Publicaties van dr. G.A. (Ardine) de Wit, senior onderzoeker bij de afdeling Kwaliteit van Zorg en Gezondheidseconomie van het RIVM.
Scientific papers in peer reviewed journals
- Salampassy B, Veldwijk J, Schuit AJ, van den Brekel-Dijkstra K, Neslo RE, de Wit GA, Lambooij MS (Multiple Sclerose ). The predictive value of discrete choice experiments in public health: an exploratory application. The Patient 2015, forthcoming.
- Veldwijk J, Lambooij M, Kallenberg F, van Kranen H, Bredenoord A, Dekker E, Smit HA, de Wit GA. Preferences for genetic screening for colorectal cancer within a population-based screening program: a Discrete Choice Experiment. Eur J Human Genetics 2015, forthcoming.
- van den Wijngaard CC, Hofhuis A, Harms MG, Haagsma JA, Wong A, de Wit GA, Havelaar AH, Lugnér AK, Suijkerbuijk AWM, van Pelt W. The burden of Lyme Borreliosis expressed in Disability-Adjusted Life Years. Eur J Public Health 2015, forthcoming.
- van der Graaf R, Koffijberg H, Grobbee DE, de Hoop E, Moons KG, van Thiel GJ, de Wit GA, van Delden JJ. Rethinking the ethics of cluster randomized trials: a refinement of the Ottawa Statement. J Clin Epidemiol 2015; forthcoming.
- Greving JP, Kaasjager HAH, Vernooij JWP, Hovens MMC, Wierdsma J, Grandjean HMH, van der Graaf Y, de Wit GA, Visseren FLJ. Cost-effectiveness of a nurse-led internet-based vascular risk factor management program: economic evaluation alongside a randomized controlled clinical trial. BMJ Open 2015, forthcoming.
- Lambooij MS, Harmsen IA, Veldwijk J, de Melker H, Mollema L, van Weert YWM, de Wit GA. Consistency between stated and revealed preferences: a Discrete Choice Experiment and a behavioral experiment on vaccination behavior compared. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2015;15(1):19.
- De Wit GA, Over EAB, Schmid BV, van Bergen JEAM, van den Broek IVF, van der Sande MAB, Welte R, op de Coul ELM (Expertmeeting Luchtkwaliteitmodellering), Kretzschmar MEE. Chlamydia screening is not cost-effective at low participation rates: evidence from a repeated register-based implementation study in the Netherlands. Sex Transm Inf 2015; forthcoming.
- van Dongen T, Schilder A, Venekamp R, de Wit GA, van der Heijden G. Cost-effectiveness of acute otorrhea in children with tympanostomy tubes. Pediatrics 2015, 135(5):e1182-9.
- May AM, Struijk EA, Fransen HP, Onland-Moret NC, de Wit GA, Boer J, van der Schouw YT, Hoekstra J, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB (hepatitis b), Peeters PHM, Beulens JWJ. The impact of a healthy lifestyle on Disability-Adjusted Life Years: a prospective cohort study. BMC Medicine 2015; forthcoming.
- Oostvogels AJJM, de Wit GA, Jahn B, Cassini A, Colzani E, de Waure C, Kretzschmar MEE, Siebert U, Muhlberger N, Mangen MJJ. Use of DALYs in economic analyses on interventions for infectious diseases: a systematic review. Epidemiol Infect 2015, forthcoming.
- Van Giessen A, Moons KG, de Wit GA, Verschuren WM, Boer JM (Joint meeting), Koffijberg H. Tailoring the implementation of new biomarkers based on their added predictive value in subgroups of individuals. PLoS (Plos One) One 2015; 10(1):e0114020.
- Veldwijk J, Lambooij MS, de Bekker-Grob EW, Smit HA, de Wit GA. The effect of including an opt-out option in Discrete Choice Experiments. PLoS One 2014, 9(11): e111805.
- Fransen HPM, Beulens JWJ, Struijk EA, de Wit GA, Boer JMA, Onland-Moret NC, Hoekstra J, van der Schouw YT, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Peeters PHM. Association between lifestyle factors and quality-adjusted life years in the EPIC-NL cohort. PLoS ONE 2014, 9(11):e111480.
- Montenij L, de Waal E, Frank M, van Beest P, de Wit A, Kruitwagen C, Buhhre W, Scheeren T. Influence of early goal-directed therapy using arterial waveform analysis on major complications after high-risk, abdominal surgery: study protocol for a multi-center, randomized controlled superiority trial. Trials 2014;15:360.
- Veldwijk J, Lambooij MS, Bruijning-Verhagen PCJ, Smit HA, de Wit GA. Parental preferences for rotavirus vaccination in young children: a discrete choice experiment. Vaccine 2014,32(47):6277-83.
- Wanders JOP, Veldwijk J, de Wit GA, Hart HE, van Gils PF, Lambooij M. The effect of out-of-pocket costs and financial rewards in a discrete choice experiment: an application to lifestyle programs. BMC Public Health 2014,14:870.
- Struijk EA, Beulens JWJ, May AM, Fransen HP, Boer JMA, de Wit GA, Onland-Moret NC, van der Schouw YT, Hoekstra J, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Peeters PHM. Dietary patterns in relation to disease burden expressed in Disability-Adjusted Life Years. Am J Clin Nutrit 2014;100(4):1158-65.
- Struijk EA, May AM, Beulens JWJ, Fransen HP, de Wit GA, Boer J, Onland-Moret NC, Hoekstra J, van der Schouw YT, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Peeters PHM. Adherence to the Dutch Guidelines for a healthy diet and cancer risk in the EPIC-NL cohort. Public Health Nutrition 2014;17(11):2546-53.
