S.M., Boogmans B., Brandsema P., Wouters M., den Boer J.W. | J Med Case Rep 2014; 8(1):31 | ||
Limits of chlamydial diagnostic tests in epidemiological studies [Letter to the editor] | Dukers-Muijrers N.H.T.M., van der Sande M.A.B., Wolffs P.F.G., Hoebe C.J.P.A. | J Infect Dis 2014; 209(12):2017-8 | ||
Lipopolysaccharide engineering in Neisseria meningitidis: Structural analysis of different pentaacyl lipid a mutants and comparison of their modified agonist properties | Pupo E., Hamstra H.J., Meiring H., van der Ley P. | J Biol Chem 2014; 289(12):8668-80 | ||
Livestock-associated MRSA carriage in patients without direct contact with livestock | van Rijen M.M.L., Bosch T., Verkade E.J.M., Schouls L., Kluytmans J.A.J.W. | Plos One 2014; 9(6):e100294 | ||
Lokale uitbraak van Salmonella tyhimurium voorjaar 2012 | Fievez L.C.R., Tjhie H.T., van Oudheusden D.E.C., de Jong A.E.I. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(10):284-9 | ||
LOS oligosaccharide modification enhances dendritic cell responses to meningococcal native outer membrane vesicles expressing a non-toxic lipid A | Jones H.E., Copland A., Hamstra H.J., Cohen J., Brown J., Klein N., van der Ley P., Dixon G. | Cell Microbiol 2014; 16(4):519-34 | ||
Low varicella-related consultation rate in the Netherlands in primary care data | van Lier A., van Erp J., Donker G.A., van der Maas N.A.T., Sturkenboom M.C.J.M., de Melker H.E. | Vaccine 2014; 32(28):3517-24 | ||
Lower transplacental antibody transport for measles, mumps, rubella and varicella zoster in very preterm infants | van den Berg J.P., Westerbeek E.A.M., Smits G.P., van der Klis F.R.M., Berbers G.A.M., van Elburg R.M. | Plos One 2014; 9(4):e94714 | ||
Macrolides and lincosamides in cattle and pigs: Use and development of antimicrobial resistance | Pyörälä S., Baptiste K.E., Catry B., van Duijkeren E., Greko C., Moreno M.A., Pomba M.C.M.F., Rantala M., Ruzauskas M., Sanders P., Threlfall E.J., Torren-Edo J,, Törneke K. | Vet J 2014; 200(2):230-9 | ||
Mammary gland-specific ablation of focal adhesion kinase reduces the incidence of p53-mediated mammary tumour formation | van Miltenburg M.H.A.M., van Nimwegen M.J., Tijdens I., Lalai R., Kuiper R., Klarenbeek S., Schouten P.C., de Vries A., Jonkers J., van de Water B. | Br J Cancer 2014; 110(11):2747-55 | ||
Mazelen | Ruijs H., Hahne S. | Bijblijven 2014; (7):30-7 | ||
Measuring underreporting and under-ascertainment in infectious disease datasets: A comparison of methods | Gibbons C.L., Mangen M.J.J., Plass D., Havelaar A.H., Brooke R.J., Kramarz P., Peterson K.L., Stuurman A.L., Cassini A., Fèvre E.M., Kretzschmar M.E.E. | BMC Public Health 2014; 14(1):147 | ||
Meldingen van voedselinfecties en -vergiftigingen in 2012 | Friesema I.H.M., de Jong A.E.I., Boxman I.L.A., van Pelt W. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(2):38-41 | ||
Meningococcal serogroup Y lpxL1 variants from South Africa are associated with clonal complex 23 among young adults | du Plessis M., Wolter N., Crowther-Gibson P., Hamstra H.J., Schipper K., Moodley C., Cohen C., van de Beek D., van der Ley P., von Gottberg A., van der Ende A. | J Infect 2014; 68(5):455-61 | ||
MERS coronavirus: Data gaps for laboratory preparedness | de Sousa R., Reusken C., Koopmans M. | J Clin Virol 2014; 59(1):4-11 | ||
Meta-regression analysis of commensal and pathogenic Escherichia coli survival in soil and water | Franz E., Schijven J., de Roda Husman A.M., Blaak H. | Environ Sci Technol 2014; 48(12):6763-71 | ||
Microbiological risk from minimally processed packaged salads in the dutch food chain | Pielaat A., van Leusden F.M., Wijnands L.M. | J Food Prot 2014; 77(3):395-403 | ||
Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-coronavirus)) infections in two returning travellers in the Netherlands, May 2014 | Kraaij-Dirkzwager M., Timen A., Dirksen K., Gelinck L., Leyten E., Groeneveld P., Jansen C., Jonges M., Raj S., Thurkow I., van Gageldonk-Lafeber R., van der Eijk A., Koopmans M. | Euro Surveill 2014; 19(21):pii-20817 | ||
Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) RNA (ribonucleic acid) and neutralising antibodies in milk collected according to local customs from dromedary camels, Qatar, April 2014 | Reusken C.B., Farag E.A., Jonges M., Godeke G.J., El-Sayed A.M., Pas S.D., Raj V.S., Mohran K.A., Moussa H.A., Ghobashy H., Koopmans M.P., | Euro Surveill 2014; 19(23): pii:20829 | ||
Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in dromedary camels: an outbreak investigation | Haagmans B.L., Al Dhahiry S.H.S., Reusken C.B.E.M., Raj V.S., Galiano M., Myers R., Godeke G.-J., Jonges M., Farag E., Diab A., Ghobashy H., Alhajri F., Al-Thani M., de Marri S.A., Al Romaihi H.E., Al Khal A., Bermingham A., Osterhaus A.D.M.E., Alhajri M.M., Koopmans M.P.G. | Lancet Infect Dis 2014; 14(2):140-5 | ||
Moleculaire typeringstechnieken in de bron- en contactopsporing: 9 ethische vragen om de besluitvorming te structureren | Rump B., Rump B., Cornelis C., Woonink F., Verweij M., van Steenbergen J. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(4):108-12 | ||
Molecular epidemiological analysis of the transboundary transmission of 2003 highly pathogenic avian influenza H7N7 outbreaks between The Netherlands and Belgium | van Borm S., Jonges M., Lambrecht B., Koch G., Houdart P., van den Berg T. | Transbound Emerg Dis 2014; 61(1):86-90 | ||
