Since 1990, RIVM has been collecting data on health issues caused by contact with bathing water by conducting a periodic survey.
An updated digital version of the bathing water survey was launched in 2012. The updated bathing water survey is intended to keep on observing trends in health issues related to bathing water, partially as a consequence of climate change. It is also intended to gain increased insight into outbreaks and other issues, and to exclude transmission routes other than contact with bathing water. Reporting authorities (municipal health services and provinces) can submit health issues related to the use of swimming pools. These initiatives are a step towards comprehensive mapping of such incidents in the Netherlands.
Analysis of the data from the bathing water survey shows a strong correlation between the number of reported health issues and the weather in summer. In case of sunny weather (multiple days with temperatures exceeding 25°C), more health issues are reported.
Skin complaints, such as itching and bumpy rashes, are reported most often, followed by gastrointestinal issues.