During the conference, participants were invited to propose an initiative that would help to take forward the Recommendations.
By the end of the first day 13 initiatives were proposed. These initiatives have been discussed during the second day among smaller groups in several rounds and elaborated into nine action plans. For each of these nine action plans, for the time being, a first contact is indicated. The final report on the Policy Conference can be found here.

Action Plan

Short description


Future types of nanomaterials

This initiative is an exercise to make subsequent inventories of foreseen future types of nanomaterials, define these types and further terminology, identify the challenges in risk assessment that would arise from these advanced materials and formulate how the risks of these materials can be adequately managed including through adopting new or adapting existing regulation.


Based on initiatives 1) Advanced materials: risks and implications and 2) New generation nanomaterials OECD Study (w/D);

Poster reflecting discussions during the Policy Conference (1/2)


FAIR data

This initiative focuses on the generation and use of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data. Make sure that in all call for tenders (on an EU European Union (European Union) level and on a Member State level (national calls) nanosafety data that are generated are FAIR (Procurement rules).


Based on initiatives 4) Procurement rules requiring data in similar format/ontology and 5) Apply FAIR to data for accessibility

Poster reflecting discussions during the Policy Conference (4/5)


Zero-effect data

This initiative would increase the accessibility of zero-effect data, that would be helpful for designing tests and increase the overall efficiency of testing. Data on physical and chemical properties and that are currently not published, could be made accessible by publication in an open access online journal. Original publications could be useful.


Based on initiative 6) Access to zero-effect data

Poster reflecting discussions during the Policy Conference (6)


Facilitation of Platforms

This initiative aims to strengthen the communication and cooperation between those involved with nanomaterials. Two different platforms were proposed:

  • a platform of stakeholders, e.g. authorities, industry, NGOs, academia/scientists to ensure knowledge exchange in the field of nanosafety;
  • a platform of policy-makers; in their activities they may invite and inform stakeholders.


Based on initiative 7) EU platforms on NH: coordination and collaboration; thought starter EU-MS+ platform

Poster reflecting discussions during the Policy Conference (7)

Interesting hyperlinks:



13 June 2018 WS on Research/Education and regulation


Safe by Design

This initiative aims to bring Safe-by-Design from theory to common practice. It is proposed to explore a European definition of the concept, to determine drivers for implementation (such as incorporation in curricula, benefits to society), to make an inventory of Safe-by-Design experiences, develop a knowledge sharing platform on Safe-by-Design, etc.


Based on initiative 8) Webinars with Chem. Ind. To develop safe by design beyond legal obligation and 9) Safe by design: Knowledge sharing platform + education

Poster reflecting discussions during the Policy Conference (8/9)


REACH information requirements in relation to needs of nanomaterials

This initiative is to see whether REACH information requirements are applicable to and/or match to the needs of existing and next generation nanomaterials/advanced materials. This will be done via an informal working group that clarifies the issues. If possible, the findings will also be included in Council Conclusions on the REACH evaluation


Based on initiative 10) Improving REACH information requirements – Exempt/ included NMs

Poster reflecting discussions during the Policy Conference (10)


Testing of Nanomaterials

This initiative provides an overarching structure and push needed for developments of testing NM. This includes, among others, an overarching structure for regulation, gap identification and accelerating testing guidelines and strategies.


Based on initiative 11) Testing guidelines: Harmonization and improvement

Poster reflecting discussions during the Policy Conference (11)


Regulatory relevant research agenda

The aim of this initiative is to set a regulatory relevant research agenda (5y), drafted by a regulatory nano-cluster. The agenda should provide guidance with reference to regulatory needs. By means of the agenda, and the regulatory nano-cluster, expertise of EU-wide (include east) nanosafety know-how can be shared.


Based on initiative 12) Create NSC regulatory sub-group to coordinate + ensure relevance of research priorities

Poster reflecting discussions during the Policy Conference (12)


Definition of Nano

This initiative is meant to be the start of a process to support legal definitions (e.g. Nano Forms, Grouping). Abstract terms should be given more practical meaning: what parameters are relevant, what criteria are used for grouping, what is the underlying reason for grouping, etc.


Based on initiative 13) Definition of Nano

Poster reflecting discussions during the Policy Conference (13)