Molecular surveillance of multi- and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis transmission in the European Union from 2003 to 2011 | de Beer J.L., Ködmön C., van der Werf M.J., van Ingen J., van Soolingen D. | Euro Surveill 2014; 19(11): pii:20742 | ||
Monitoring the impact of HPV vaccination pre- and early post-vaccination data | Mollers M. | Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit, 2014. Proefschrift | ||
Multidisciplinary investigation of a multicountry outbreak of Salmonella Stanley infections associated with turkey meat in the European Union, August 2011 to January 2013 | Kinross P., van Alphen L., Urtaza J.M., Struelens M., Takkinen J., Coulombier D., Mäkelä P., Bertrand S., Mooijman K., | Euro Surveill 2014; 19(19): pii:20801 | ||
Mumps serum antibody levels before and after an outbreak to assess infection and immunity in vaccinated students | Gouma S., Schurink-van 't Klooster T.M., de Melker H.E., Kerkhof J., Smits G.P., Hahne S.J.M., van Els C.A.C.M., Boland G.J., Vossen A.C.T.M., Goswami P.R., Koopmans M.P.G., van Binnendijk R.S. | Open Forum Infect Dis 2014; 1(3):ofu101 | ||
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing genotype resistance to transient rifampin exposure [Letter to the editor] | den Hertog A.L., Menting S., van Soolingen D., Anthony R.M. | Emerg Infect Dis 2014; 20(11):1932-3 | ||
Nationaal uitbraakonderzoek in de praktijk: Salmonella Thompson in gerookte zalm | Friesema I.H.M., Beek P.M., de Jong A.E.I., Heck M.E.O.C., van Pelt W., van den Kerkhof J.H.T.C. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(5):133-6 | ||
National European guidelines for the prevention of Clostridium difficile infection: A systematic qualitative review | Martin M., Zingg W., Knoll E., Wilson C., Dettenkofer M., van Benthem B. , | J Hosp Infect 2014; 87(4):212-9 | ||
Neuralgic amyotrophy and hepatitis E virus infection | van Eijk J.J., Madden R.G., van der Eijk A.A., Hunter J.G., Reimerink J.H., Bendall R.P., Pas S.D., Ellis V., van Alfen N., Beynon L., Southwell L., McLean B., Jacobs B.C., van Engelen B.G., Dalton H.R. | Neurology 2014; 82(6):498-503 | ||
Neurosyphilis in the mixed urban-rural community of the Netherlands | Daey Ouwens I.M., Koedijk F.D.H., Fiolet A.T.L., van Veen M.G., van den Wijngaard K.C., Verhoeven W.M.A., Egger J.I.M., van der Sande M.A.B. | Acta Neuropsychiatria 2014; 26(3):186-92 | ||
New viruses in idiopathic human diarrhea cases, the Netherlands | Smits S.L., Schapendonk C.M.E., van Beek J., Vennema H., Schürch A.C., Schipper D., Bodewes R., Haagmans B.L., Osterhaus A.D.M.E., Koopmans M.P. | Emerg Infect Dis 2014; 20(7): | ||
No evidence for a protective effect of naturally induced HPV antibodies on subsequent anogenital HPV infection in HIV-negative and HIV-infected MSM | Mooij S.H., Landén O., van der Klis F.R.M., van der Sande M.A.B., de Melker H.E., Coutinho R.A., van Eeden A., van Rooijen M.S., Meijer C.J.L.M., Schim van der Loeff M.F. | J Infect 2014; 69(4):175-86 | ||
No evidence for LGV (Lymphogranuloma venereum) transmission among heterosexuals in Amsterdam, the Netherlands | Heiligenberg M., Verweij S.P., Speksnijder A.G.C.L., Morré S.A., de Vries H.J.C., Schim van der Loeff M.F. | BMC Res Notes 2014; 7:355 | ||
No evidence for the persistence of Schmallenberg virus in overwintering mosquitoes | Scholte E.J., Mars M.H., Braks M., den Hartog W., Ibanez Justicia A., Koopmans M., Koenraadt C.J.M., de Vries A., Reusken C. | Med Vet Entomol 2014; 28(1):110-5 | ||
No evidence of clusters of serogroup C meningococcal disease in the Dutch MSM community [Letter to the editor] | Bijlsma M.W., Brouwer M.C., van den Kerkhof H., Knol M.J., van de Beek D., van der Ende A. | J Infect 2014; 68(3):296-7 | ||
Novel dutch self-assessment biosecurity toolkit to identify biorisk gaps and to enhance biorisk awareness | Sijnesael P.C.C., van den Berg L.M., Bleijs D.A., Odinot P., de Hoog C., Jansen M.W.J.C., Kampert E., Rutjes S.A., Broekhuijsen M., Banus S. | Front Public Health 2014; 2:197 | ||
Omvang van het psittacose-probleem bij de mens: het belang van betrouwbare diagnostiek | van der Hoek W., van Gageldonk-Lafeber A.B., Heddema E.R., Notermans D.W., den Boer J.W., Nieuwenhuizen A.., Tjon-A-Tsien A.M.L., Dijkstra F., Meijer A. | Infectieziekten Bull 2014; 25(2):45-8 | ||
Ongewenst uitstel eerste DKTP (Difterie, kinkhoest, tetanus, polio)-vaccinatie bij te vroeg geboren baby's | van Lier A., Woestenberg P.J., van der Maas N.A.T., Drijfhout I.H., Oomen P.J., de Melker H.E. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(10):277-9 | ||
Online respondent-driven sampling for studying contact patterns relevant for the spread of close-contact pathogens: a pilot study in Thailand | Stein M.L., van Steenbergen J.E., Chanyasanha C., Tipayamongkholgul M., Buskens V., van der Heijden P.G.M., Sabaiwan W., Bengtsson L., Lu X., Thorson A.E., Kretzschmar M.E.E. | Plos One 2014; 9(1):e85256 | ||
Opleiden, trainen en oefenen als voorbereiding op infectieziekte-uitbraken | Bergervoet S.A., Jacobi A.J. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(5):146 | ||
Opportunities and limitations of molecular methods for quantifying microbial compliance parameters in EU bathing waters | Oliver D.M., van Niekerk M., Kay D., Heathwaite A.L., Porter J., Fleming L.E., Kinzelman J.L., Connolly E., Cummins A., McPhail C., Rahman A., Thairs T., de Roda Husman A.M., Hanley N.D., Dunhill I., Globevnik L., Harwood V.J., Hodgson C.J., Lees D.N., Nichols G.L., Nocker A., Schets C., Quilliam R.S. | Environ Int 2014; 64C:124-8 | ||
