Publicatiedatum 02-05-2017 | 00:00
Wijzigingsdatum 02-11-2018 | 18:40
Titel | Auteurs | Gepubliceerd in: |
A community standard for recording skyglow data | Kyba C.C.M., Lolkema D.E. | Astronomy & Geophysics 2012; 53(6):6.17-6.18 |
A method to assess ecosystem services developed from soil attributes with stakeholders and data of four arable farms | Rutgers M., van Wijnen H.J., Schouten A.J., Mulder C., Kuiten A.M.P., Brussaard L., Breure A.M. | Sci Total Environ 2012; 415:39-45 |
A new OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) test guideline for the predatory soil mite Hypoaspis aculeifer: results of an international ring test | Smit C.E., Moser Th., Roembke J. | Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 2012; 82:56-62 |
A regional model of European aerosol transport: Evaluation with sun photometer, lidar and air quality data | Meier J., Tegen I., Mattis I., Wolke R., Alados Arboledas L., Apituley A., Balis D., Barnaba F., Chaikovsky A., Sicard M., Pappalardo G., Pietruczuk A., Stoyanov D., Ravetta F., Rizi V. | Atmos Environ 2012; 47:519-32 |
A spatially distributed model of pesticide movement in Dutch macroporous soils | Tiktak A., Hendriks R.F.A., Boesten J.J.T.I., van der Linden A.M.A. | J Hydrol 2012; 470-4471:316-27 |
A uniform risk methodology for transmission pipelines transporting chemicals | Spoelstra M.B., Laheij G.M.H. | In: IPC2012. Proceedings of the 9th international pipeline conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, September 2012 |
Acute toxicity of poly- and perfluorinated compounds to two cladocerans, Daphnia magna and Chydorus sphaericus | Ding G.H., Frömel T., van den Brandhof E.J., Baerselman R., Peijnenburg W.J. | Environ Toxicol Chem 2012; 31(3):605-10 |
Afwegen van kosten en baten voor reductie van arbeidsongevallen in de kartonfabricage. | Sol V., Manuel H.J., Bellamy L., Damen M., Mud M., Oh J. | Tijdschrift toegepaste Arbowetenschap 2012; (1):16-21 |
Air pollution and health: bridging the gap from sources to health outcomes: Conference summary | Solomon P.A., Costantini M., Grahame T.J., Gerlofs-Nijland M.E., Cassee F.R., Russell A.G., Brook J.R., Hopke P.K., Hidy G., Phalen R.F., Saldiva P., Sarnat S.E., Balmes J.R., Tager I.B., Ozkaynak H., Vedal S., Wierman S.S.G., Costa D.L. | Air Qual Atmos Health 2012; 5:9-62 |
Air quality in Europe. 2012 report | Guerreiro C., de Leeuw F., Foltescu V., Schilling J., van Aardenne J., Lukewille A., Adams M. | Copenhagen: European Environment Agency, 2012. EEA Technical report 4-2012 |
An elevation-based regional model for interpolating sulphur and nitrogen deposition | Kopacek J., Posch M., Hejzlar J., Oulehle F., Volkova A. | Atmos Environ 2012; 50:287-96 |
An international comparison of four quantitative risk assessment approaches: a benchmark study based on a fictitious LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) plant | Gooijer L., Cornil N., Lenoble C.L. | Process Saf Environ Protect 2012; 90(2):101-7 |
An overview of Dutch airport legislation | Jabben J. | 41st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2012, INTER-NOISE 2012; 10:8259-68 |
Applying spaceborne reflectivity measurements for calculation of the solar ultraviolet radiation at ground level | den Outer P.N., van Dijk A., Slaper H., Lindfors A.V., de Backer H., Bais A.F., Feister U., Koskela T., Josefsson W. | Atmos Meas Tech 2012; 5(12):3041-54 |
Aquatic toxicity of nanosilver colloids to different trophic organisms: Contributions of particles and free silver ion | Wang Z., Chen J., Li X., Shao J., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. | Environ Toxicol Chem 2012; 31(10):2408-13 |
Assessing the relative importance of spatial variability in emissions versus landscape properties in fate models for environmental exposure assessment of chemicals | Hollander A., Hauck M., Cousins I.T., Huijbregts M.A.J., Pistocchi A., Ragas A.M.J., van de Meent D. | Environ Model Assess 2012; 17(6):577-87 |
