Publication date 09-10-2015 | 00:00
Modification date 15-12-2022 | 11:20
- At the national level, the NPG screening programme is organised by the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Centre for Population Screening (CvB). The CvB is also responsible for the public information materials (folder, website and poster).
- The National Influenza, Prevention Programme Foundation (Stichting Nationaal Programma Grieppreventie, SNPG), set up in 1997, contracts and supports general practitioners and health care organizations in carrying out the annual influenza vaccination campaign, including ordering vaccines and submitting expenses.
- The Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Service for Vaccine Supply and Prevention Programmes (Dienst Vacccinvoorziening en Preventieprogramma’s, DVP in Dutch) handles the purchase (by European tender), storage and distribution of the influenza vaccines.
- The National Influenza Prevention Programme Committee, set up by the RIVM-CvB, advises the RIVM-CvB on the national coordination of the programme. The Programme Committee is made up of experts from relevant professional groups and authoritative organisations within the professional field or network, that have relations within the domain.
- The Dutch College of General Practitioners (Nederlands Huisartsen Genootschap, NHG in Dutch) has published the 'professional standard' Influenza en influenzavaccinatie since 1993. Together with the National Association of Primary Health Care Organisations (Landelijke Vereniging Georganiseerde eerste lijn, LVG in Dutch), the NHG also produces a practical manual for GPs. The NHG also developed a patient folder on influenza vaccination; since 2008 this has been produced jointly by the RIVM-CvB and the NHG.
- NIVEL annually monitors the scale and immunisation coverage of the target group on behalf of the RIVM-CvB.
Infographic 'Partners in flu surveillance'.