Optimization of standard in-house 24-locus variable-number tandem-repeat typing for Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its direct application to clinical material | de Beer J.L., Akkerman O.W., Schürch A.C., Mulder A., van der Werf T.S., van der Zanden A.G.M., van Ingen J., van Soolingen D. | J Clin Microbiol 2014; 52(5):1338-42 | ||
OutbreakTools: a new platform for disease outbreak analysis using the R software | Jombart T., Aanensen D.M., Baguelin M., Birrell P., Cauchemez S., Camacho A., Colijn C., Collins C., Cori A., Didelot X., Fraser C., Frost S., Hens N., Hugues J., Hohle M., Opatowski L., Rambaut A., Ratmann O., Soubeyrand S., Suchard M.A., Wallinga J., Ypma R., Ferguson N. | Epidemics 2014; 7(1):28-34 | ||
Parental knowledge reduces long term anxiety induced by false-positive test results after newborn screening for cystic fibrosis | Vernooij-van Langen A.M.M., van der Pal S.M., Reijntjens A.J.T., Loeber J.G., Dompeling E., Dankert-Roelse J.E. | Mol Genet Metabol Reports 2014; 1:334-44 | ||
Parents' attitude toward multiple vaccinations at a single visit with alternative delivery methods | Kaaijk P., Kleijne D.E., Knol M.J., Harmsen I.A., Ophorst O.J.A.E., Rots N.Y. | Hum Vaccine Immunother 2014; 10(8):2483-9 | ||
Patiënten met een seksueel overdraagbare aandoening | van Bergen J.E.A.M. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2014; 158(14):608-11; A7247 | ||
Perceived HIV status is a key determinant of unprotected anal intercourse within partnerships of men who have sex with men in Amsterdam | Matser A., Heijman T., Geskus R., de Vries H., Kretzschmar M., Speksnijder A., Xiridou M., Fennema H., Schim van der Loeff M. | AIDS Behav 2014; 18(12):2442-56 | ||
Persistent high antibody titres against Coxiella burnetii after acute Q fever not explained by continued exposure to the source of infection: a case-control study | Jajou R., Wielders C.C.H., Leclercq M., van Leuken J., Shamelian S., Renders N., van der Hoek W., Schneeberger P.M. | BMC Infect Dis 2014; 14(1):629 | ||
Pertussis resurgence: waning immunity and pathogen adaptation - two sides of the same coin | Mooi F.R., van der Maas N.A.T., de Melker H.E. | Epidemiol Infect 2014; 142(4):685-94 | ||
Pertussis specific T-cell immunity in Dutch children: differences after whole-cell versus acellular vaccination | Schure R-M. | Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, 2014. Proefschrift | ||
Pleuromutilins: use in food-producing animals in the European Union, development of resistance and impact on human and animal health | van Duijkeren E., Greko C., Pringle M., Baptiste K.E., Catry B., Jukes H., Moreno M.A., Pomba M.C.M.F., Pyorala S., Rantala M., Ruzauskas M., Sanders P., Teale C., Threllfall E.J., Torren-Edo J., Torneke K. | J Antimicrob Chemother 2014; 69(8):2022-31 | ||
Poliomyelitis in Syrië: gevolgen voor het Midden-Oosten en voor Nederland | Timen A., Ruijs W.L.M., de Melker H.E., van der Have J., Drijfhout I., van der Avoort H.G. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(9):248-52 | ||
Population- and type-specific clustering of multiple HPV types across diverse risk populations in the Netherlands | Mollers M., Vriend H.J., van der Sande M.A.B., van Bergen J.E.A.M., King A.J., Lenselink C.H., Bekkers R.L.M., Meijer C.J.L.M., de Melker H.E., Bogaards J.A. | Am J Epidemiol 2014; 179(10):1236-46 | ||
Positive predictive values for detection of trisomies 21, 18 and 13 and termination of pregnancy rates after referral for advanced maternal age, first trimester combined test or ultrasound abnormalities in a national screening programme (2007-2009) | Siljee J.E., Knegt A.C., Knapen M.F.C.M., Bekker M.N., Visser G.H.A., Schielen P.C.J.I. | Prenat Diagn 2014; 34(3):259-64 | ||
Potential association between the recent increase in campylobacteriosis incidence in the Netherlands and proton-pump inhibitor use - an ecological study | Bouwknegt M., van Pelt W., Kubbinga M.E., Weda M., Havelaar A.H. | Euro Surveill 2014; 19(32): pii: 20873 | ||
Practical biosafety in the tuberculosis laboratory: Containment at the source is what truly counts | van Soolingen D., Wisselink H.J., Lumb R, Anthony R., van der Zanden A., Gilpin C. | Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2014; 18(8):885-9 | ||
Predicting tick presence by environmental risk mapping | Swart A., Ibanez Justicia A., Buijs J., van Wieren S.E., Hofmeester T.R., Sprong H., Takumi K. | Front Public Health 2014; 2:238 | ||
Presence of human non-polio enterovirus and parechovirus genotypes in an Amsterdam hospital in 2007 to 2011 compared to national and international published surveillance data: A comprehensive review | Janes V.A., Minnaar R., Koen G., van Eijk H., Dijkman-de Haan K., Pajkrt D., Wolthers K.C., Benschop K.S. | Euro Surveill 2014; 19(46): pii:20964 | ||
Prevalence and characteristics of ESBL-producing E. coli in Dutch recreational waters influenced by wastewater treatment plants | Blaak H., de Kruijf P., Hamidjaja R.A., van Hoek A.H.A.M., de Roda Husman A.M., Schets F.M. | Vet Microbiol 2014; 171(3-4):448-59 | ||
Prevalence and concentration of bacterial pathogens in raw produce and minimally processed packaged salads produced in and for the Netherlands | Wijnands L.M., Delfgou-van Asch E.H.M., Mensink-Beerepoot M.E., van der Meij-Florijn A., Fitz James I., van Leusden F.M., Pielaat A. | J Food Prot 2014; 77(3):388-94 | ||
