Publication date 13-07-2017 | 00:00
Modification date 07-01-2019 | 15:30
The results of the ProSafe project have been reported in 29 Deliverables, of which 15 are relevant for parties outside the consortium and therefore are public available. Below a list of Work Packages referring to subpages where the public available deliverables can be found.
Work Package |
WP 3: Streamlining data acquisition, collection and data management |
WP 5 and WP 1: The OECD-ProSafe Joint Scientific Conference, the Joint Document and the White Paper |
If not indicated otherwise, the information in the ProSafe Results Repository is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Information on “commercial use” and attribution can be found here.