This page provides an overview of news about soil and water.

Quick action needed to prevent drinking water shortage in 2030

The demand for drinking water will increase until at least 2030. The supply is under strain due to climate change and pollution. There are already regional shortages. If measures are not taken, shortages will occur throughout the Netherlands in 2030.
03-04-2023 | 07:00
Glas water

New risk limits for 18 pesticides in surface water

Evidence suggests that existing standards for some of these substances do not sufficiently protect the ecosystem. For others, no standards exist yet or the existing standards are outdated. If these
06-02-2023 | 11:00

RIVM describes building blocks of future-proof soil strategy

Soil use is becoming increasingly intensive. From use for agriculture and housing construction to recreation and infrastructure. At the same time, we also depend on the soil-watersystem for a healthy living environment, restore biodiversity, countering climate change, energy transition, absorption of rainwater and keeping groundwater clean.
24-01-2023 | 14:15

Call for global action plan to save our oceans

Scientists involved in the Seas Oceans and Public Health In Europe (SOPHIE) Project have proposed the first steps towards a united global plan to save our oceans, for the sake of human health.
17-05-2021 | 09:29
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