Prevalence and risk factors for Coxiella burnetii (Q fever) in Dutch dairy cattle herds based on bulk tank milk testing | van Engelen E., Schotten N., Schimmer B., Hautvast J.L.A., van Schaik G., van Duijnhoven Y.T.H.P. | Prev Vet Med 2014; 117(1):103-9 | ||
Prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus carrying mecA or mecC in dairy cattle | van Duijkeren E., Hengeveld P.D., Albers M., Pluister G., Jacobs P., Heres L., van de Giessen A.W. | Vet Microbiol 2014; 171(304):364-7 | ||
Preventie en behandeling van Baylizsascars spp.-infecties bij ultheemse dieren | Maas M., Franssen F., Hendrikse T., van Bolhuis H., Overgaauw P., Nijsse R., van der Giessen J. | Tijdschr Diergeneeskd 2014; 139(1):22-7 | ||
Preventive behaviours regarding tick bites | Crutzen R., Beaujean D. | BMJ 2014; 348:g231 | ||
Proteomics-identified Bvg-activated autotransporters protect against Bordetella pertussis in a mouse model | de Gouw D. , de Jonge M.I., Hermans P.W.M., Wessels H.J.C.T., Zomer A., Berends A., Pratt C., Berbers G.A., Mooi F.R., Diavatopoulos D.A. | Plos One 2014; 9(8):e105011 | ||
Pseudomonas aeruginosa on vinyl-canvas inflatables and foam teaching aids in swimming pools | Schets F.M., van den Berg H.H., van der Baan R., Lynch G., de Roda Husman A.M. | J Water Health 2014; 12(4):772-81 | ||
Public health en recreatie: preventie loont | Veenstra T., van Steenbergen J.E. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2014; 158:A8067 | ||
Public knowledge and preventive behavior during a large-scale Salmonella outbreak: results from an online survey in the Netherlands | van Velsen L., Beaujean D.J.M.A., van Gemert-Pijnen J.E.W.C., van Steenbergen J.E., Timen A. | BMC Public Health 2014; 14:100 | ||
Q fever in the Netherlands - 2007-2010: What we learned from the largest outbreak ever | Schneeberger P.M., Wintenberger C., van der Hoek W., Stahl J.P. | Med Mal Infect 2014; 44(8):339-53 | ||
Q fever in the Netherlands: public perceptions and behavioral responses in three different epidemiological regions: a follow-up study | Bults M., Beaujean D., Wijkmans C., Richardus J.H., Voeten H. | BMC Public Health 2014; 14(1):263 | ||
Quantifying the sources of Salmonella on dressed carcasses of pigs based on serovar distribution | Smid J.H., van Hoek A.H.A.M., Aarts H.J.M., Havelaar A.H., Heres L., de Jonge R., Pielaat A. | Meat Sci 2014; 96(4):1425-31 | ||
Quantitative assessment of infection risk from exposure to waterborne pathogens in urban floodwater | de Man H., van den Berg H.H.J.L., Leenen E.J.T.M., Schijven J.F., Schets F.M., van der Vliet J.C., van Knapen F., de Roda Husman A.M. | Water Res 2014; 48(1):90-9 | ||
Randomized controlled ferret study to assess the direct impact of 2008-09 trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine on A(H1N1)pdm09 disease risk | Skrowonski D.M., Hamelin M.-E., de Serres G., Janjua N.Z., Li G., Sabalduc S., Bouhy X., Couture C., Leung A., Kobasa D., Emury-Hyatt C., de Bruin E., Balshaw R., Lavigne S., Petric M., Koopmans M., Boivin G. | Plos One 2014; 9(1):e86555 | ||
Rapid diagnosis of pyrazinamide-resistant multidrug-resistant tuberculosis using a molecular-based diagnostic algorithm | Simons S.O., van der Laan T., Mulder A., van Ingen J., Rigouts L., Dekhuijzen P.N.R., Boeree M.J., van Soolingen D. | Clin Microb Infect 2014; 20(10:1015-20 | ||
Reactie op Een mondhygiëniste met hepatitis B | Meerstadt-Rombach F.S. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(10):293 | ||
Recombinant hybrid proteins from pertactin type 1 and 2 of Bordetella pertussis are more immunogenic in mice than the original molecules | Quintana-Vázquez D., Coizeau E., Alvarez A., Delgado M., Cardenas T., Ramos Y., Chinea G., Berbers G.A.M., Guillen G.E. | Biotecnoloiga Aplicada 2014; 31(1):33-42 | ||
Recommendations for the empirical treatment of complicated urinary tract infections using surveillance data on antimicrobial resistance in the Netherlands | Koningstein M., van der Bij A.K., de Kraker M.E.A., Monen J.C., Muilwijk J., de Greeff S.C., Geerlings S.E., Leverstein-van Hall M.A. | Plos One 2014; 9(1):e86634 | ||
Recreatiewatergerelateerde gezondheidsklachten in de zomers van 2012 en 2013 | Schets F.M., de Roda Husman A.M. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(6):168-72 | ||
Recurrent wheezing is associated with intestinal protozoan infections in Warao Amerindian children in Venezuela: a cross-sectional survey | Overeem M.M.A., Verhagen L.M., Hermans P.W.M., del Nogal B., Márquez Sánchez A., Acevedo N.M., Murga R.R., Roelfsema J., Pinelli E., de Waard J.H.. | BMC Infect Dis 2014; 14(1):293 | ||
Reinfection by untreated partners of people treated for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae: mathematical modelling study | Low N., Heijne J.C.M., Herzog S.A., Althaus C.L. | Sex Transmit Infect 2014; 90(3):254-6 | ||
Relative risk of irritable bowel syndrome following acute gastroenteritis and associated risk factors | Kowalcyk B.K., Smeets H.M., Succop P.A., de Wit N.J., Havelaar A.H. | Epidemiol Infect 2014; 142(6):1259-68 | ||
Reply to Pawar et al | Todd S., de Bruin E., Nhat N.T.D., Koopmans M., Boni M.F. | J Infect Dis 2014; 210(1):161-3 | ||
Response to Galán-Puchades and Fuentes: Taenia asiatica: neglected, but not forgotten, and almost certainly being quietly globalised | Robertson L.J., Sprong H., Ortega Y., van der Giessen J.W.B., Fayer R. | Trends Parasitol 2014; 30(2):56-7 | ||
Resultaten van de Bronopsporings Eenheid Legionella-pneumonie 2011-2012 | Euser S.M., Brandsema P., Ruijs W.L.M., den Boer J.W. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(4):113-6 | ||
