Dutch dietary risk assessment models for pesticide authorisation purposes
In 2010 (see RIVM report 320005006) RIVM revised the models for the calculation of dietary intake of pesticide residues at the maximum allowed levels in food for the purpose of pesticide authorisation. Actual levels in food are generally lower than the maximum allowed pesticide levels. For the purpose of estimating actual dietary intake of pesticide residues other models should be used (e.g. MCRA).
In the Dutch models, the amount of a food product consumed is combined with the pesticide concentration in or on that product. The resulting pesticide intake is compared to a toxicological reference value. This risk assessment is a default part of the pesticide authorisation procedure. The revised Dutch models are not yet incorporated in the EFSA PRIMO model (rev 2), but steps have been set tot include it in the EU (European Union) PRIMO model rev 3.
The reason for the revision were more recent food consumption data for young children. The revised calculation models now contain consumption data for three target groups: babies/toddlers, young children and the general population. In the previous models no data were available for the first target group. Furthermore, the calculation models contain for the first time consumption data for raw products as well as processed products made thereof (e.g. apple juice from apples and bread from cereals). So far only the consumption data for raw products were available in the models.
Instructions for the use of the Dutch models are given in the tab 'Manual' of the model itself.
The NEDI-TMDI model is meant for chronic dietary intake and comparison with the ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake) and can only be used for authorisation purposes.
The NESTI model i meant for acute dietary intake and comparison with the ARfD (Acute Reference Dose). This model is intended for authorisation purposes, but is als used for enforcement purposes.
Background information on the Dutch models can be found in RIVM report 320005006 as well as its appendices.