Publication date 11-04-2016 | 00:00
Modification date 18-03-2019 | 09:33
- Brecht Devleesschauwer: Methodological Framework for WHO Estimates of the Global Burden of Foodborne Disease
- Tine Hald: Source Attribution Estimates of the Relative Contributions to the Burden of Disease due to Selected Foorborne Hazards - a WHO Expert Elication
- Martyn Kirk: The Burden of Disease Causes bij Enteric pathogens
- Paul Torgerson: The Burden of Disease Caused bij Foodborne Parasites
- Herman Gibb: The Burden of Disease from Chemicals in Food
- Colin Mathers: The Global Burden of Foodborne Disease - a WHO Technical Perspective
- David Pigott: The Burden of Foodborne Disease - an IMPH Perspective
- Arie Havelaar: The Global Burden of Foodborne Disease - Overview and Impliations
- Rob Lake: Country Studies as a Component of the WHO Initiative to Estimate the Global Burden of Foodborne Disease
- Frederick Angulo: The Global Burden of Foodborne Disease - from Science to Public Health Policy
- Karen Keddy: The elusive goal of foodborne disease burden estimates in a developing country
- Yuko Kumagai: The foodborne Disease Burden in Japan: a pilot study
- Gijs Theunissen: The use of disability-adjusted life years (DALY’s) in food safety policy prioritization and evaluation in The Netherlands
- Mohammed Rokni: Significance of the FERG Results for Food Policy and Public Health in Iran and Asia
- Markus Lipp: FAO’s role in food safety governance
- Duncan Steele: An Overview of Our Strategy - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Leon Goris: Stakeholder use - industry
- Lisa Indar: Estimating the Burden and Impact of Foodborne Diseases in the Caribbean
- Barbara Kowalcky: Stakeholder Panel Discussion
- Antonio Vieira: Burden of Foodborne Diseases – the United States Perspective