Review of disability weight studies: Comparison of methodological choices and values | Haagsma J.A., Polinder S., Cassini A., Colzani E., Havelaar A.H. | Population Health Metrics 2014; 12(1):20 | ||
Risk assessment of vector-borne diseases for public health governance | Sedda L., Morley D.W., Braks M.A.H., de Simone L., Benz D., Rogers D.J. | Public Health 2014; 128(12):1049-58 | ||
Risk factors and monitoring for water quality to determine best management practices for splash parks | de Man H., Leenen E.J., van Knapen F., de Roda Husman A.M. | J Water Health 2014; 12(3):399-403 | ||
Risk factors for human salmonellosis originating from pigs, cattle, broiler chickens and egg laying hens: a combined case-control and source attribution analysis | Mughini-Gras L., Enserink R., Friesema I., Heck M., van Duynhoven Y., van Pelt W. | Plos One 2014; 9(2):e87933 | ||
Risk governance for infectious diseases: Exploring the feasibility and added value of the IRGC-framework for Dutch infectious disease control | Roodenrijs J.C.M., Kraaij-Dirkzwager M.M., van den Kerkhof J.H.T.C., Runhaar H.A.C. | J Risk Res 2014; 17(9):1161-82 | ||
Robustness against serum neutralization of a poliovirus type 1 from a lethal epidemic of poliomyelitis in the Republic of Congo in 2010 | Drexler J.F., Grard G., Lukashev A.N., Kozlovskaya L.I., Bottcher S., Uslu G., Reimerink J., Gmyl A.P., Taty-Taty R., Lekana-Douki S.E., Koopmans M., | Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2014; 111(35)12889-94 | ||
Routine vaccination against MenB: considerations for implementation | Kaaijk P., van der Ende A., Luytjes W. | Hum Vaccin Immunother 2014; 10(2):3110-6 | ||
Safety and immunogenicity of a primary series of Sabin-IPV with and without aluminum hydroxide in infants | Verdijk P., Rots N.Y., van Oijen M.G.C.T., Weldon W.C., Oberste M.S., Okayasu H., Sutter R.W., Bakker W.A.M. | Vaccine 2014; 32(39):4938-44 | ||
Salmonella source attribution based on microbial subtyping: Does including data on food consumption matter? | Mughini-Gras L., van Pelt W. | Int J Food Microbiol 2014; 191C:109-15 | ||
Second worldwide proficiency study on variable number of tandem repeats typing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex | de Beer J.L., Ködmön C., van Ingen J., Supply P., van Soolingen D. | Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2014; 18(5):594-600 | ||
Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen, waaronder hiv, in Nederland in 2013 | van Aar F., Koedijk F.D.H., van den Broek I.V.F., Op de Coul E.L.M., Soetens L.C., Woestenberg P.J., Heijne J.C.M., van Benthem B.H.B., van Benthem B.H.B. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(8):229-31 | ||
Selective decontamination of the oropharynx and the digestive tract, and antimicrobial resistance: a 4 year ecological study in 38 intensive care units in the Netherlands | Houben A.J.M., Oostdijk E.A.N., van der Voort P.H.J., Monen J.C.M., Bonten M.J.M., van der Bij A.K. | J Antimicrob Chemother 2014; 69(3):797-804 | ||
Selective decontamination of the oropharynx and the digestive tract, and antimicrobial resistance: a 4 year ecological study in 38 intensive care units in the Netherlands - authors' response [Letter to the editor] | Bonten M.J.M., Oostdijk E.A.N., van der Bij A.K. | J Antimicrob Chemother 2014; 69(3):861 | ||
Sequence variations in HIV-1 p24 Gag-derived epitopes can alter binding of KIR2DL2 to HLA-C*03:04 and modulate primary natural killer cell function | van Teijlingen N.H., Hölzemer A., Körner C., García-Beltrán W.F., Schafer J.L., Fadda L., Suscovich T.J., Brander C., Carrington M., Evans D.T., van Baarle D., Altfeld M. | AIDS 2014; 28(10):1399-408 | ||
Serial intervals of respiratory infectious diseases: A systematic review and analysis | Vink M.A., Bootsma M.C.J., Wallinga J. | Am J Epidemiol 2014; 180(9):865-76 | ||
Serology in chronic Q fever is still surrounded by question marks | Wegdam-Blans M.C.A., Tjhie H.T., Korbeeck J.M., Nabuurs-Franssen M.N., Kampschreur L.M., Sprong T., Teijink J.A.W., Koopmans M.P. | Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2014; 33(7):1089-94 | ||
Seroprevalence of hepatitis E virus in pigs from different farming systems in the Netherlands | Rutjes S.A., Bouwknegt M., van der Giessen J.W., de Roda Husman A.M., Reusken C.B.E.M. | J Food Prot 2014; 77(4):640-2 | ||
Seroprevalence of rubella antibodies in The Netherlands after 32 years of high vaccination coverage | Smits G., Mollema L., Hahne S., de Melker H., Tcherniaeva I., van der Klis F., Berbers G. | Vaccine 2014; 32(16):1890-5 | ||
Sexual behaviour and sexually transmitted infections in sexually transmitted infection clinic attendees in the Netherlands, 2007-2011 | Op de Coul E.L.M., Warning T.D., Koedijk F.D.H., van Daa A., van Leeuwen A.P., de Groot F., Niekamp A.-M., Langevoort M., van Camerijk A.M., van de Sande J., Wieërs V. | Int J STD & Aids 2014; 25(1):40-51 | ||
Sexually transmitted infections in men who have sex with men | de Vries H.J. | Clin Dermatol 2014; 32(2):181-8 | ||
Significant increase of Echinococcus multilocularis prevalence in foxes, but no increased predicted risk for humans | Maas M., Dam-Deisz W.D.C., van Roon A.M., Takumi K., van der Giessen J.W.B. | Vet Parasitol 2014; 206(3-4):167-72 | ||
Silent spread of highly pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 virus amongst vaccinated commercial layers | Poetri O.N., van Boven M., Claassen I., Koch G., Wibawan I.W., Stegeman A., van den Broek J., Bouma A. | Res Vet Sci 2014; 97(3):637-41 | ||