- Badenbroek IF, Stol DM (dystrophia myotonica), Nielen MM, Hollander M, Kraaijenhagen RA, de Wit GA, Schellevis FG, de Wit NJ. Design of the INTEGRATE study: effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a cardiometabolic risk assessment and treatment program integrated in primary care. BMC Fam Pract 2014;15(1):90.
- Wermeling PR (plaatsgebonden risico), Gorter KJ, Stellato RK, de Wit GA, Beulens JWJ, Rutten GEHM. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of three-monthly versus six-monthly monitoring of well-controlled type 2 diabetes patients: a pragmatic randomised controlled patient-preference equivalence trial in primary care (EFFIMODI study). Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism 2014, 16(9):841-9.
- Vink EE, de Beus E, de Jager RL (richtlijn), Voskuil M, Spiering W, Vonken EJ, de Wit GA, Roes KCB, Bots ML, Blankestijn PJ. The effect of renal denervation added to standard pharmacologic treatment versus standard pharmacologic treatment alone in patients with resistant hypertension. Rationale and design of the SYMPATHY trial. Am Heart J 2014,167(3):308-14.
- Struijk E, May AM, Beulens JWJ, de Wit GA, Boer JA, Onland-Moret C, van der Schouw YT, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Hoekstra JW, Peeters PHM. Development of methodology for Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) calculation based on real life data. PLoS One 2013, 8(9):e74294.
- Mangen MJJ, Bonten MJM, de Wit GA. Rationale and design of the Costs, Health status and Outcomes in Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CHO-CAP) study in elderly persons hospitalized with CAP. BMC Infect Dis 2013; 13:597.
- Veldwijk J, Lambooij MS, van Gils PF, Struijs JN, Smit HA, de Wit GA. Type 2 diabetes patients' preferences and willingness to pay for lifestyle programs: a discrete choice experiment. BMC Public Health 2013;13:1099.
- Suijkerbuijk AWM, de Wit GA, Wijga AH, Heijmans MJWM, Hoogendoorn M, Rutten-van Molken MPMH, Maurits EEM, Hoogenveen RT (Real Time), Feenstra TL. Maatschappelijke kosten van astma, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (chronische bronchitis of longemfyseem) ) en respiratoire allergie. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2013; 157:A6562.
- Mazairac AHA, Blankestijn PJ, Grooteman MPC, Penne EL, van de Weerd NC, den Hoedt CH (Congenitale hypothyreoidie), Buskens E, van den Dorpel MA, ter Wee PM, Nube MJ, Bots ML, de Wit GA. The cost-utility of hemodiafiltration versus hemodialysis in the Convective Transport Study (CONTRAST). Nephrol Dial Transplant 2013, 28(7): 1865-1873.
- Oostdijk EA, de Wit GA, Bakker M, de Smet AM, Bonten MJ, Dutch SOD-SDD trialists group. Selective decontamination of the digestive tract and selective oropharyngeal decontamination in intensive care unit patients: a cost effectiveness analysis. BMJ Open 2013; 3 (3), e002529.
- Schmid BV, Over EAB, van den Broek IVF, op de Coul ELM, van Bergen JEAM, Fennema JSA, Gotz HM, Hoebe, CJPA, de Wit GA, van der Sande MAB, Kretzschmar MEE. Effects of population based screening for Chlamydia infections in the Netherlands limited by declining participation rates. PLoS One 2013; 8(3): e58674.
- Krist MR (antimicrobial resistance), van Beijsterveldt AM, Backx FJ, de Wit GA. Preventive exercises reduced injury-related costs among adult male amateur soccer players: a cluster-randomized trial. J Physiotherapy 2013;59(1): 15-23.
- Mazairac AHA, de Wit GA, Grooteman MPC, Penne EL, van der Weerd NC, den Hoedt CH, Lévesque R, van den Dorpel MA, Nubé MJ, ter Wee PM, Bots ML, Blankestijn PJ, on behalf of the CONTRAST investigators. The effect of hemodiafiltration on quality of life over time in the Convective Transport Study (CONTRAST), a randomized, controlled trial. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2013; 8(1): 82-89.
- Helsper CW, Borkent-Raven BA, de Wit NJ, van Essen GA, Bonten MJ, Hoepelman AI, Janssen MP, de Wit GA. Cost-effectiveness of targeted screening for hepatitis C in The Netherlands. Epidemiol Infect. 2012; 140(1): 58-69.
- Helsper CW, Hellinga HL, van Essen GA, de Wit GA, Bonten MJ, van Erpecum KJ, Hoepelman AI, Richter C, de Wit NJ. Real-life costs of hepatitis C treatment. Neth J Med. 2012; 70(3): 145-53.
- van den Broek IVF, van Bergen JEAM, Brouwers EEHG, Fennema JSA, Götz HM, Hoebe CJPA, Koekenbier RH, Kretzschmar M, Over EAB, Schmid BV, Pars LL, van Ravesteijn SM, van der Sande MAB, de Wit GA, Low N, op de Coul ELM. Effectiveness of yearly register-based screening for chlamydia in the Netherlands: controlled trial with randomised stepped wedge implementation. Br Med J 2012, 345:e4316.
- Suijkerbuijk A, Lugner A, van Pelt W, Wallinga J, Verhoef L, de Melker H, de Wit GA. Assessing potential introduction of universal or targeted hepatitis A vaccination in the Netherlands. Vaccine 2012, 30:5199-205.
- Harmsen IA, Lambooij MS, Ruiter RAC (Regionale Arts Consulenten), Mollema L, Veldwijk J, van Weert YJWM, Kok G, Paulussen TGW, de Wit GA , de Melker HE. Psychosocial determinants of parents’ intention to vaccinate their newborn child against hepatitis B. Vaccine 2012, 30;4771-7.
