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A day and night difference in the response of the hepatic transcriptome to cyclophosphamide treatment van Dycke K.C.G., Nijman R.M., Wackers P.F.K., Jonker M.J., Rodenburg W., van Oostrom C.T.M., Salvatori D.C.F., Breit T.M., van Steeg H., Luijten M., van der Horst G.T.J. Arch Toxicol 2015; 89)2):221-31
A dose-response modeling approach shows that effects from mixture exposure to the skin sensitizers isoeugenol and cinnamal are in line with dose addition and not with synergism Kienhuis A.S., Slob W., Gremmer E.R., Vermeulen J.P., Ezendam J. Toxicol Sci 2015; 147(1):68-74
A European model and case studies for aggregate exposure assessment of pesticides Kennedy M.C., Glass C.R., Bokkers B., Hart A.D.M., Hamey P.Y., Kruisselbrink J.W., Boer W.J., van der Voet H., Garthwaite D.G., van Klaveren J.D. Food Chem Toxicol 2015; 79:32-44
A genome-wide pleiotropy scan for prostate cancer risk Panagiotou O.A., Travis R.C., Campa D., Berndt S.I., Lindstrom S., Kraft P., Schumacher F.R., Siddiq A., Papatheodorou S.I., Stanford J.L., Albanes D., Virtamo J., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et.al. Eur Urol 2015; 67(4):649-57
A high throughput screening system for predicting chemically-induced reproductive organ deformities van der Burg B., Pieterse B., Buist H., Lewin G., van der Linden S.C., Man H.-y, Rorije E., Piersma A.H., Mangelsdorf I., Wolterbeek A.P.M., Kroese E.D., van Vugt-Lussenburg B. Reprod Toxicol 2015; 55:95-103
A Mendelian randomization study of circulating uric acid and type 2 diabetes Sluijs I., Holmes M.V., van der Schouw Y.T., Beulens J.W., Asselbergs F.W., Huerta J.M., van der A D.L., et al. Diabetes 2015; 64(8):3028-36
A multifaceted feedback strategy alone does not improve the adherence to organizational guideline-based standards: a cluster randomized trial in intensive care de Vos M.L.G., van der Veer S.N., Wouterse B., Graafmans W.C., Peek N., de Keizer N.F., Jager K.J., Westert G.P., van der Voort P.H.J. Implementation Sci 2015; 10:95. Open Access
A novel toxicogenomics-based approach to categorize (non-)genotoxic carcinogens Schaap M.M., Wackers P.F.K., Zwart E.P., Huijskens I., Jonker M.J., Hendriks G., Breit T.M., van Steeg H., van de Water B., Luijten M. Arch Toxicol 2015; 89(12):2413-27
A perspective on the developmental toxicity of inhaled nanoparticles Hougaard K.S., Campagnolo L., Chavatte-Palmer P., Tarrade A., Rousseau-Ralliard D., Valentino S., Park M.V.D.Z., de Jong W., Wolterink G., Piersma A.H., Cassee F.R., et.al. Reprod Toxicol 2015; 56:118-40
A practical approach to determine dose metrics for nanomaterials Delmaar C.J.E., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Oomen A.G., Chen J., de Jong W., Sips A.J.A.M., Wang Z., Park M.V.D.Z. Environ Toxicol Chem 2015; 34(5):1015-22
A prospective study of one-carbon metabolism biomarkers and cancer of the head and neck and esophagus Fanidi A., Relton C., Ueland P.M., Midttun O., Vollset S.E., Travis R.C., Trichopoulou A., Lagiou P., Trichoupoulos D, Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Ros M., Boeing H., Tumino R., Panico S., Palli D., et.al. Int J Cancer 2015; 136(4):915-27
A prospective study of the immune system activation biomarker neopterin and colorectal cancer risk Aleksandrova K., C'huang S-C., Boeing H., Zuo H., Tell G.S., Pischon T., Jenab M., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Vollset S.E., Midttun O., Ueland P.M., Fedirko V., et.al. J Natl Cancer Inst 2015; 107(4):djv010
A statistical framework to model the meeting-in-the-middle principle using metabolomic data: application to hepatocellular carcinoma in the EPIC study Assi N., Fages A., Vineis P., Chadeau-Hyam M., Stepien M., Duarte-Salles T., Boshuizen H., et al. Mutagenesis 2015; 30(6):743-53
