Today, RIVM will publish the new version of the Dutch Food Composition Database (Nederlands Voedingsstoffenbestand, NEVO). This contains information on the composition of more than 2,300 foods. Data is available on more than 130 nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fatty acids, vitamins and minerals). In this version of NEVO Online, the food group ‘meat substitutes and dairy substitutes’ has been updated.
The composition of 33 foods in this group – including vegetarian burgers, vegetarian luncheon meat and almond drinks – has been analysed in a lab. The data on the other products in this group has been updated with information from the literature and labels. Furthermore, more than 100 new foods have been added to the other food groups in NEVO Online, largely on the basis of the Dutch National Food Consumption Survey. The VCP shows what, where and when Dutch people eat and drink.
About NEVO Online
NEVO Online is a key source of information for everyone with an interest in the composition of foods, dietary advice, nutrition advice or nutrition research. It is possible to download the NEVO Online data set. In addition to the nutrient content of foods, it contains source references and information about the available recipes. All information about the nutrient data set is available on this web page, including lists of newly added and removed foods as well as nutrient definitions.