- Vernooij JWP, Kaasjager HAH, van der Graaf Y, Wierdsma J, Grandjean HMH, Hovens MMC, de Wit GA, Visseren FLJ, on behalf of the SMART study group. Internet-based vascular risk factor management for patients with clinical manifest vascular disease; a randomized controlled trial. British Medical Journal 2012, 344: e3750.
- Wassenberg MW, Kluytmans J, Erdkamp S, Bosboom R, Buiting A, van Elzakker E, Melchers W, Thijssen S, Troelstra A, Vandenbroucke-Grauls C, Visser C, Voss A, Wolffs P, Wulf M, van Zwet T, de Wit A, Bonten M. Costs and benefits of rapid screening of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus carriage in intensive care units: a prospective multicenter study. Crit Care 2012; 16: R22.
- Mazairac AH, Grooteman MP, Blankestijn PJ, Lars Penne E, van der Weerd NC, den Hoedt CH, van den Dorpel MA, Buskens E, Nubé MJ, Ter Wee PM, de Wit GA, Bots ML. Differences in quality of life of hemodialysis patients between dialysis centers. Qual Life Res 2012; 21(2): 299-307.
- Greving JP, Visseren FLJ, de Wit GA, Algra A. Statin treatment for primary prevention of vascular disease: whom to treat? Cost-effectiveness analysis. Br Med J 2011; 342:d1672
- Koffijberg H, de Wit GA, Feenstra TL. Communicating uncertainty in economic evaluations: verifying optimal strategies. Med Decis Making 2012, 32:477-87.
- Mazairac AHA, de Wit GA, Grooteman MPC, Penne EL, van der Weerd NC, den Hoedt CH, Lévesque R, van den Dorpel MA, Nubé MJ, ter Wee PM, Blankestijn PJ, Bots ML, on behalf of the CONTRAST investigators. Clinical performance targets and quality of life in hemodialysis patients. Blood Purification 2012, 33: 73-79.
- Van Gils PF, Hamberg-van Reenen HH, Over EAB, de Wit GA, van den Berg M, Schuit AJ, Engelfriet PM. The polypill in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: cost-effectiveness in the Dutch population. Br Med J Open 2011, 1(2): e000363.
- Van Baal PHM, Wong A, Slobbe LCJ, Polder JJ, Brouwer WBF, de Wit GA. Standardizing the inclusion of indirect medical costs in economic evaluations. Pharmacoeconomics 2011, 29(3): 175-187.
- Greving JP, Visseren FLJ, de Wit GA, Algra A. Primaire preventie met statines: bij wie kosteneffectief? Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2011; 155: A3411
- Wassenberg MW, de Wit GA, Bonten MJ. Cost-Effectiveness of Preoperative Screening and Eradication of Staphylococcus aureus Carriage. PLoS One. 2011;6(5):e14815. Epub 2011 May 26.
- van Gils PF, Lambooij MS, Flanderijn MHW, van den Berg M, de Wit GA, Schuit AJ, Struijs JN, van den Berg B. Willingness to participate in a lifestyle intervention program of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a conjoint analysis. Patient Preferences and Adherence, 2011; 5: 537-546.
- Wassenberg MW, Kluytmans JA, Bosboom RW, Buiting AG, van Elzakker EP, Melchers WJ, Thijsen SF, Troelstra A, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CM, Visser CE (Conformité Européenne), Voss A, Wolffs PF, Wulf MW, van Zwet AA, de Wit GA, Bonten MJ. Rapid diagnostic testing of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus carriage at different anatomical sites: costs and benefits of less extensive screening regimens. Clin Microbiol Infect 2011; 17(11): 1704-1710.
- Thijssen AS, Broeders IA, de Wit GA, Draaisma WA. Cost-effectiveness of proton pump inhibitors versus laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication for patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease: a systematic review of the literature. Surg Endosc. 2011; 25(10): 3127-34.
- van Beijsterveldt AM, Krist MR, Schmikli SL, Stubbe JH, de Wit GA, Inklaar H, van de Port IG, Backx FJ. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an injury prevention programme for adult male amateur soccer players: design of a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Inj Prev. 2011 Feb;17(1):e2.
- Mazairac AH, de Wit GA, Penne EL, van der Weerd NC, de Jong B, Grooteman MP, van den Dorpel MA, Buskens E, Dekker FW, Nubé MJ, Ter Wee PM, Boeschoten EW, Bots ML, Blankestijn PJ; on behalf of the CONTRAST investigators. Changes in quality of life over time--Dutch haemodialysis patients and general population compared. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2011 Jun;26(6):1984-1989.
- Mazairac AH, de Wit GA, Grooteman MP, Penne EL, van der Weerd NC, van den Dorpel MA, Nubé MJ, Lévesque R, Ter Wee PM, Bots ML, Blankestijn PJ; on behalf of the CONTRAST investigators. A composite score of protein-energy nutritional status predicts mortality in haemodialysis patients no better than its individual components. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2011 Jun;26(6):1962-1967.
- Mazairac AH, de Wit GA, Penne LE, van der Weerd NC, Grooteman MP, van den Dorpel MA, Nubé MJ, Buskens E, Lévesque R, Ter Wee PM, Bots ML, Blankestijn PJ; on behalf of the CONTRAST investigators. Protein-Energy Nutritional Status and Kidney Disease-specific Quality of Life in Hemodialysis Patients. J Ren Nutr. 2011; 21 (5): 376-386
- Wassenberg MW, Kluytmans JA, Box AT, Bosboom RW, Buiting AG, van Elzakker EP, Melchers WJ, van Rijen MM, Thijsen SF, Troelstra A, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CM, Visser CE, Voss A, Wolffs PF, Wulf MW, van Zwet AA, de Wit GA, Bonten MJ. Rapid screening of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA (Methicilline-resistente Staphylococcus aureus )) using PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and chromogenic agar: a prospective study to evaluate costs and effects. Clin Microbiol Infect 2010, 16(12): 1754-61.