Assessment of the environmental impacts and health benefits of a nitrogen emission control area in the North Sea | Hammingh P., Holland M.R., Geilenkirchen G.P., Jonson J.E., Maas R.J.M. | The Hague: Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, 2012 (PBL (Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving) report 500249001) |
Atmospheric science. From acid rain to climate change | Reis S., Grennfelt P., Klimont Z., Amann M., ApSimon H., Hettelingh J.P., Holland M., LeGall A.-C., Maas R., Posch M., Spranger T., Sutton M.A., Williams M. | Science 2012; 338(6111):1153-4 |
Between-country comparison of whole-body SAR from personal exposure data in urban areas | Joseph W., Frei P., Róösli M., Vermeeren G., Bolte J., Thuróczy G., Gajsek P., Trcek T., Mohler E., Juhász P., Finta V., Martens L. | Bioelectromagnetics 2012; 33(8):682-94 |
Biological variation in tPA-induced plasma clot lysis time | Talens S., Malfliet J.J.M.C., Rudez G., Spronk H.M.H., Janssen N.A.H., Meijer P., Kluft C., de Maat M.P.M., Rijken D.C. | Thromb Haemost 2012; 108(4):640-6 |
Bodemkwaliteit vraagt om een ruime blik. Is het bodembeleid klaar voor de verbreding? | Mesman M., Lijzen J. | Bodem 2012; 22(4):6-8 |
Cadmium uptake by lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) as basis for derivation of risk limits in soils | Melo L.C.A., Alleoni L.R.F., Swartjes F.A., Barbosa da Silva E. | Human Ecol Risk Assessm 2012; 18(4):888-901 |
Chemistry and the environment | Peijnenburg W. | Chemistry International 2012; 34(2):19 |
Climate change. Preserving Montreal Protocol climate benefits by limiting HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons) | Velders G.J.M., Ravishankara A.R., Miller M.K., Molina M.J., Alcamo J., Daniel J.S., Fahey D.W., Montzka S.A., Reimann S. | Science 2012; 335(6071):922-3 |
Climate-driven simulation of global crop sowing dates | Waha K., van Bussel L.G.J., Mueller C., Bondeau A. | Global Ecol Biogeography 2012; 21(2):247-59 |
Cognitive effects of exposure to traffic-related air pollution and transportation noise in primary schoolchildren | van Kempen E., Fischer P., Janssen N., Houthuijs D., van Kamp I., Clark C., Stansfeld S., Cassee F.R. | 41st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2012, INTER-NOISE 2012; 2:1608-12 |
Community response to aircraft noise: Recent examples from the Netherlands | Houthuijs D., van Kamp I., Breugelmans O., Ameling C., Marra M., van Poll R. | 41st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2012, INTER-NOISE 2012; 9:7317-28 |
Comparison between lidar and MAX-DOAS measurements of nitrogen dioxide profiles and tropospheric columns | Berkhout S., Vlemmix T., Piters A.J.M., van der Hoff G.R. | In: Proceedings of the 26th international laser radar conference, Porto Heli, Greece, June 2012 |
Concentration-response analysis of differential gene expression in the zebrafish embryotoxicity test following flusilazole exposure | Hermsen S.A.B., Pronk T.E., van den Brandhof E.J., van der Ven L.T.M., Piersma A.H. | Toxicol Sci 2012; 127(1):303-12 |
Contrasts in oxidative potential and other particulate matter characteristics collected near major streets and background locations | Boogaard H., Janssen N.A.H., Fischer P.H., Kos G.P.A., Weijers E.P., Cassee F.R., van der Zee S.C., de Hartog J.J., Brunekreef B., Hoek G. | Environ Health Perspect 2012; 120(2):185-91 |
Correcting a fundamental error in greenhouse gas accounting related to bioenergy | Habert H., Sprinz D., Bonazountas M., Cocco P., Desaubles Y., Henze M., Hertel O., Johnson R.K., Kastrup U., Laconte P., Lange E., Novak P., Paavola J., Reenberg A., van den Hove S., Vermeire T., Wadhams P., Searchinger T. | Energy Policy 2012; 45:18-23 |
Correcting spaceborne reflectivity measurements for application in solar ultraviolet radiation levels calculations at ground level | den Outer P.N., van Dijk A., Slaper H., Lindfors A.V., de Backer H., Bais A.F., Feister U., Koskela T., Josefsson W. | Atmos Meas Tech Discuss 2012; 5:61-96 |
De geochemische bodematlas van Nederland. Puur natuur, bodemgebruik of verontreiniging? | Romkens P., Gaans P., Spijker J., Mol G. | Bodem 2012; 22(4):25-6 |
