The COVID-19 crisis affects our whole country and has an impact on everyone’s life – directly and/or indirectly. The consequences of the virus and the measures are a potential threat to health and perceived happiness – in the short term and the longer term. That is why RIVM is researching this topic.
Assessing health impacts due to COVID-19
In the Integrated Health Monitor COVID-19, the Network for Health Research in Disasters (GOR Network) is assessing the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on health in the Netherlands. The network consists of the collective Municipal Public Health Services (GGDs), GGD GHOR Netherlands, the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the NIVEL Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research, and ARQ National Psychotrauma Centre. The study covers a five-year period (2021-2025) and is made possible by a subsidy from the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw), on behalf of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS).
Aim of health research for COVID-19
The aim of the study is to provide accurate information on how COVID-19 has affected the health and happiness of the population of the Netherlands. By providing that information, the GOR Network advises and supports policy-makers and professionals in the policy formation process. This enables them to establish care and support that is appropriate to meet current demand, thus limiting negative health impacts. In addition, the results offer insight into risks and vulnerabilities that also deserve attention separate from this crisis.