Six-month incidence and persistence of oral HPV infection in HIV-negative and HIV-infected men who have sex with men | Mooij S.H., Boot H.J., Speksnijder A.G.C.L., Meijer C.J.L.M., King A.J., Verhagen D.W.M., de Vries H.J.C., Quint W.G.V., Molijn A., de Koning M.N.C., van der Sande M.A.B., Schim van der Loeff M.F. | Plos One 2014; 9(6):e98955 | ||
Skin as an indicator for sexually transmitted infections | de Vries H.J. | Clin Dermatol 2014; 32(2):196-208 | ||
Smoking and older age associated with mumps in an outbreak in a group of highly-vaccinated individuals attending a youth club party, the Netherlands, 2012 | Ladbury G., Ostendorf S., Waegemaekers T., van Binnendijk R., Boot H., Hahne S. | Euro Surveill 2014; 19(16): pii.20776 | ||
Social networking sites as a tool for contact tracing: Urge for ethical framework for normative guidance | Stein M.L., Rump B.O., Kretzschmar M.E.E., van Steenbergen J.E. | Public Health Ethics 2014; 7(1):57-60 | ||
Soil as a source of Legionella pneumophila sequence type 47 | Schalk J.A.C., Euser S.M., van Heijnsbergen E., Bruin J.P., den Boer J.W., de Roda Husman A.M. | Int J Infect Dis 2014; 27C:e18-9 | ||
Songbirds as general transmitters but selective amplifiers of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato genotypes in Ixodes rinicus ticks | Heylen D., Matthysen E., Fonville M., Sprong H. | Environ Microbiol 2014; 16(9):2859-68 | ||
Spatial relationships in the Q fever outbreaks 2007-2010 in the Netherlands | Commandeur M., Jeurissen L., van der Hoek W., Roest H.J., Hermans C.M.L. | Int J Environ Health Res 2014; 24(2):137-57 | ||
Speed versus coverage trade off in targeted interventions during an outbreak | Bonacic Marinovic A.A., Koopmans M., Dittrich S., Teunis P., Swaan C., van Steenbergen J., Kretzschmar M. | Epidemics 2014; 8:28-40 | ||
Successful control of a hospital-wide outbreak of OXA (Oxacilline hydrolyserend metallo beta lactamase)-48 producing enterobacteriaceae in the Netherlands, 2009 to 2011 | Dautzenberg M.J., Ossewaarde J.M., de Kraker M.E., van der Zee A., van Burgh S., de Greeff S.C., Bijlmer H.A., Grundmann H., Cohen Stuart J.W., Fluit A.C., Troelstra A., Bonten M.J. | Euro Surveill 2014; 19(9): pii:20723 | ||
Summer increase of Legionnaires' disease 2010 in the Netherlands associated with weather conditions and implications for source finding | Brandsema P.S., Euser S.M., Karagiannis I., den Boer J.W., van der Hoek W. | Epidemiol Infect 2014; 142(11):2360-71 | ||
Surveillance of infections in nursing homes in the Netherlands, how to come from information to action | Haenen A., Alblas J., de Greeff S., Veldman J. | Int J Infection Control 2014; 10(4) | ||
Surveillance van Listeria monocytogenes in Nederland, 2012 | Friesema I.H.M., van der Zwaluw W.K., Notermans D.W., Biesta-Peters E.G., van der Ende A., Spanjaard L., van Pelt W. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(1):14-8 | ||
Syndroomsurveillance : een vinger aan de pols van de volksgezondheid | van Asten L., Fanoy E.B., Hooiveld M., Koopmans M.P.G., Kretzschmar M.E.E., Enserink R., de Jong S., Koppeschaar C., Reusken C., van Steenbergen J.E., Veldman-Ariesen M.J., Wuyckhuise L.A., Ziemann A., van den Wijngaard C.C., Bijkerk P. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2014; 158(37):171-8 (A7415) | ||
Systematic review of allelic exchange experiments aimed at identifying mutations that confer drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis | Nebenzahl-Guimaraes H., Jacobson K.R., Farhat M.R., Murray M.B. | J Antimicrob Chemother 2014; 69(2):331-42 | ||
T cell responses to viral infections - opportunities for peptide vaccination | Rosendahl Huber S., van Beek J., de Jonge J., Luytjes W., van Baarle D. | Front Immunol 2014; 5:171 | ||, een webplatform over tekenbeten en de ziekte van Lyme | Harms M.G., Fonville M., van Vliet A.J.H., Bennema S., Hofhuis A., Beaujean D., Sprong H., van Pelt W., van den Wijngaard C.C. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(7):204-6 | ||
Tekenweetjes | Oomen T., Gassner F. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(4):120 | ||
Temporal trends in mortality among people who use drugs compared with the general Dutch population differ by hepatitis C virus and HIV infection status | van Santen D.K., van der Helm J.J. , Grady B.P.X., de Vos A.S., Kretzschmar M.E.E., Stolte I.G., Prins M. | AIDS 2014; 28(17):2589-99 | ||
The burden of parasitic zoonoses in Nepal: a systematic review | Devleesschauwer B., Ale A., Torgerson P., Praet N., Maertens de Noordhout C., Pandey B.D., Pun S.B., Lake R., Vercruysse J., Joshi D.D., Havelaar A.H., Duchateau L., Dorny P., Speybroeck N. | Plos Negl Trop Dis 2014; 8(1):e2634 | ||
The disease burden of hepatitis B, influenza, measles and salmonellosis in Germany: first results of the Burden of Communicable Diseases in Europe Study | Plass D., Mangen M.J.J., Kraemer A., Pinheiro P., Gilsdorf A., Krause G., Gibbons C.L., van Lier A., McDonald S.A., Brooke R.J., Kramarz P., Cassini A., Kretzschmar M.E.E. | Epidemiol Infect 2014; 142(10):2024-35 | ||
The Dutch Q fever situation - Lessons learned? | Roest H.I.J., Maassen C.B.M., van der Giessen A., van Zijderveld F.G. | GRF Davos Planet@Risk 2014; 2(3):166-8 | ||