De respons van het back office radiologische informatie op de Kernramp in Fukushima | Bader S., Slaper H. | Ned Tijdschr Stralingsbescherming 2012; 2012(2):40-4 |
De Triple-O aanpak. Ecosysteemdiensten in de praktijk van duurzaam bodembeheer en gebiedsontwikkeling | Starink J., Nuiver H., Keuning S., Oude Boerrigter P., Westerhof R., Rutgers M., van der Meulen S., Smit A., Breure T., van Eijsden G., Roghair C., Winkler T. | Consortium Ecosysteemdiensten in de praktijk van duurzaam bodembeheer & gebiedsontwikkeling, 2012 |
DECOTAB: a multipurpose standard substrate to assess effects of litter quality on microbial decomposition and invertebrate consumption | Kampfraath A.A., Hunting E.R., Mulder C., Breure A.M., Gessner M.O., Kraak M.H.S., Admiraal W. | Freshwater Science 2012; 31(4):1156-62 |
Delayed logistic and Rosenzweig-MacArthur models with allometric parameter setting estimate population cycles at lower trophic levels well | Hendriks A.J., Mulder C. | Ecol Complex 2012; 9(1):43-54 |
Deriving major accident failure frequencies with a storybuilder analysis of reportable accidents | Manuel H.J., Kooi E.S., Bellamy L.J., Mud M.L., Oh J.I.H. | 12AIChE - 2012 AIChE Spring Meeting and 8th Global Congress on Process Safety, Conference Proceedings |
Deriving major accident failure frequencies with a storybuilder analysis of reportable accidents | Manuel H.J., Kooi E.S., Bellamy L.J., Mud M.L., Oh J.I.H. | Process Safety Progress 2012; 31(4):381-9 |
Deriving major accident failure frequencies with a storybuilder analysis of reportable accidents | Manuel H.J., Kooi E.S., Uijt de Haag P.A.M., Bellamy L.J., Mud M.L., Oh J.I.H. | In: Land use planning and risk-informed decision making. Proceedings of the 43rd ESReDA seminar, Rouen, France, October 2012 |
Development of a framework based on an ecosystem services approach for deriving specific protection goals for environmental risk assessment of pesticides | Nienstedt K.M., Brock T.C.M., van Wensem J., Montforts M., Hart A., Agaard A., Alix A., Boesten J., Bopp S.K., Brown C., Capri E., Forbes V., Köpp H., Liess M., Luttik R., Maltby L., Sousa J.P., Streissl F., Hardy A.R. | Sci Total Environ 2012; 415:31-8 |
Development of an electrostatic model predicting copper toxicity to plants | Wang P., Schamphelaere K.A.C., Kopittke P.M., Zhou D.M., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Lock K. | J Exp Botany 2012; 63(2):659-68 |
Distributional (in)congruence of biodiversity-ecosystem functioning | Mulder C., . Boit A., Mori S., Vonk J.A., Dyer S.D., Faggiano L., Geisen S., Gonzalez A.L., | Advanc Ecol Res 2012; 46:1-88 |
Docking and QSAR (Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships) study on the binding interactions between polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and estrogen receptor | Li F., Wu H.., Li X., Zhao J., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. | Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 2012; 80:273-9 |
Does traffic-related air pollution explain associations of aircraft and road traffic noise exposure on children's health and cognition? A secondary analysis of the United Kingdom sample from the RANCH project | Clark C., Crombie R., Head J., van Kamp I., van Kempen E., Stansfield S.A. | Am J Epidemiol 2012; 176(4):327-37 |
DOG. Een gids voor duurzaam omgaan met de gebiedsgerichte aanpak van verontreinigd grondwater | Slenders H., Jansen R., Bakker L., Roovers C., Verschoor T., Otte P., Swartjes F. | Gouda: SKB (Stichting Kennisontwikkeling en Kennisoverdracht Bodem) duurzame ontwikkeling ondergrond, 2012 |
Ecology and eScience | Mulder C. | Ecol Processes 2012; 1:1 |
Ecosystem services: a useful concept for soil policy making! | Breure A.M., de Deyn G.B., Dominati E., Eglin T., Hedlund K., van Orshoven J., Posthuma L. | Current Opinion Environm Sustainability 2012; 4(5):578-85 |
Effecten van vergaand klimaatbeleid op luchtverontreiniging in Europa | Koelemeijer R., Sauter F., Chuwah C., Posch M. | Tijdschr Lucht 2012; (4):19-24 |