A synthetic stimulant never tested in humans, 1,3-dimethylbutylamine (DMBA), is identified in multiple dietary supplements Cohen P.A., Travis J.C., Venhuis B.J. Drug Test Anal 2015; 7(1):83-7
A transcriptomics-based hepatotoxicity comparison between the zebrafish embryo and established human and rodent in vitro and in vivo models using cyclosporine A, amiodarone and acetaminophen Driessen M., Vitins A.P., Pennings J.L.A., Kienhuis A.S., van de Water B., van der Ven L.T.M. Toxicol Lett 2015; 232(2):403-12
A unified probabilistic framework for dose-response assessment of human health effects Chiu W.A., Slob W. Environ Health Perspect 2015; 123(12):1241-54
A window on geographic variation in health care: insights from EuroHOPE European Health Care Outcomes, Performance, and Efficiency (European Health Care Outcomes, Performance, and Efficiency) Heijink R., Engelfriet P., Rehnberg C., Kittelsen S.A.C., Hakkinen U. Health Econ 2015; 24 (Suppl 2):164-77
ABO Eén van de meest gebruikte indelingen in bloedgroepen (Eén van de meest gebruikte indelingen in bloedgroepen) blood group alleles and prostate cancer risk: Results from the breast and prostate cancer cohort consortium (BPC3) Markt S.C., Shui I.M., Unger R.H., Urun Y., Berg C.D., Black A,, Brennan P., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al. Prostate 2015; 75(15):1677-81
Accumulation of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans, and biphenyls in livers of young sheep Hoogenboom R.L.A.P., Stärk M.L., Spolders M., Zeilmaker M.J., Traag W.A., ten Dam GI generieke informatie (generieke informatie)., Schafft H.A. Chemosphere 2015; 122:137-44
Added value of anti-Müllerian hormone in prediction of menopause: results from a large prospective cohort study Dolleman M., Verschuren W.M., Eijkemans M.J., Broekmans F.J., van der Schouw Y.T. Hum Reprod 2015; 30(8):1974-81
Addressing the risk of inadequate and excessive micronutrient intakes: traditional versus new approaches to setting adequate and safe micronutrient levels in foods Bruins M.J., Mugambi G., Verkaik-Kloosterman J., Hoekstra J., Kraemer K., Osendarp S., Melse-Boonstra A., Gallagher A.M., Verhagen H. Food Nutr Res 2015; 59:26020. Open Access
Adolescent audience segmentation on alcohol attitudes: A further exploration Janssen M.M., Mathijssen J.J.P., van Bon-Martens M.J.H., van Oers H.A.M., Garretsen H.F.L. J Subst Use 2015; 5:301-9
Alcohol consumption and the risk of renal cancers in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition (EPIC) Wozniak M.B., Brennan P., Brenner D.R., Overvad K., Olsen A., Tjonneland A., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Clavel-Chapelon F., Fagherazzi G., Katzke V., Kühn T., Boeing H., Bergmann M.M., Steffen A., Naska A., Trichopoulou A., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et.al. Int J Cancer 2015; 137(8):1953-66
Alcohol intake and breast cancer in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition Romieu I., Scoccianti C., Chajes V., de Batlle J. , Biessy C., Dossus L., Baglietto L., Clavel-Chapelon F., Overvad K., Olsen A., Tjonneland A., Kaaks R., Lukanova A., Boeing H., Trichopoulou A., Trichopoulou A., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et.al. Int J Cancer 2015; 137(8):1921-30
Alternative signaling network activation through different insulin receptor family members caused by pro-mitogenic antidiabetic insulin analogues in human mammary epithelial cells ter Braak B., Wink S., Koedoot E., Pont C., Siezen C., van der Laan J.W., van de Water B. Breast Cancer Res 2915; 17(1):97. Open Access