The dynamic changes of dominant clones of Staphylococcus aureus causing bloodstream infections in the European region: Results of a second structured survey | Grundmann H., Schouls L.M., Aanensen D.M., Pluister G.N., Tami A., Chlebowicz M., Glasner C., Sabat A.J., | Euro Surveill 2014; 19(49): pii:20987 | ||
The efficacy and duration of vaccine protection against human papillomavirus: a systematic review and meta-analysis | Deleré Y., Wichmann O., Klug S.J., van der Sande M., Terhardt M., Zepp F., Harder T. | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2014; 111(35-36):584-91 + 9-13 + I-II | ||
The epidemiology of childhood tuberculosis in the Netherlands: still room for prevention | Erkens C.G.M., de Vries G., Keizer S.T., Slump E., van den Hof S. | BMC Infect Dis 2014; 14(1):295 | ||
The global burden of listeriosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis | Maertens de Noordhout C., Devleesschauwer B., Angulo F.J., Verbeke G., Haagsma J., Kirk M., Havelaar A., Speybroeck N. | Lancet Infect Dis 2014; 14(11):1073-82 | ||
The hanta hunting study: underdiagnosis of Puumala hantavirus infections in symptomatic non-travelling leptospirosis-suspected patients in the Netherlands, in 2010 and April to November 2011 | Goeijenbier M., Hartskeerl R.A., Reimerink J., Verner-Carlsson J., Wagenaar J.F., Goris M.G., Martina B.E., Lundkvist A., Koopmans M., Osterhaus A.D., van Gorp E.C., Reusken C.B. | Euro Surveill 2014; 19(32): pii:20878 | ||
The importance of partnership factors and individual factors associated with absent or inconsistent condom use in heterosexuals: a cross-sectional study | Matser A., Heiligenberg M., Geskus R., Heijman T., Low N., Kretzschmar M., Schim van der Loeff M.F. | Sex Transm Infect 2014; 90(4):325-31 | ||
The influences of antiviral therapy on T-cell function in adult patients with chronic hepatitis B | Harkisoen S., Kroon S., van Erpecum K.J., Hoepelman A.I.M., van Baarle D., Arends J.E. | Future Virol 2014; 9(10):913-20 | ||
The need for concerted action against the cousins of poliovirus | Benschop K.S.M., Wolthers K.C. | Future Virol 2014; 9(6):541-3 | ||
The role of water in human picornavirus transmission | Lodder W.J. | Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, 2014. Proefschrift | ||
The use of tetanus post-exposure prophylaxis guidelines by general practitioners and emergency departments in the Netherlands: A cross-sectional questionnaire study | Donken R., van der Maas N., Swaan C., Wiersma T., te Wierik M., Hahne S., de Melker H. | BMC Fam Pract 2014; 15(1):112 | ||
The vaccine potential of Bordetella pertussis biofilm-derived membrane proteins | de Gouw D. , Serra D.O., de Jonge M.I., Hermans P.W.M., Wessels H.J.C.T., Zomer A., Yantorno O.M., Diavatopoulos D.A., Mooi F.R. | Emerg Microbes Infect 2014; 3(8):e58 | ||
The value of signs and symptoms in differentiating between bacterial, viral and mixed aetiology in patients with community-acquired pneumonia | Huijskens E.G.W., Koopmans M., Palmen F.M.H., van Erkel A.J.M., Mulder P.G.H., Rossen J.W.A. | J Med Microbiol 2014; 63(3):441-52 | ||
Three cases of hearing loss related to mumps during a nationwide outbreak in the Netherlands, 2009-2013 [Letter to the editor] | Fanoy E.B., Wolters B.A., Topsakal V., van Binnendijk R.S., van der Borden J., Hahne S.J. | Pediatr Infect Dis J 2014; 33(8):889-90 | ||
Tick-borne pathogen - reversed and conventional discovery of disease | Tijsse-Klasen E., Koopmans M.P.G., Sprong H. | Front Public Health 2014; 2:73 | ||
Timing of an adolescent booster after single primary meningococcal serogroup C conjugate immunization at young age; an intervention study among Dutch teenagers | Stoof S.P., van der Klis F.R.M., van Rooijen D.M., Knol M.J., Sanders E.A.M., Berbers G.A.M. | Plos One 2014; 9(6):e100651 | ||
Toolkit for visualization of the cellular structure and organelles in aspergillus niger | Buren E.B., Karrenbelt M.A., Lingemann M., Chordia S., Deng Y., Hu J., Verest J.M., Wu V., Gonzalez T.J., Heck R.G., Odoni D.I., Schonewille T., van Straat L., Graaff L.H., van Passel M.W. | ACS (amsterdamse cohortstudie) Synth Biol 2014; 3(12):995-8 | ||
Toward an endgame: finding and engaging people unaware of their HIV-1 infection in treatment and prevention | Burns D.N., DeGruttola V., Pilcher C.D., Kretzschmar M., Gordon C.M., Flanagan E.H., Duncombe C., Cohen M.S. | AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2014; 30(4):217-24 | ||
Toward understanding the essence of post-translational modifications for the Mycobacterium tuberculosis immunoproteome | van Els C.A.C.M., Corbière V., Smits K., van Gaans-van den Brink J.A.M., Poelen M.C.M., Mascart F., Meiring H.D., Locht C. | Front Immunol 2014; 5:361 | ||
Toxocariasis | Hamilton C.M., Yoshida A., Pinelli E., Holland C.V. | In: Bruschi F, ed. Helminth infections and their impact on global public health. Berlin: Springer, 2014:425-60 | ||
Tracing the sources of human salmonellosis: a multi-model comparison of phenotyping and genotyping methods | Mughini-Gras L., Smid J., Enserink R., Franz E., Schouls L., Heck M., van Pelt W. | Infect Genet Evol 2014; 28(1):251-60 | ||
Transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus CC398 from livestock veterinarians to their household members | Verkade E., Kluytmans-van den Bergh M., van Benthem B. , van Cleef B., van Rijen M., Bosch T., Schouls L., Kluytmans J. | Plos One 2014; 9(7):e100823 | ||