- Van Gils PF, Hamberg- van Reenen HH, van den Berg M, Tariq L, de Wit GA. The scope of costs in alcohol studies: Cost of illness studies differ from economic evaluations. Cost Effectiveness & Research Allocation 2010, 8:15.
- Van de Wall BJM, Draaisma WA, Consten ECJ, van der Graaf Y, Otten MH, de Wit GA, van Stel HF, Gerhards MF, Wiezer RMJ, Cense HA, Stockmann HBAC, Leijtens JWA, Zimmerman DDZ, Belgers E, van Wagensveld BA, Sonneveld EDJA, Prins HA, Coene PPLO, Karsten TM, Klaase JM, Statius Muller MG, Crolla RMPH, Broeders IAMJ and Dutch Diverticular Disease Collaborative Study Group 3D Study Group. DIRECT trial: Diverticulitis Recurrences or Continuing Symptoms: operative versus conservative treatment. A multicenter randomised clinical trial. BMC Surgery 2010; 10: 25.
- Wassenberg MW, de Wit GA, van Hout BA, Bonten MJM. Quantifying cost-effectiveness of controlling nosocomial spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria: the case of MRSA. PLoS One 2010; 5(7): e11562.
- Sprengers RW, Teraa M, Moll FL, de Wit GA, van der Graaf Y, Verhaar MC (medisch centrum). Quality of life in patients with no-option critical limb ischemia underlines the need for new effective treatment. J Vasc Surg 2010; 52: 843-9.
- Wermeling PR, van den Donk M, Gorter KJ, de Wit GA, van der Graaf Y, Rutten GEHM. Towards a more efficiënt diabetes control in primary care: six-monthly monitoring compared with three-monthly monitoring in type 2 diabetes – the EFFIMODI trial. Design of a randomised controlled patient-preference equivalence trial in primary care. BMC Family Practice 2010, 11: 35.
- Velthuis MJ, May AM, Koppejan-Rensenbrink RAG, Gijsen BCM, van Breda E, de Wit GA, Schroder CD, Monninkhof EM, Lindeman E, van der Wall E, Peeters PHM. Physical Activity during Cancer Treatment (PACT) Study: design of a randomized clinical trial. BMC Cancer 2010; 10:272.
- Veldhuijzen IK, Toy M, Hahné SJM, de Wit GA, Schalm SW, de Man RA, Richardus JH. Screening and early treatment of migrants for chronic hepatitis B virus infection is cost-effective. Gastroenterology, 2010; 138:522-530.
- Boonman- de Winter LJM, Rutten FH (Familiaire Hypercholesterolemie), Cramer MJ, Liem AH, Landman MJ, van Stel HF, de Wit GA, Rutten GEHM, van Hessen PAW, Hoes AW. Early recognition of heart failure in patients with diabetes type 2 in primary care. A prospective diagnostic efficiency study (UHFO-DM2). BMC Public Health 2009; 9: 479.
- Van Gils PG, van den Berg M, van Kranen H, de Wit GA. A literature review of assumptions on test characteristics and adherence in economic evaluations of colonoscopy and CT-colonography screening. Eur J Cancer 2009; 45: 1554-1559.
- Van Gils PG, de Wit GA, Schuit AJ, van den Berg M. Screening op aneurysma aortae abdominalis – effectiviteit en kosteneffectiviteit. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2009; 153: B383.
- Kretzschmar M, Mangen M-J, van de Laar M, de Wit A. Model based analysis of hepatitis B vaccination strategies in the Netherlands. Vaccine 2009, 27: 1254-60.
- Borkent-Raven BA, Janssen MP, de Wit GA, Bonsel G, van Hout BA, vd Poel CL. Cost-effectiveness of additional HBV (hepatitis B virus) NAT screening on individual donations or minipools of 6 donations in the Netherlands. Transfusion 2009, 49: 311-319.
- van den Berg M, de Wit GA, Vijgen SMC, Busch MCM, Schuit AJ. Kosteneffectiviteit van preventie: kansen voor het Nederlandse volksgezondheidsbeleid. Ned Tijdsch Geneeskd 2008; 152(23): 1329-1334.
- Van den Berg M, van Baal PHM, Tariq L, Schuit AJ, de Wit GA, Hoogenveen RT. Modelling the cost-effectiveness of increasing alcohol taxes. BMC Medicine 2008, 6: 36.
- Kretzschmar M, de Wit GA. Universal hepatitis B vaccination. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2008, 8: 85-7 (Reactions & reflection, letter to the editor).
- Hoogendoorn M, Evers SMAA, Schielen PCJI, van Genugten MLL, de Wit GA, Ament AJHA. Costs and effects of prenatal screening methods for Down’s syndrome and neural tube defects. Community Genetics 2008, 11(6): 359-367.
- van Baal PHM, Polder JJ, de Wit GA, Hoogenveen RH, Feenstra TL, Boshuizen HC, Engelfriet PM, Brouwer WBF. Lifetime medical costs of obesity – prevention no cure for increasing health expenditure. PLOS Medicine 2008, 5(2):e29.
- Banta HD, de Wit GA. Public health services and cost-effectiveness analyses. Annual Rev Public Health 2008, 29: 383-97.