An adverse outcome pathway framework for neural tube and axial defects mediated by modulation of retinoic acid homeostasis Tonk E.C.M., Pennings J.L.A., Piersma A.H. Reprod Toxicol 2015; 55:104-13
An epidemiologic risk prediction model for ovarian cancer in Europe: the EPIC study Li K., Hüsing A., Fortner R.T., Tjonneland A., Hansen L., Dossus L., Chang-Claude J., Bergmann M., Steffen A., Bamia C., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et.al. Br J Cancer 2015; 112(7):1257-65
Analysis of adult cerebral cortex and hippocampus transcriptomes reveals unique molecular changes in the Ts1Cje mouse model of down syndrome Guedj F., Pennings J.L.A., Wick H.C., Bianchi D.W. Brain Pathol 2015; 25(1):11-23
Analysis of heritability and shared heritability based on genome-wide association studies for thirteen cancer types Sampson J.N., Wheeler W.A., Yeager M., Panagiotou O., Wang Z., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al J Natl Cancer Inst 2015; 107(12):djv279
Anticholinergic accumulation: a slumbering interaction between drugs and food supplements Vrolijk M.F., Opperhuizen A., Jansen E.H.J.M., Bast A., Haenen G.R.M.M. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol 2015; 117(6):427-32
Approaches for identifying germ cell mutagens: Report of the 2013 IWGT workshop on germ cell assays Yauk C.L., Aardema M.J., van Benthem J., Bishop J.B., Dearfield K.L., DeMarini D.M., Dubrova Y.E., Honma M., et.al. Mutat Res Genet Toxicol Environ Mutagen 2015; 783:36-54
Assessment of the role of early life exposure to endocrine disrupting compounds in programming of obesity in a mouse model van Esterik J.C.J. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit, 2015
Association between oxidative stress and frailty in an elderly German population: results from the ESTHER Cohort Study Saum K.U., Dieffenbach A.K., Jansen E.H.J.M., Schottker B., Holleczek B., Hauer K., Brenner H. Gerontology 2015; 61(5):407-15
Association between quality management and performance indicators in Dutch diabetes care groups: a cross-sectional study Campmans-Kuijpers M.J., Baan C.A., Lemmens L.C., Klomp M.L., Romeijnders A.C., Rutten G.E. BMJ Open 2015; 5(5):e007456. Open Access
Association of cardiometabolic multimorbidity with mortality di Angelantonio E., Kaptoge S., Wormser D., Willeit P., Butterworth A.S., Bansal N., O'Keeffe L.M., Gao P., Wood A.M., Burgess S., Freitag D.F., Pennells L., Verschuren W.M., et.al. JAMA Journal of the American Medical Association (Journal of the American Medical Association) 2015; 314(1):52-60
Association of CRP C-reactief proteïne (C-reactief proteïne) genetic variants with blood concentrations of C-reactive protein and colorectal cancer risk Nimptsch K, Aleksandrova K., Boeing H., Janke J., Lee Y.-A, Jenab M., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Jansen E.H.J.M., Tsilidis K.K., Trichopoulou A., Weiderpass E., Wu C., Overvad K., Tjonneland A., Boutron-Ruault M.C., et.al. Int J Cancer 2015; 136(5):1181-92
Associations of erythrocyte fatty acids in the de novo lipogenesis pathway with proxies of liver fat accumulation in the EPIC-Potsdam Study Jacobs S., Jager S., Jansen E., Peter A., Stefan N., Boeing H., Schulze M.B., Kroger J. PLOS One 2015; 10(5):e0127368. Open Access
Associations of sugar-containing beverages with asthma prevalence in 11-year-old children: the PIAMA Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy (Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy) birth cohort Berentzen N.E., van Stokkom V.L., Gehring U., Koppelman G.H., Schaap L.A., Smit H.A., Wijga A.H. Eur J Clin Nutr 2015; 69(3):303-8
