TB can be successfully treated. Your GP will prescribe medication. You must take this medication every day for at least six months. The Municipal Public Health Service will help you with this.
You must take the medication every day, and at the same time every day. Do this for as long as your GP says. This is the only way to kill all the TB bacteria. You must not stop the medication earlier than prescribed or skip any days.
The medication may have side effects such as fatigue, itching/a rash or a headache. It may give your urine, stool, sweat and/or tears an orange-reddish colour. If you wear soft contact lenses, the lenses may become permanently discoloured. This discolouration itself is not harmful. Luckily, most people do not experience these side effects. If you develop symptoms from taking the medication, contact your GP or a Municipal Public Health Service nurse.
For how long are people contagious?
When someone is being treated for contagious TB, they usually stop being contagious after two to three weeks of treatment.
The Municipal Public Health Service’s TB prevention department can give you more information about the treatment for TB. You can also contact the GP who is treating you.
Can you go to work, school or a day care centre when you have TB?
When you have contagious TB, you must stay at home until you stop being contagious. Children with contagious TB should stay at home as well. The GP and the Municipal Public Health Service will tell you when it is safe to return to work, school or a day care centre.