Effecten van vergaand klimaatbeleid op luchtverontreiniging in Europa | Koelemeijer R., Sauter F., Chuwah C., Posch M. | Tijdschr Lucht 2012; (4):19-24 |
Effects of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS (perfluoroctaansulfonaten)) exposure on vitellogenin mRNA level in zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) | Cheng Y., Cui Y., Dang Z.C., Xie W-P., Li H.S., Yin H.-H., Chen H.-M. | Huanjing Kexue/Environ Sci 2012; 33(6):1865-70 |
Environmental noise and health | van Kamp I., Babisch W., Brown A.L. | In: Friss RH, ed. The Praeger handbook of environmental health. Praeger Publishers, 2012;chapter 4 |
Environmental policy evaluation: experiences in the Netherlands | Maas R., Kruitwagen S., van Gerwen O.J. | Environmental Development 2012; 1(1):67-78 |
Estimating the contribution of commuting on exposure to particulate matter in European urban areas | Larssen S., de Leeuw F., Kurfurst P. | Bilthoven: European Topic Centre on Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation, 2012. ETC/ACC Technical Paper 2012-2 |
Eurosoil 2012, 2-6 Bari, Italie | Rutgers M., de Cleen M. | Bodem 2012; 22(4):37-8 |
Evaluating environmental risks of genetically modified crops: Ecological harm criteria for regulatory decision-making | Sanvido O., Romeis J., Gathmann A., Gielkens M., Raybould A., Bigler F. | Environ Sci Policy 2012; 15(1):82-91 |
Evaluation of exposure metrics for effect assessment of soil invertebrates | Peijnenburg W., Capri E., Kula C., Liess M., Luttik R., Montforts M., Nienstedt K., Rmbke J., Sousa J.P., Jensen J. | Crit Rev Environ Sci Technol 2012; 42(17):1862-93 |
Evaluation of the Daphnia magna reproduction test for detecting endocrine disruptors | Dang Z., Cheng Y., Chen H.-M., Chui Y., Yin H.-H., Traas T., Montforts M., Vermeire T. | Chemosphere 2012; 68(4):514-23 |
Exposure modifiers of the relationships between road traffic noise and aircraft noise with high blood pressure (HYENA study) | Babisch W., Houthuijs D., Dimakopoulou K., Sourtzi P., Selander J., Bluhm G., Cadum E., Floud S., Hansell A.L. | 41st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2012, INTER-NOISE 2012; 7:6018-27 |
Exposure modifiers of the relationships of transportation noise with high blood pressure and noise annoyance | Babisch W., Swart W., Houthuijs D.J.M., Selander J., Bluhm G., Pershagen G., Dimakopoulou K., Haralabidis A.S., Katsouyanni K., Davou E., Sourtzi P., Cadum E., Vigna-Taglianti F., Floud S., Hansell A.L. | J Acoust Soc Am 2012; 132(6):3788-808 |
Facilitated transport of copper with hydroxyapatite nanoparticles in saturated sand | Wang D., Bradford S.A., Paradelo M., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Zhou D. | Soil Sci Soc Am J 2012; 76(2):375-88 |
Failure causes for pipelines transporting hazardous substances | Hansler R.J., Laheij G.M.H. | In: Proceedings of the 11th international probabilistic safety assessment and management conference and the annual European safety and reliability conference 2012 (PSAM11 ESREL 2012), Helsinki, Finland, June 2012;1453-8 |
Framework for the adjustment of failure frequencies in quantitative risk assessment methodologies | Laheij G.M.H., Gooijer L., Wolting A.G. | In: Proceedings of the 11th international probabilistic safety assessment and management conference and the annual European safety and reliability conference 2012 (PSAM11 ESREL 2012), Helsinki, Finland, June 2012;2047-55 |
General surveillance of the soil ecosystem: an approach to monitoring unexpected adverse effects of GMO (genetically modified organisms)'s | Smit E., Bakker P.A.H.M., Bergmans H., Bloem J., Griffiths B.S., Rutgers M., Sanvido O., Singh B.K., van Veen H., Wilhelm R., Glandorf D.C.M. | Ecol Indicators 2012; 14(1):107-13 |
Genetically modified crops and aquatic ecosystems: considerations for environmental risk assessment and non-target organism testing | Carstens K., Anderson J., Bachman P., de Schrijver A., Dively G., Federici B., Hamer M., Gielkens M., Jensen P., Rauschen S., Ridley G., Romeis J., Waggoner A. | Transgenic Res 2012; 21(4):813-42 |