Audit van aterme perinatale sterfte in Nederland Eskes M., Waelput A.J.M., Erwich J.J.H.M., Brouwers H.A.A., Ravelli A.C.J., Achterberg P.W., Merkus H.M.W.M., Bruinse H.W. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2015; 159:A8609
Authors' response to the letter from Kalleian Eserian et al. van Riet-Nales D.A., Doeve M.E., Nicia A.E., Teerenstra S., Notenboom K., Hekster Y.A., van den Bernt B.J.F. Int J Pharmaceut 2015; 478(2):682-3
Baseline and lifetime alcohol consumption and risk of differentiated thyroid carcinoma in the EPIC study Sen A., Tsilidis K.K., Allen N.E., Rinaldi S., Appleby P.N., Almquist M., Schmidt J.A., Bueno de Mesquita H.B. Br J Cancer 2015; 113(5):840-7
Beweeg- en zitgedrag van sporters en resulterende sportblessures Hildebrandt V., Wendel-Vos W., Bernaards C., Valkenberg H., Bruggink J.W. In: Tiessen-Raaphorst A, red. Rapportage sport 2014. Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, 2015:185
Beyond integrated care: Challenges on the way towards population health management Struijs J.N., Drewes H.W., Stein K.V. Int J Integrat Care 2015; 15:e043. Open Access
Biokinetics of chlorpromazine in primary rat and human hepatocytes and human HepaRG cells after repeated exposure Broeders J.W.J., Parmentier C., Truisi G.L., Josse R., Alexandre E., Savary C.C., Hewitt P.G., Mueller S.O., Guillouzo A., Richert L., van Eijkeren J.C.H., Hermens J.L.M., Blaauboer B.J. Toxicol In Vitro 2015; 30(1 pt A):52-61
Biomarkers for circadian rhythm disruption independent of time of day van Dycke K.C.G., Pennings J.L.A., van Oostrom C.T.M., van Kerkhof L.W.M., van Steeg H., Horst GTJ, Rodenburg W. PLOS One 2015; 10(5):e0127075. Open Access
Biomarkers of oxidative stress and redox status in a short-term low-dosed multivitamin and mineral supplementation study in two human age groups Jansen E., Beekhof P., Tamosiunas A., Luksiene D., Baceviciene M. Biogerontology 2015; 16(5):645-53
Biowaiver monographs for immediate release solid oral dosage forms: Levetiracetam Petrusevska M., Berglez S., Krisch I., Legen I., Megusar K., Peternel K., Abrahamsson B., Cristofoletti R., Groot D.W., Kopp S., Langguth P., Metha M., Polli J.E., Shah V.P., Dressman J. J Pharm Sci 2015; 104:2676-87
Biowaiver monographs for immediate-ielease solid oral dosage forms: Nifedipine Gajendran J., Kramer J., Shah V.P., Langguth P., Polli J., Mehta M., Groot D.W., Cristofoletti R., Abrahamsson B., Dressman J.B. J Pharm Sci 2015; 104(10):3289-98
Biowaiver monographs for immediate-release solid oral dosage forms: nifedipine Gajendran J., Krämer J., Langguth P., Polli J., Mehta M., Groot D.W., Cristofoletti R., Abrahamsson B., Dressman J.B. J Pharm Sci 2015; 104(10):3289-98
BMI Body Mass Index. De BMI is een index die de verhouding tussen lengte en gewicht bij een persoon weergeeft. De BMI wordt veel gebruikt om een indicatie te krijgen of er sprake is van overgewicht of ondergewicht. (Body Mass Index. De BMI is een index die de verhouding tussen lengte en gewicht bij een persoon weergeeft. De BMI wordt veel gebruikt om een indicatie te krijgen of er sprake is van overgewicht of ondergewicht.), waist circumference at 8 and 12 years of age and FVC and FEV1 at 12 years of age; the PIAMA birth cohort study Bekkers M.B., Wijga A.H., Gehring U., Koppelman G.H., de Jongste J.C., Smit H.A., Brunekreef B. BMC Pulm Med 2015; 15(1):39. Open Access
Body iron status and gastric cancer risk in the EURGAST study Fonseca-Nunes A., Agudo A., Aranda N., Arija V., Cross A.J., Molina E., Sanchez M.J., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al. Int J Cancer 2015; 137(12):2904-14
Breast milk fatty acid composition has a long-term effect on the risk of asthma, eczema, and sensitization van Elten T.M., van Rossem L., Wijga A.H., Brunekreef B., de Jongste J.C., Koppelman G.H., Smit H.A. Allergy 2015; 70(11):1468-76
