The Netherlands is a densely populated country with great pressure on the environment. The Dutch government needs to make smart use of the options available to maintain a clean, healthy and safe environment.
RIVM is a leading institute in knowledge and expertise on the relationship between environment and health. We monitor the quality of air, water and soil, and assess the risks to health and environment. In the event of an accident or natural disaster, we measure and monitor the release of substances that may pose a threat to human health and the environment. For more than 50 years, we have been carrying out research on various sources of radiation, such as radioactive substances, light sources, high voltage power lines, and mobile phones.
In addition, RIVM responds to new environmental issues and new issues posed by society, for instance, the risks of pharmaceutical residues in wastewater. Another issue is whether there are health risks associated with nanotechnology. RIVM supports transition to a sustainable and green economy so that future generations can live in a healthy environment.
Air pollution, dispersal of toxic substances and risks as a result of large-scale accidents or disasters do not cease at national borders and thus policy is set in a European framework. RIVM participates in international networks and leads the European Topic Centre on Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation of the European Environment Agency.
Four specialised centres
Centre for Safety of Substances and Products
Centre for Sustainability, Environment and Health
Centre for Environmental Quality
Centre for Environmental Safety and Security
Director: Charles Wijnker.