Geo-engineering met olivijn, remedie tegen broeikaseffect? | Sliggers J. | Tijdschr Milieu 2012; (3) |
Haal meer uit een KBA | Sliggers J. | Tijdschr Milieu 2012; (8) |
Health effects from Sahara dust episodes in Europe: literature review and research gaps | Karanasiou A., Moreno N., Moreno T., Viana M., de Leeuw F., Querol X. | Environment International 2012; 47:107-14 |
Health effects from Sahara dust particles | Karanasiou A., Moreno N., Moreno T., Viana M., de Leeuw F. | Bilthoven: European Topic Centre on Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation, 2012. ETC/ACM (European Topic Centre for Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation) Technical Paper 2011-4 |
How to calculate the spatial distribution of ecosystem services: natural attenuation as example from The Netherlands | van Wijnen H.J., Rutgers M., Schouten A.J., Mulder C., de Zwart D., Breure A.M. | Sci Total Environ 2012; 415(1):49-55 |
Idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields (IEI-EMF (Electromagnetic Fields)): a systematic review of identifying criteria | Baliatsas C., van Kamp I., Lebret E., Rubin G.J. | BMC Public Health 2012; 12:643 |
IL1RL1 gene variants and nasopharyngeal IL1RL-a levels are associated with severe RSV (Respiratoir Syncytieel Virus) bronchiolitis: a multicenter cohort study | Faber T.E., Schuurhof A., Vonk A., Koppelman G.H., Hennus M.P., Kimpen J.L., Janssen R., Bont L.J. | Plos One 2012; 7(5):e34364 |
Impact of low emission zones and local traffic policies on ambient air pollution concentrations | Boogaard H., Janssen N.A.H., Fischer P.H., Kos G.P.A., Weijers E.P., Cassee F.R., van der Zee S.C., de Hartog J.J., Meliefste K., Wang M., Brunekreef B., Hoek G. | Sci Total Environ 2012; 435-436C:132-40 |
Impacts of forest biomass removal on soil nutrient status under climate change: A catchment-based modelling study for Finland | Aherne J., Posch M., Forsius M., Lehtonen A., Harkonen K. | Biogeochem 2012; 107(1-3):471-88 |
Improving ozone forecasts over Europe by synergistic use of the LOTOS-EUROS chemical transport model and in-situ measurements | Curier R.L., Timmermans R., Calabretta-Jongen S., Eskes H., Segers A., Swart D., Schaap M. | Atmos Environ 2012; 60:217-26 |
Impuls Lokaal Bodembeheer voor het bodembeleid in de regio. ILB congres 14 februari 2012 in Utrecht | Rutgers M. | Bodem 2012; 22(2):19-20 |
In zeven fasen ontleed. Beoordeling van bodemkwaliteit in retrospectief | Swartjes F., Lijzen J., Otte P., Posthuma L., Rutgers M., van den Berg R. | Bodem 2012; 22(5):15-7 |
Invertebrate footprints on detritus processing, bacterial community structure, and spatiotemporal redox profiles | Hunting E.R., Whatley M.H., van der Geest H.G., Mulder C., Kraak M.H.S., Breure A.M., Admiraal W. | Freshwater Science 2012; 31(3):724-32 |
Koppel krediet-, energie- en klimaatcrisis | Sliggers J. | Tijdschr Milieu 2012; (4) |
Kosten en baten van strengere emissieplafonds voor luchtverontreinigend stofen. Nationale evaluatie voor de herziening van het Gothenburg Protocol | van Velze K., Jimmink B., Ruijs A., Geilenkirchen G., Renes G., van Bree L., Brink C., van Dam J., Nijdam D., Peek K., van Schijndel M., Maas R., Aben J., Smekens K., Kroon P., Plomp A. | Den Haag: Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving, 2012 (PBL rapport 500092002) |
LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)-tankstations | de Jong C. | Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, 2012 |
Making ecosystem reality checks the status quo | Burton G.A., de Zwart D., Diamond J., Dyer S., Kapo K.E., Liess M., Posthuma L. | Environ Toxicol Chem 2012; 31(3):459-68 |
Mechanical ventilation in recently built Dutch homes: Technical shortcomings, possibilities for improvement, perceived indoor environment and health effects | Balvers J., Bogers R., Jongeneel R., van Kamp I., Boerstra A., van Dijken F. | Architectural Sci Rev 2012; 55(1):4-14 |
Meer risico = meer beheer": 't kan! Verder komen met beheersing meervoudige milieubelasting" | Posthuma L., Spijker J., de Zwart D. | Bodem 2012; 22(4):9-11 |