Travel-related MERS-CoV cases: an assessment of exposures and risk factors in a group of Dutch travellers returning from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, May 2014 | Fanoy E.B., van der Sande M.A.B., Kraaij-Dirkzwager M., Dirksen K., Jonges M., van der Hoek W., Koopmans M.P.G., van der Werf D., Sonder G., van der Weijden C., van der Heuvel J., Gelinck L., Bouwhuis J.W., van Gageldonk-Lafeber A.B. | Emerg Themes Epidemiol 2014; 11:16 | ||
Treatment as prevention among injecting drug users; extrapolating from the Amsterdam cohort study | de Vos A.S., Prins M., Coutinho R.A., van der Helm J.J. , Kretzschmar M.E.E. | AIDS 2014; 28(6):911-8 | ||
Trend analysis of Trichinella in a red fox population from a low endemic area using a validated artificial digestion and sequential sieving technique | Franssen F., Deksne G., Esíte Z., Havelaar A., Swart A., van der Giessen J. | Vet Res 2014; 45(1):120 | ||
Trends in hepatitis C virus infections among MSM attending a sexually transmitted infection clinic; 1995-2010 | Urbanus A.T., van de Laar T.J.W., Geskus R., Vanhommerig J.W., van Rooijen M.S., Schinkel J., Heijman T., Coutinho R.A., Prins M. | AIDS 2014; 28(5):781-90 | ||
Twelve-month incidence and clearance of oral HPV infection in HIV-negative and HIV-infected men who have sex with men: the H2M cohort study | van Aar F., Mooij S.H., van der Sande M.A.B., Meijer C.J.L.M., King A.J., Verhagen D.W.M., Heijman T., Coutinho R.A., Schim van der Loeff M.F. | BMC Infect Dis 2014; 14(1):668 | ||
Two different erm(C)-carrying plasmids in the same methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus CC398 isolate from a broiler farm | Wendlandt S., Kadlec K., Fessler A.T., van Duijkeren E., Schwarz S. | Vet Microbiol 2014; 171(3-4):382-7 | ||
Two major mumps genotype G variants dominated recent mumps outbreaks in the Netherlands (2009-2012) | Gouma S., Sane J., Gijselaar D., Cremer J., Hahne S., Koopmans M., van Binnendijk R. | J Gen Virol 2014; 95(5):1074-82 | ||
Uncertainty of population risk estimates for pathogens based on qmra or epidemiology: A case study of campylobacter in the Netherlands | Bouwknegt M., Knol A.B., van der Sluijs J.P., Evers E.G. | Risk Anal 2014; 54(5):847-64 | ||
Use of Chlamydia trachomatis high-resolution typing: an extended case study to distinguish recurrent or persistent infection from new infection | Goetz H.M., Bom R.J.M., Wolfers M.E.G., Fennema J., van den Broek I.V.F., Speksnijder A.G.C.L., Bruisten S.M. | Sex Transm Infect 2014; 90(2):155-60 | ||
Using routine diagnostic data as a method of surveillance of arboviral infection in travellers: A comparative analysis with a focus on dengue | Cleton N., Reusken C., Murk J.-L., de Jong M., Reimerink J., van der Eijk .A., Koopmans M. | Travel Med Infect Dis 2014; 12(2):159-66 | ||
Utility of rpoB gene sequencing for identification of nontuberculous mycobacteria in the Netherlands | de Zwaan R., van Ingen J., van Soolingen D. | J Clin Microbiol 2014; 52(7):2544-51 | ||
Utilizing syndromic surveillance data for estimating levels of influenza circulation | Patterson-Lomba O., van Noort S., Cowling B.J., Wallinga J., Gomes M.G.M., Lipsitch M., Goldstein E. | Am J Epidemiol 2014; 179(11):1394-401 | ||
Vaccinatie van aanstaande moeders om baby's te beschermen: een kosteneffectiviteitsanalyse | Lugner A.K., van der Maas N., van Boven M., Mooi F.R., de Melker H.E. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(8):226-8 | ||
Vaccinating: self-evident or not? | Harmsen I.A. | Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht, 2014. Proefschrift | ||
Vaccination of paediatric patients with rheumatic diseases | Heijstek M.W. | Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, 2014. Proefschrift | ||
Vaccine uptake determinants in The Netherlands | van Lier A., van de Kassteele J., de Hoogh P., Drijfhout I., de Melker H. | Eur J Public Health 2014; 24(2):304-9 | ||
Vector-borne disease intelligence: strategies to deal with disease burden and threats | Braks M., Medlock J.M., Hubalek Z., Hertqvist M., Perrin Y., Lancelot R., Duchyene E., Hendrickx G., Stroo A., Heyman P., Sprong H. | Front Public Health 2014; 2:280 | ||
Viable Legionella pneumophila bacteria in natural soil and rainwater puddles | van Heijnsbergen E., de Roda Husman A.M., Lodder W.J., Bouwknegt M., Docters van Leeuwen A.E., Bruin J.P., Euser S.M., den Boer J.W., Schalk J.A.C. | J Appl Microbiol 2014; 117(3):882-90 | ||
Wat gebeurde er bij de LCI in 2013? | Schreuder I., Urbanus A., Swaan C. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(9):258-62 | ||
Wat vinden de gebruikers van de LCI-richtlijnen en -draaiboeken? | Urbanus A., Oomen T., Beaujean D. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(7):200-3 | I&V | |
Wat weten Nederlanders van Salmonella en welke maatregelen namen ze tijdens een uitbraak? | Beaujean D.J.M.A., van Velsen L., van Gemert-Pijnen J.E.W.C., van Steenbergen J.E., Timen A. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(4):117-9 | I&V | |
Wat weten, denken en vinden Nederlandse schoolkinderen van teken en lymeziekte? | Beaujean D.J.M.A., Gassner F., Wong A., van Steenbergen J.E., Crutzen R., Ruwaard D. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2014; 25(9):255-7 | I&V | |
Whole-genome sequencing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis as an epidemiological marker | van Soolingen D. | Lancet Respir Med 2014; 2(4):251-2 | I&V | |
Wipes coated with a singlet-oxygen-producing photosensitizer are effective against human influenza virus but not against norovirus | Verhaelen K., Bouwknegt M., Rutjes S., de Roda Husman A.M., Duizer E. | Appl Environ Microbiol 2014; 80(14)4391-7 | I&V |