- Havelaar AH, Mangen M-JJ, de Koeijer AA, Bogaardt M-J, Evers EG (Europese Gemeenschap), Jacobs-Reitsma WF, van Pelt W, Wagenaar JA, de Wit GA, van der Zee H, Nauta MJ. Effectiveness and efficiency of controlling Campylobacter on broiler chicken meat. Risk Analysis 2007; 27(4): 831-844.
- Mangen M-JJ, Havelaar AH, Poppe KP, de Wit GA and the CARMA Project Team. Cost-utility analysis to control Campylobacter on chicken meat – dealing with data limitations. Risk Analysis 2007; 27(4): 815-830.
- Vijgen SMC, van Baal PHM, Hoogenveen RT, de Wit GA, Feenstra TL. Cost effectiveness analyses of health promotion programs: a case study of smoking prevention and cessation among Dutch students. Health Education Research 2007, 23(2): 310-318.
- Gumbs PD, Verschuren WMM, de Wit AG, Mantel-Teeuwisse AK, de Boer A, Klungel OH. Society already achieves economic benefits from generic substitution but fails to do the same for therapeutic substitution. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2007, 60(1): 83-9.
- Gumbs PD, Verschuren WMM, Mantel-Teeuwisse AK, de Wit AG, de Boer A, Klungel OH. Critical appraisal of economic evaluations of cholesterol lowering drugs: a systematic review. Pharmacoeconomics 2007; 25(3): 187-199.
- Van Baal PHM, Feenstra TF, Hoogenveen RT, de Wit GA, Brouwer WBF. Unrelated medical care in life years gained and the cost-utility of primary prevention. In search of a “perfect” cost utility ratio. Health Economics 2007; 16:421-433.
- Mangen M-JJ, de Wit GA, Havelaar AH. Economic analysis of Campylobacter control in the Dutch broiler meat chain. Agribusiness 2007, 23(2): 173-192.
- Van Baal PHM, Hoogenveen RT, de Wit GA, Boshuizen HC. Estimating health-adjusted life expectancy conditional on risk factors: results for smoking and obesity. Population Health Metrics 2006, 4:14. doi:10.1186/1478-7954-4-14
- Gumbs PD, Verschuren WMM, Mantel-Teeuwisse AK, de Wit AG, Stricker BHC, de Boer A Klungel OH. Economic implication of non-adherence to cholesterol management guidelines for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in an elderly population: the Rotterdam Study. Drugs & Ageing 2006, 9:733-741.
- Van Baal PHM, Hoeymans N, Hoogenveen RT, de Wit GA, Westert GP (general practitioner). Disability weights for comorbidity and their influence on Health-adjusted Life Expectancy. Population Health Metrics 2006, 4:1 (10 Apr 2006), doi:10.1186/1478-7954-4-1.
- Boot HJ, de Melker HE, Stolk EA, de Wit GA, Kimman TG. Assessing the introduction of universal varicella vaccination in the Netherlands. Vaccine 2006; 24: 6288-99.
- Kimman TG, Boot HJ, Berbers GAM, Vermeer-de Bondt PE, de Wit GA, de Melker HE. Developing a vaccination evaluation model to support evidence-based decision making on national immunization programs. Vaccine 2006; 24: 4769-4778.
- De Melker H, Berbers G, Hahné S, Rümke H, van den Hof S, de Wit A, Boot H. The epidemiology of varicella and herpes zoster in the Netherlands: implications for varicella zoster virus vaccination. Vaccine 2006; 24: 3946-3952.
- Vijgen SMC, Hoogendoorn M, Baan CA, de Wit GA, Limburg W, Feenstra TL. Cost effectiveness of preventive interventions in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. A systematic literature review. Pharmacoeconomics 2006; 24(5): 425-441.
- Mangen M-JJ, Havelaar AH, Bernsen RAJAM, van Koningsveld R, de Wit GA. The costs of human campylobacter infections and sequelae in the Netherlands: A DALY (Disability Adjusted Life Year) and cost-of-illness approach. Acta Agriculturae Scand Section C 2005; 2: 35-51.
- Havelaar AH, van Duijnhoven YTHP, Nauta MJ, Bouwknegt M, Heuvelink AE (alveolaire echinokokkose), de Wit GA, Nieuwenhuizen MGM, van de Kar NCAJ. Disease burden in the Netherlands due to infection with Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli O157. Epidemiol Infect 2004; 132: 467-484.
- Van den Brandhof WE, de Wit GA, de Wit MAS, van Duijnhoven YTHP. Costs of gastroenteritis in the Netherlands. Epidemiol Infect 2004; 132: 211-221.
- Kretzschmar M, de Wit A, Smits LJM, van de Laar MJW. Vaccination against hepatitis B in low endemic countries. Epidemiol Inf 2002; 128: 229-244.
- Beutels P, Edmunds WJ, Antonanzas F, de Wit GA, Evans D, Feilden R, et al. Economic evaluation of vaccination programmes. A consensus statement focusing on viral hepatitis. Pharmacoeconomics 2002; 20 (1): 1-7.
- de Wit GA, Merkus MP, Krediet RT, de Charro FTh. Health profiles and health preferences of dialysis patients. Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 2002; 17: 86-92.
- de Wit GA, Merkus MP, Krediet RT, de Charro FTh. A comparison of quality of life of patients on automated and continuous peritoneal dialysis. Peritoneal Dialysis International 2001; 21: 306-312.
- de Wit GA, Busschbach JJ, de Charro FTh. Sensitivity and perspective in the valuation of health status: whose values count? Health Economics 2000; 9(3): 109-126.