Methamphetamine, amphetamine, MDMA (chemische stof 3,4-methyleendioxymethamfetamine) ('ecstasy'), MDA and mCPP modulate electrical and cholinergic input in PC12 cells | Hondebrink L., Meulenbelt J., Rietjens S.J., Meijer M., Westerink R.H.S. | Neurotoxicology 2012; 33(2):255-60 |
Modeling the distribution of ammonia across Europe including bi-directional surface-atmosphere exchange | Wichink Kruit R.J., Schaap M., Sauter F.J., van Zanten M.C., van Pul W.A.J. | Biogeosciences 2012; 9(12):5261-77 |
Multimetal accumulation in crustaceans in surface water related to body size and water chemistry | Verschoor A.J., Hendriks A.J., Vink J.P.M., de Snoo G.R., Vijver M.G. | Environ Toxicol Chem 2012; 31(10):2269-80 |
Natural colloids are the dominant factor in the sedimentation of nanoparticles | Quik J.T.K., Stuart M.C., Wouterse M., Peijnenburg W., Hendriks A.J., van de Meent D. | Environ Toxicol Chem 2012; 31(5):1019-22 |
Neurobehavioral effects of exposure to traffic-related air pollution and transportation noise in primary schoolchildren | van Kempen E., Fischer P., Janssen N., Houthuijs D., van Kamp I., Stansfeld S., Cassee F. | Environ Res 2012; 115:18-25 |
Noise and cardiovascular disease: a review of the literature 2008-2011 | Davies H., van Kamp I. | Noise & Health 2012; 14(6):287-91 |
Noise reduction by electric vehicles in the Netherlands | Jabben J., Verheijen E., Potma C. | 41st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2012, INTER-NOISE 2012; 3:2505-12 |
Non-specific physical symptoms and electromagnetic field exposure in the general population: can we get more specific? A systematic review | Baliatsas C., van Kamp I., Bolte J., Schipper M., Yzermans J., Lebret E. | Environ Int 2012; 41(1):15-28 |
On the quantification of intertest variability in ecotoxicity data with application to species sensitivity distributions | Hickey G.L., Craig P.S., Luttik R., de Zwart D. | Environ Toxicol Chem 2012; 31(8):1903-10 |
Options for assessment and regulation of low frequency noise | Jabben J., Verheijen E. | J Low Freq Noise Vibrat Active Control 2012; 31(4):225-38 |
Organic nitrogen in precipitation across Europe | Cape J.N., Tang Y.S., Gonzalez-Benitez J.M., Mitosinkova M., Makkonen U., Jocher M., Stolk A. | Biogeosciences 2012; 9:(11):4401-9 |
Particulate matter from natural sources and related reporting under the EU (Europese Unie) Air Quality Directive in 2008 en 2009 | Viana M., Pey J., de Leeuw F., Querol X., Alastuey A., dall' Osto Manuel, Moreno T. | Copenhagen: European Environment Agency, 2012. EEA Technical report 10-2012 |
Past, present, and future exceedance of critical loads of acidity for surface waters in Finland | Posch M., Aherne J., Forsius M., Rask M. | Environ Sci Technol 2012; 46(8):4507-14 |
Pathways of cadmium fluxes in the root of the halophyte Suaeda salsa | Li L., Liu X., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Zhao J., Chen X., Yu J., Wu H.. | Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 2012; 75(1):1-7 |
PBT (Persistent, Bioaccumulerend en Toxisch) assessment using the revised annex XIII of REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals): a comparison with other regulatory frameworks | Moermond C.T.A., Janssen M.P.M., de Knecht J.A., Montforts M.H.M.M., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Zweers P.G.P.C., Sijm D.T.H.M. | Integr Environ Assess Manag 2012; 8(2):359-71 |
Perceived soundscapes in relation to transport related annoyance, context and personal characteristics; psychometric analyses | van Kamp I., van Kempen E.E.M.M., Houthuijs D.J.M. | J Acoust Soc Am 2012; 131(4):3437 |
Performance indicators for major accidents - Lessons from incident analysis | Bellamy L.J., Oh J.I.H., Manuel H.J., Sol V. | Instit Chem Engineers Symp Series 2012; (158):25-32 |
Personal radiofrequency electromagnetic field measurements in the Netherlands: exposure level and variability for everyday activities, times of day and types of area | Bolte J.F.B., Eikelboom T. | Environ Int 2012; 48:133-42 |