Bundled payments for diabetes care and healthcare costs growth: a 2-year follow-up study Mohnen S., Baan C., Struijs J.N. Am J Accountable Care 2015; 3(4):63-70
Can selective migration explain why health is worse in regions with population decline? : A study on migration and self-rated health in the Netherlands Dijkstra A., Kibele E.U.B., Verweij A., van der Lucht F., Janssen F. Eur J Public Health 2015; 25(6):944-50
Carcinogenicity of insulin analogues ter Braak S.J. Leiden, Universiteit Leiden, 2015. Proefschrift
Carotenoids, retinol, tocopherols, and prostate cancer risk: pooled analysis of 15 studies Key T.J., Appleby P.N., Travis R.C., Albanes D., Alberg A.J., Barricarte A., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2015; 102(5):1142-57
Carryover of cadmium from feed in growing pigs Hoogenboom R.L.A.P., Hattink J., van Polanen A., van Oostrom S., Verbunt J.T., Traag W.A., Kan K.A., van Eijkeren J.C.H., de Boeck G., Zeilmaker M.J. Food Addit Contam Part A 2015; 32(1):68-79
Carry-over of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in dairy cows fed smoke contaminated maize silage or sugar beet pulp Hoogenboom R.L.A.P., Klop A., Herbes A., van Eijkeren J.C.H., Zeilmaker M.J., van Vuuren A.M., Traag W.A. Chemosphere 2015; 137:214-20
Carry-over of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in dairy cows fed smoke contaminated maize silage or sugar beet pulp Hoogenboom R.L.A.P., Klop A., Herbes R., Zeilmaker M.J., van Vuuren A.M., Traag W.A. Chemosphere 2015; 137:214-20
Change in HbA1c levels between the age of 8 years and the age of 12 years in Dutch children without diabetes: The PIAMA Birth Cohort Study Jansen H., Wijga A.H., Scholtens S., Koppelman G.H., Postma D.S., Brunekreef B., de Jongste J.C., Smit H.A., Stolk R.P. Plos One 2015; 10(4):e0119615. Open Access
Change in quality management in diabetes care groups and outpatient clinics after feedback and tailored support Campmans-Kuijpers M.J.E., Baan C.A., Lemmens L.C., Rutten G.E. Diabetes Care 2015; 38(2):285-92
Chemical fingerprinting of silicone-based breast implants Keizers P.H.J., Vredenbregt M.J., Bakker F., de Kaste D., Venhuis B.J. J Pharmaceut Biomed Anal 2015; 102C:340-5
Chlamydia screening is not cost-effective at low participation rates: evidence from a repeated register-based implementation study in the Netherlands de Wit G.A., Over E.A.B., Schmid B.V., van Bergen J.E.A.M., van den Broek I.V.F., van der Sande M.A.B., Welte R., Op de Coul E.L.M., Kretzschmar M.E. Sex Transm Infect 2015; 91(6):423-9
Chronically alternating light cycles increase breast cancer risk in mice van Dycke K.C., Rodenburg W., van Oostrom C.T., van Kerkhof L.W., Pennings J.L., Roenneberg T., van Steeg H., van der Horst G.T. Curr Biol 2015; 25(14):1932-7
Circulating prolactin and in situ breast cancer risk in the European EPIC cohort: a case-control study Tikk K., Sookthai D., Fortner R.T., Johnson T., Rinaldi S., Romieu I., Tjonneland A., Olsen A., Overvad K., Clavel-Chapelon F., Baglietto L., Boeing H., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et.al. Breast Cancer Res 2015; 17(1):49. Open Access
Coffee, tea and decaffeinated coffee in relation to hepatocellular carcinoma in a European population: Multicentre, prospective cohort study Bamia C., Lagiou P., Jenab M., Trichopolou A., Fedirko V., Aleksandrova K., Pischon T., Overvad K., Olsen A., Tjonneland A., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et.al. Int J Cancer 2015; 136(8):1899-908