- de Wit GA, Ramsteijn P, de Charro FTh. Economic evaluation of End Stage Renal Disease treatment. Health Policy 1998; 44(3): 215-232.
- De Charro FTh, de Wit A. An appraisal of living donor kidney transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings 1996; 28 (6): 3359-61.
- de Wit A. Hysteroscopy: An evolving case of Minimally Invasive Therapy in gynaecology. Health Policy 1993; 23, 113-124.
- Vondeling H, Haerkens E, de Wit A, Bos M, Banta HD. Diffusion of Minimally Invasive Therapy in the Netherlands. Health Policy 1993; 23, 67-81.
- Banta HD, Schou I, Vondeling H, de Wit A. Economic appraisal of laser applications in health care. Report of a project. Lasers in Medical Science 1992; 7: 9-21.
- de Wit A, Banta D. The diffusion of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) in the Netherlands and England. An exploratory study. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 7, 574-584, 1991.
- Banta HD, Vondeling H, de Wit A, Haan G. Economic appraisal of laser applications in medicine. Lasers in Medical Science 1990; 5: 253-269.
Books and bookchapters
- De Wit A, Tariq L, van Gils PF, Panneman M. Van euro tot effect. Handleiding voor economisch evaluatieonderzoek bij gezondheidsbevordering. Amsterdam / Bilthoven: Stichting Consument en Veiligheid / RIVM, 2011.
- Postma M, de Wit A, Severens H. Economische evaluatiestudies van publieke gezondheidszorg. In: van Lienden HW, Boot JMD. Economie van de volksgezondheid. Zorg voor gezondheid = zorg voor welvaart. Assen: van Gorcum, 2011 (p. 215-233).
- De Wit GA. Economic evaluation of end-stage renal disease treatment. PhD (Doctor of Philosophy ) thesis Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2002.
- De Wit GA, Bos JM. Cost-effectiveness of needle and syringe programmes: a review of the literature. In: Jager J., et al. (eds.). Hepatitis C and injecting drug use: impact, costs and policy options. Lissabon: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), 2004, pp. 329-343.
- de Charro FTh, de Wit GA. Costs of transplantation. In: Collins GM, Dubernard JM, Land W, Persijn GG (eds.). Procurement, preservation and allocation of vascularized organs. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, pp. 233-240.
- Banta D, Vondeling H, de Wit A, Rosendal H. Diffusion of lasers in medicine. In: Szczepura A, Kankaanpää J. (eds.). Assessment of Health Care Technologies: Case Studies, Key Concepts and Strategic Issues. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1996, pp. 69-85.
- de Wit A, Banta D. Diffusion of laser technology in Dutch hospitals. In: Banta D, Schou I. (eds.). Lasers in Health Care. Effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and policy implications. Frederiksberg: Academic Publishing, 1991. (pp 36-42)
- De Wit A, Trimbos JB. Gynecology - effectiveness. In: Banta D, Schou I. (eds.). Lasers in Health Care. Effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and policy implications. Frederiksberg: Academic Publishing, 1991. (pp 189-200)
- De Wit A. Gynecology - Cost-effectiveness. In: Banta HD,
Schou I. (eds.). Lasers in Health Care. Effectiveness, cost-effectiveness
and policy implications. Frederiksberg: Academic Publishing, 1991.
(pp 201-203)
Scientific and technical reports
- Suijkerbuijk AWM, van Gils PF, de Wit GA. De kosteneffectiviteit van interventies gericht op verslaving aan alcohol en middelen. Een review van de literatuur. Bilthoven: RIVM Briefrapport 133499001, 2014.
- Suijkerbuijk AWM, Hoogeveen RT, de Wit GA, Wijga AH, Hoogendoorn EJI, Rutten-van Mölken MPMH, Feenstra TL. Maatschappelijke kosten voor astma, COPD en respiratoire allergie. Bilthoven: RIVM rapport 260544001, 2012.
- Suijkerbuijk A, van Gils PF, de Wit GA, Feenstra TL. Kosteneffectiviteit van bariatrische chirurgie – een review van economische evaluaties [Cost-effectiveness of bariatric surgery – a review of economic evaluations]. Bilthoven: RIVM rapport 260701008, 2012.
- de Wit GA, Suijkerbuijk AWM, Engelfriet PE, Feenstra TL. Kosteneffectiviteit als vierde niveau van erkenning voor interventies: een verkenning van de haalbaarheid en van de alternatieven [Cost-effectiveness as a fourth level of approval for interventions: feasibility and alternatives]. Bilthoven: RIVM rapport 255001006, 2012
- van den Berg M, van Gils PF, de Wit GA, Schuit AJ. Economic evaluation of prevention. Fourth report on the cost-effectiveness of preventive interventions. Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, reportnumber 270091005, 2008.
- van den Berg M, Van Baal PHM, de Wit GA, Schuit AJ. Kosteneffectiviteit van preventie. Literatuursignalering en modellering. Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, reportnumber 270091007, 2008.
- Van Baal PHM, van den Berg M, Tariq L, Hoogenveen RT, Schoemaker CG, Schuit AJ, de Wit GA. Economic evaluation of prevention. Modelling the cost-effectiveness of increasing alcohol taxes and of prevention of major depression. Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, reportnumber 270091006, 2008.
- De Wit GA, Verweij A, van Baal PHM, Vijgen SMC, van den Berg M, Busch MCM, Barnhoorn MJM, Schuit AJ. Economic evaluation of prevention: further evidence. Bilthoven; Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, reportnumber 270091004/2007.
- Mangen MJJ, Kretzschmar MEE, van de Laar MJW, Heijink R, de Wit GA. Cost-effectiveness of hepatitis B vaccination of risk groups. Bilthoven; Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, 2007.