PM10 (fijnstof), and children's respiratory symptoms and lung function in the PATY study | Hoek G., Pattenden S., Willers S., Antova T., Fabianova E., Braun-Fahrlander C., Forastiere F., Gehring U., Luttmann-Gibson H., Grize L., Heinrich J., Houthuijs D., Janssen N., Katsnelson B., Kosheleva A., Moshammer H., Neuberger M., Privalova L., Rudnai P., Speizer F., Slachtova H., Tomaskova H., Zlotkowska R., Fletcher T. | Eur Respir J 2012; 40(3):538-47 |
Population level risk assessment: practical considerations for evaluation of population models from a risk assessor's perspective | Wang M., Luttik R. | Environ Sci Europe 2012; 24(1):3 |
Predicted mixture toxic pressure relates to observed fraction of benthic macrofauna species impacted by contaminant mixtures | Posthuma L., de Zwart D. | Environ Toxicol Chem 2012; 31(9):2175-88 |
Predicting effects of cations on copper toxicity to lettuce (Lactuca sativa) by the biotic ligand model | Le T.T.Y., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Hendriks A.J., Vijver M.G. | Environ Toxicol Chem 2012; 31(2):355-9 |
Progressing to cleaner air: evaluating non-attainment areas | de Leeuw F., Ruyssenaars P., Castell N., Lopez-Aparicio S. | Bilthoven: European Topic Centre on Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation, 2012. ETC/ACM Technical Paper 2012-10 |
Ranking ecological risks of multiple chemical stressors on amphibians | Fedorenkova A., Vonk J.A., Lenders H.J., Creemers R.C., Breure A.M., Hendriks A.J. | Environ Toxicol Chem 2012; 31(6):1416-21 |
Relative parameter sensitivity in prenatal toxicity studies with substances classified as developmental toxicants | Rorije E., van Hienen F.J.W., Dang Z.C., Hakkert B.H., Vermeire T., Piersma A.H. | Reprod Toxicol 2012; 34(2):284-90 |
Reporting on ambient air quality assessment in the European region, 2010 | Jimmink B., de Leeuw F., Ostatnicka J., Schreiberova M., Corbet L. | Bilthoven: European Topic Centre on Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation, 2012. ETC/ACM Technical Paper 2012-7 |
Respiratory health effects of airborne particulate matter: the role of particle size, composition, and oxidative potential-the RAPTES project | Strak M., Janssen N.A.H., Godri K.J., Gosens I., Mudway I.S., Cassee F.R., Lebret E., Kelly F.J., Harrison R.M., Brunekreef B., Steenhof M., Hoek G. | Environ Health Perspect 2012; 120(8):1183-9 |
Risks to young people at work. More experience of less exposure? | Berkhout P.H.G., Wouters R., Bellamy L.J., Mud M.L., Manuel H.J., Oh J.I.H. | In: Proceedings of the 6th international conference working on safety, Sopot, Poland, 2012 |
Short-term exposure to nanoparticle-rich diesel engine exhaust causes changes in brain activity but not in cognitive performance in human volunteers | Driessen A., Cruts B., van Etten L., Fokkens P.H.B., Cassee F.R., Borm P.J.A. | In: Tiddy G, Tan R, eds. NanoFormulation. RSC Publishing, 2012:243-55 |
Simplification of biotic ligand models of Cu, Ni, and Zn by 1-, 2-, and 3-parameter transfer functions | Verschoor A.J., Vink J.P.M., Vijver M.G. | Intergr Environ Assess Manag 2012; 8(4):735-48 |
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Sleep-disturbance and quality of sleep in Hong Kong in relation to night time noise exposure | van Kamp I., Lam K.C., Brown A.L., Wong T.W., Law C.W. | J Acoust Soc Am 2012; 131(4):3222 |
Social aspects of the living environment in relation to environmental health | van Kamp I. | The Hague: Health Council of the Netherlands, 2012 (publication no. 2012/10E) |
Sociale aspecten van de leefomgeving in relatie tot milieu en gezondheid. Achtergrondstudie | van Kamp I. | Den Haag: Gezondheidsraad, 2012 (2012-10) |
Soil biodiversity, biological indicators and soil ecosystem services-an overview of European approaches | Pulleman M., Creamer R., Hamer U., Helder J., Pelosi C., Pérès G., Rutgers M. | Curr Opinion Environm Sustain 2012; 4(5):529-38 |
Spatially explicit prioritization of human antibiotics and antineoplastics in Europe | Oldenkamp R., Huijbregts M.A.J., Hollander A., Versporten A., Goossens H., Ragas A.M.J. | Environ Int 2012; 51C:13-26 |