Common variation at 2p13.3, 3q29, 7p13 and 17q25.1 associated with susceptibility to pancreatic cancer Childs E.J., Mocci E., Campa D., Bracci P.M., Gallinger S., Goggins M., Li D., Neale R.E., Olson S.H., Scelo G., Amundadottir L.T., Bamlet W.R., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et.al. Nat Genet 2015; 47(8):911-6
Comparable dietary patterns describe dietary behavior across ethnic groups in the Netherlands, but different elements in the diet are associated with glycated hemoglobin and fasting glucose concentrations Dekker L.H., van Dam R.M., Snijder M.B., Peters R.J.G., Dekker J.M., de Vries J.H.M., de Boer E.J., Schulze M.B., Stronks K., Nicolaou M. J Nutr 2015; 145(8):1884-91
Comparative hazard identification by a single dose lung exposure of zinc oxide and silver nanomaterials in mice Gosens I., Kermanizadeh A., Jacobsen N.R., Lenz A.-G., Bokkers B., de Jong W.H., Krystek P., Tran L., Stone V., Wallin H., Stoeger T., Cassee F.R. Plos One 2015; 10(5):e0126934. Open Access
Comparing ischaemic stroke in six European countries. The EuroHOPE register study Malmivaara A., Meretoja A., Peltola M., Numerato D., Heijink R., Engelfriet P., Wild S.H., Belicza E., Bereczki D., Medin E., Goude F., Boncoraglio G., Tatlisumak T., Seppala T., Hakkinen U. Eur J Neurol 2015; 22(2):284-91
Comparison of gene expression regulation in mouse- and human embryonic stem cell assays during neural differentiation and in response to valproic acid exposure Schulpen S.H.W., Theunissen P.T., Pennings J.L.A., Piersma A.H. Reprod Toxicol 2015; 56:77-86
Comparison of health care experience and access between young and older adults in 11 high-income countries Hargreaves D.S., Greaves F., Levay C., Mitchell I., Koch U., Esch T., Denny S., Frich J.C., Struijs J., Sheikh A. J Adolesc Health 2015; 57(4):413-20
Comparison of toxicogenomics and traditional approaches to inform mode of action and points of departure in human health risk assessment of benzo[a]pyrene in drinking water Moffat I., Chepelev N.L., Labib S., Bourdon-Lacombe J., Kuo B., Buick J.K., Lemieux F., Luijten M., et.al. Crit Rev Toxicol 2015; 45(1):1-43. Open Access
Comparison of two food record-based dietary assessment methods for a pan-European food consumption survey among infants, toddlers, and children using data quality indicators Freisling H., Ocke M.C., Casagrande C., Nicolas G., Crispim S.P., Niekerk M., van der Laan J., de Boer E., Vandevijvere S., de Maeyer M., Ruprich J., Dofkova M., Huybrechts I., Trolle E., Slimani E. Eur J Nutr 2015; 54:437-45
Complications in home parenteral nutrition patients: from lock solutions to lipids Olthof E.D. Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit, 2015. Proefschrift
Compound- and sex-specific effects on programming of energy and immune homeostasis in adult C57BL/6JxFVB mice after perinatal TCDD and PCB polychlorobiphenyls (polychlorobiphenyls) 153 van Esterik J.C.J., Verharen H.W., Hodemaekers H.M., Gremmer E.R., Nagarajah B., Kamstra J.H., Dolle M.E.T., Legler J., van der Ven L.T.M. Toxicol Appl Pharm 2015; 289(2):262-75
Concentrations of dimethylaniline and other metabolites in milk and tissues of dairy cows treated with lidocaine Hoogenboom R.L.A.P., Zuidema T., Essers M., van Vuuren A.M., van Wikselaar P.G., van Eijkeren J.C.H., Mengelers M.J.B., Zeilmaker M.J., Bulder A.S. Food Addit Contam Part A 2015; 32(8):1256-64
Concurrency can drive an HIV humaan immunodeficientievirus (humaan immunodeficientievirus) epidemic by moving R0 across the epidemic threshold Leung K.Y., Kretzschmar M. AIDS 2015; 29(9):1097-103
Conditions for sustainability of Academic Collaborative centres for public health in the Netherlands: a mixed methods design Jansen M.W.J., van Oers H.A.M., Middelweerd M.D.R., van de Goor I.A.M., Ruwaard D. Health Res Policy Syst 2015; 13:36