- Van Baal PHM, de Wit GA, Feenstra TL, Boshuizen HC, Bemelmans WJE, Jacobs-van der Bruggen MAM, Hoogenveen RT. Bouwstenen voor keuzes rondom preventie in Nederland [Quantitative information to underpin public health policy in the Netherlands]. Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, reportnumber 260901001, 2006.
- Feenstra TL, van Baal PHM, de Wit GA, Polder JJ, de Hollander AEM. Kosteneffectiviteitsanalyses over de keten van preventie, cure en care. Discussie van een raamwerk voor integrale kosteneffectiviteitsanalyse [Methodological aspects of cost-effectiveness analysis applied to evaluations over prevention, cure and care] . Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, reportnumber 270091003, 2006.
- Wendel-Vos GCW, Ooijendijk WTM, Baal PHM van, Storm I, Vijgen SMC, Jans M, Hopman-Rock M, Schuit AJ, Wit GA de, Bemelmans WJE. Kosteneffectiviteit en gezondheidswinst van behalen beleidsdoelen bewegen en overgewicht - Onderbouwing Nationaal Actieplan Sport en Bewegen [Cost-effectiveness and health gains when achieving policy ambitions for physical activity and overweight - Scientific basis for National Action Plan for Sport and Physical activity]. Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, report number 260701001, 2005.
- Vijgen SMC, Busch MCM, de Wit GA, van Zoest F, Schuit AJ. Economische evaluatie van preventie. Kansen voor het Nederlandse volksgezondheidsbeleid [Economic evaluation of prevention – Opportunities for Dutch public health policy]. Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, reportnumber 270091001, 2005.
- Mangen M-JJ, Havelaar AH, Nauta MJ, Koeijer AA de, de Wit GA. Controlling campylobacter in the chicken meat chain - Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analysis. Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, report number 250911007, 2005.
- Havelaar AH, Nauta MJ, Mangen MJJ, de Koeijer AG, Bogaardt MJ, Evers EG, Jacobs-Reitsma WF, van Pelt W, Wagenaar JA, de Wit GA, van der Zee H. Costs and benefits of controlling Campylobacter in the Netherlands. Integrating risk analysis, epidemiology and economics. Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, report number 250911009, 2005.
- Baal PHM van, Feenstra TL, Hoogenveen RT, de Wit GA. Cost Effectiveness Analysis with the RIVM Chronic Disease Model. Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, report number 260706002, 2005.
- Bogaardt MJ, Mangen M-JJ, de Wit GA, Nauta MJ, Havelaar AH. Controlling campylobacter in the chicken meat chain. Towards a decision support system. Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, report number 250911005, 2004.
- Hoogendoorn M,
Hamberg-van Reenen HH, van Genugten MLL, de Wit GA,
Schielen PCJI. Kosten en effecten van prenatale screeningsmethoden voor Down syndroom en neuraalbuisdefecten [Cost-effectiveness of prenatal screening for Down’s Syndrome and neural tube defects]. Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, report number 230041001, 2004. - Mangen M-JJ, Havelaar AH, de Wit GA. Campylobacteriosis and sequelae in the Netherlands. Estimating the disease burden and the cost-of-illness. Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, report number 250911004, 2004.
- Dirkmaat T, van Genugten MEE, de Wit GA. Kosten-effectiviteit van preventie. Een verkennende studie [Cost-effectiveness of prevention, an exploratory study]. Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, report number 260601001, 2003.
- Havelaar AH, van Duijnhoven YTHP, Nauta MJ, Bouwknegt M, Heuvelink AE, de Wit GA, Nieuwenhuizen MGM, van de Kar NCAJ. Disease burden in the Netherlands due to infection with Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli O157. Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, report number 284550008, 2003.
- De Wit GA, Poppe KJ, Horne P van. Economische aspecten van campylobacteriose [Economic aspects of campylobacteriosis]. In: Havelaar AH (red.). Campylobacteriose in Nederland. Risico’s en interventiemogelijkheden. Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, report number 250911001, april 2002.
- Struijs JN, de Wit GA, Jager JC. Literatuuronderzoek naar kosteneffectiviteitsaspecten van de screening van zwangeren ter preventie van congenitale syfilis [Literature review on cost-effectiveness of prenatal screening for congenital syfilis]. Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, report number 403505007, 2001.
- Struijs JN, de Wit GA, Jager JC. De kosteneffectiviteit van antivirale middelen ter behandeling van chronische hepatitis B: een literatuur review [Cost-effectiveness of antiviral hepatitis B treatment, a review of the literature]. Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, report number 403505006, 2001.
- De Wit GA, Kretzschmar MEE, Smits LJM, Struijs JN, Postma MJ, Van de Laar MJW, Jager JC. Kosten-effectiviteit van algemene vaccinatie tegen hepatitis B – (interimrapportage) [Cost-effectiveness of universal hepatitis B vaccination]. Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, report number 403505 004, 2000.
- De Wit GA, Welte R. Economic evaluation of hepatitis B vaccination strategies, a systematic review of the literature. Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, report number 403505 003, 1999.
- de Wit GA, de Charro FTh. De maatschappelijke kosten van nierziekten [The Societal costs of kidney diseases]. Erasmus University Rotterdam, Centre for Health Policy and Law Technical Report Series nr. 18, 1998.
- de Wit GA, de Charro FTh. Kosten van dialyse [Costs of dialysis]. Erasmus University Rotterdam, Centre for Health Policy and Law Technical Report Series nr. 15, 1997.
- De Charro F, Kop Jansen P, de Wit A, Nieuwenhuizen M, Heijenbrok M. Quality of life of trauma patients. In: Rabin RE, Busschbach JJV, de Charro FTh, Essink-Bot ML, Bonsel GJ (eds.). Proceedings of the 1997 Plenary Meeting of the EuroQol Group. Rotterdam: Centre for Health Policy & Law, 1997, pp. 139-148.