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SSU ribosomal DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)-Based monitoring of nematode assemblages reveals distinct seasonal fluctuations within evolutionary heterogeneous feeding guilds | Vervoort M.T.W., Vonk J.A., Mooijman P.J.W., van den Elsen S.J.J., van Megen H.H.B., Veenhuizen P., Landeweert R., Bakker J., Mulder C., Helder J. | Plos One 2012; 7(10):e47555 |
State of the art of contaminated site management in The Netherlands: policy framework and risk assessment tools | Swartjes F.A., Rutgers M., Lijzen J.P.A., Janssen P.J.C.M., Otte P.F., Wintersen A., Brand E., Posthuma L. | Sci Total Environ 2012; 427-428:1-10 |
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The biological effects of subacute inhalation of diesel exhaust following addition of cerium oxide nanoparticles in atherosclerosis-prone mice | Cassee F.R., Campbell A., Boere A.J.F., McLean S.G., Duffin R., Krystek P., Gosens I., Miller M.R. | Environ Res 2012; 115:1-10 |
The Cabauw Intercomparison campaign for Nitrogen Dioxide measuring Instruments (CINDI): Design, execution, and early results | Piters A.J.M., Boersma K.F., Kroon M., Hains J.C., Roozendaal M., Wittrock F., Abuhassan N., Adams C., Akrami M., Allaart M.A.F., Apituley A., Beirle S., Bergwerff J.B., Berkhout A.J.C., Brunner D., Cede A., Chong J., Clemer K., Favi C., Friess U., Gasi L.F.L., Gil-Oieda M., Goulail F., Graves R., Griesfeller A., Grossmann K., Hemerijckx G., Hendrick F., Henzing B., Herman J., Hermans C., Hoexum M., van der Hoff G.R., Irie H., Johnston P.V., Kanava Y., Kim Y.J., Klein Baltink H., Kreher K., de Leeuw G., Leigh R., Merlaud A., Moerman M.M., Monks P.S., Mount G.H., Navarro-Comas M., Oetien H., Pazmino A., Perez-Camacho M., Peters E., du Piesanie A., Pinardi G., Puentedura O., Richter A., Roscoe H.K., Schonhardt A., Schwarzenbach B., Shaiganfar R., Sluis W., Spinei E., Stolk A.P., Strong K., Swart D.P.J., Takashima H., Vlemmix T., Vrekoussis M., Wagner T., Whyte C., Wilson K.M., Yela M., Yilmaz S., Zieger P., Zhou Y. | Atmosph Measurem Techn 2012; 5(2):457-85 |
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The miniDOAS: low cost, high performance ammonia measurements | Berkhout A.J.C., Bergwerff J.B., Haaima M., Swart D.P.J., Volten H. | AWE International 2012; (31):30-1 |
The policy relevance of wear emissions from road transport, now and in the future. Workshop report | Denier van der Gon H.A.C. , Jozwicka M., Cassee F.R., Gerlofs-Nijland M.E. | TNO, 2012. Report TNO-060-UT-2012-00732 |
The quantitative relationship between road traffic noise and hypertension: a meta-analysis | van Kempen E., Babisch W. | J Hypertens 2012; 30(6):1075-86 |
Tien oneliners voor het luchtbeleid | Sliggers J. | Tijdschr Milieu 2012; (6) |
Tissue distribution of inhaled micro- and nano-sized cerium oxide particles in rats: results from a 28-day exposure study | Geraets L., Oomen A.G., Schroeter J.D., Coleman V.A., Cassee F.R. | Toxicol Sci 2012; 127(2):463-73 |
Toxicity of polyfluorinated and perfluorinated compounds to lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and green algae (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) | Ding G., Wouterse M., Baerselman R., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. | Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 2012; 62(1):49-55 |
Transition in soil policy and associated knowledge development | Otte P., Maring L., de Cleen M., Boekhold S. | Curr Opinion Environ Sustain 2012; 4)5):565-72 |
Trends in primary NO 2 and exhaust PM emissions from road traffic for the period 2000-2020 and implications for air quality and health in the Netherlands | Keuken M.P., Roemer M.G.M., Zandveld P., Verbeek R.P., Velders G.J.M. | Atmos Environ 2012; 54:313-9 |
Triazole-induced gene expression changes in the zebrafish embryo | Hermsen S.A.B., Pronk T.E., van den Brandhof E.J., van der Ven L.T.M., Piersma A.H. | Reprod Toxicol 2012; 34(2):216-24 |
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