Consistency between stated and revealed preferences: a discrete choice experiment and a behavioural experiment on vaccination behaviour compared Lambooij M.S., Harmsen I.A., Veldwijk J., de Melker H., Mollema L., van Weert Y.W.M., de Wit G.A. BMC Med Res Methodol 2015; 15(1):19. Open Access
Consumption of fatty foods and incident type 2 diabetes in populations from eight European countries Buijsse B., Boeing H., Schulze M.B., Feskens E.J., Amiano P., Barricarte A., Clavel-Chapelon F., de Lauzon-Guillain B., Spijkerman A.M., van der A D.L., et.al. Eur J Clin Nutr 2015; 69(4):455-61
Continuing harmonization of terminology and innovations for methodologies in developmental toxicology: Report of the 8th Berlin Workshop on Developmental Toxicity, 14-16 May 2014 Solecki R., Rauch M., Gall A., Buschmann J., Clark R., Fuchs A., Kan H., Heinrich V., Piersma A.H., et al. Reprod Toxicol 2015; 57:140-6
Controlled induction of DNA deoxyribonucleic acid (deoxyribonucleic acid) double-strand breaks in the mouse liver induces features of tissue ageing White R.R., Milholland B., de Bruin A., Curran S., Laberge R.-M., van Steeg H., Campisi J., Maslov A.Y., Vijg J. Nat Commun 2015; 6:6790
Correlation of in vivo versus in vitro benchmark doses (BMDs) derived from micronucleus test data: A proof of concept study Soeteman-Hernandez L.G., Fellows M.D., Johnson G.E., Slob W. Toxicol Sci 2015; 148(2): 355-67
Cost effectiveness and budgetary impact of the Boston University approach to Psychiatric Rehabilitation for participation in people with severe mental illness: A randomised controlled trial protocol Sanches S.A., Wildens W.E., van Busschbach J.T., Stant A.D., Feenstra T.L., van Weeghel J. BMC Psychiatry 2015 ; 15(1):217. Open Access
Cost-effectiveness of a nurse-led internet-based vascular risk factor management programme: economic evaluation alongside a randomised controlled clinical trial Greving J.P., Kaasjager H.A.H., Vernooij J.W.P., Hovens M.M.C., Wierdsma J., Grandjean H.M.H., van der Graaf Y., de Wit G.A., Visseren F.L.J. BMJ Open 2015; 5(5):e007128. Open Access
Cost-effectiveness of treatment of acute otorrhea in children with tympanostomy tubes van Dongen T.M.A., Schilder A.G.M., Venekamp R.P., de Wit G.A. Pediatrics 2015; 135(5):e1182-9
Cumulative dietary exposure to a selected group of pesticides of the triazole group in different European countries according to the EFSA Europese Voedselveiligheidsautoriteit (Europese Voedselveiligheidsautoriteit) guidance on probabilistic modelling Boon P.E., van Donkersgoed G., Christodoulou D., Crépet A., D'addezio L., Desvignes V., Ericsson B.-G., Galimberti F., Ioannou-Kakouri E., Hamborg Jensen B., van Klaveren J.D., et.al. Food Chem Toxicol 2015; 79:13-31
Cyclosporin A induced toxicity in mouse liver slices is only slightly aggravated by Fxr-deficiency and co-occurs with upregulation of pro-inflammatory genes and downregulation of genes involved in mitochondrial functions Szalowska E., Pronk T.E., Peijnenburg A.A.C.M. BMC Genomics 2015; 16:822. Open Access
De kosteneffectiviteit van interventies gericht op verslaving aan alcohol en drugs Suijkerbuijk A.W.M., van Gils P.F., Greeven P.G.J., de Wit G.A. Tijdschr Psychiatr 2015; 57(7):498-507
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Plasma fetuin-A concentration, genetic variation in the AHSG gene and risk of colorectal cancer Nimptsch K., Aleksandrova K., Boeing H., Janke J., Lee Y.-A, Jenab M., Kong S.Y., Tsilidis K.K., Weiderpass E., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Siersema P.D., Jansen E.H.J.M., et.al. Int J Cancer 2015; 137(4):911-20
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