- De Wit GA, de Charro FTh. Economische evaluatie van radiotherapie en hyperthermie ter behandeling van buiktumoren. [Economic evaluation of radiotherapy and hyperthermia in the treatment of pelvic tumors]. Rotterdam Erasmus University, Centre for Health Policy and Law Technical Report Series nr. 9, 1993.
- De Wit GA, De Charro FTh. Evaluatie van groeihormoonbehandeling [Evaluation of growth hormone treatment]. Erasmus University Rotterdam, Centre for Health Policy and Law Technical Report Series nr. 4, 1992.
- De Wit GA, Busschbach, JJ, de Charro FTh. Longtransplantatie in het Sint Antonius Hospital. Beschrijving van het programma, kosten en kwaliteit van leven metingen [Lung transplantation in the Sint Antonius Hospital. Description of programme, costs and quality of life measurements]. Rotterdam Erasmus University, Centre for Health Policy and Law Technical Report Series nr. 5, 1993.
- Banta D, Vondeling H, de Wit A, Haan G. Medical technology assessment of clinical laser applications (in Dutch). Maastricht: Institute for Medical Technology Assessment Technical Report Series, nr. 90.04, 1991.
- De Wit A, Banta D. The diffusion of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) in the Netherlands and England. An exploratory study. Maastricht: Institute for Medical Technology Assessment Technical Report Series, nr. 90.01, 1990
- De Wit
A, Vondeling H,
Banta HD. Het gebruik van lasers in de
gynaecologie. Een literatuurstudie.
[The use of lasers in gynecology. Review of the literature].
's-Gravenhage: Health Council of the Netherlands. Report Nr.
Other publications of relevance
1. De
Wit GA. Het
voorkómen van besmetting met hepatitis. In: Boland G. et al (red.).
Hepatitis. Cahiers Bio-wetenschappen en maatschappij 2010 (kwartaal
2. Tariq
L, van Gils P, de Wit A. De
validiteit van de QALY (quality-adjusted life years) – symposiumverslag. TSG Tijdschrift voor
Gezondheidswetenschappen 2008; 86 (4): 182-184.
3. Van
Baal PHM, Brouwer WBF, de Wit GA,
Hoogenveen RT, Polder JJ. De invloed van roken en overgewicht op
zorguitgaven. TSG Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen 2008;
86: 150-155.
4. Tariq
L, Hegger I, Lugnér A, de Wit A,
Janssen S. Kosten van geneesmiddelen zijn moeilijk te voorspellen.
Kostenconsequentieramingen voor extramurale geneesmiddelen
vergeleken met gerealiseerde kosten [Medicine costs are difficult
to predict. Budget impact estimates
for extramural medicines compared with actual expenditures].
Pharmaceutisch Weekblad 2008 21 november 2008, pagina 212-216.
5. Hegger
I, de Wit
A, Krabbe-Lugnér A, Janssen S. Slim raden naar de
kosten. Geneesmiddelen in de pijplijn: groot beslag op budget
[Educated guesses for drug
costs. Drugs in the pipeline: a
large part of drug budgets?]. Pharmaceutisch
Weekblad 28 maart 2008, pagina 30-34.
6. De
Wit A, Schuit J.
Kosten-effectiviteit en implementatie: de theorie van economische
evaluatie versus de public-health praktijk [Cost-effectiveness and
implementation: economic evaluation theory versus public health
practice]. TSG Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen 2006; 84
(5 middenkatern): 11-13.
7. Koedijk
F, de Wit
A, van de Laar M. Resultaten vragenlijst seksueel
risicogedrag ten behoeve van de kosteneffectiviteitsanalyse van
hepatitis B-vaccinatie voor gedragsgebonden risicogroepen [Results
of questionnaire on sexual risk behaviour for cost-effectiveness
analysis of hepatitis B vaccination for risk groups].
Infectieziektenbulletin 2006; 17 (1): 22-26.
8. De
Wit GA, Brouwer W.
Economische evaluatie van GVO (Gezondheidsvoorlichting en -opvoeding) programma’s: belangrijk, lastig en te
weinig gedaan [Economic evaluation of health promotion programs:
important, difficult, hardly done]. TSG Tijdschrift voor
Gezondheidswetenschappen 2004; 82(2): 120-123.
9. De
Wit A, Brouwer W.
Gezond gedrag als stiefkindje van economisch evaluatieonderzoek
[Health promotion is the orphan in economic evaluation]. In: Groot
W, Brouwer W, van Lienden H (red.). Gezondheid: een kapitaal goed.
Naar een economie van de public health. Public Health Forum,
oktober 2003.
10. De
Wit GA, Polder JJ,
Jager KJ, de Charro FTh. De maatschappelijke kosten van nierziekten
in Nederland [The societal cost of renal disease in the
Netherlands]. TSG Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen 2001
(1): 49-54.
11. Struijs
JN, De Wit
GA, Kretzschmar MEE, Smits LJM, Postma MJ, Van de
Laar MJW, Jager JC. Kosten en effecten van algemene vaccinatie
tegen hepatitis B [Costs and effects of universal hepatitis B
vaccination]. Infectieziektenbulletin, 11(7), 109-114, 2000.
12. Van
de Laar MJW, Wijgergangs LM, Rijlaarsdam J, de Wit A.
Vaccineren tegen hepatitis A: een verkenning van de kosten
[Hepatitis A vaccination: an exploration of cost].
Infectieziektenbulletin, 11(12), 262-266, 2000.