The new Horizon 2020 project RISK-HUNT3R: RISK assessment of chemicals integrating HUman centric Next generation Testing strategies promoting the 3Rs was launched on 1 June. The five-year project aims to develop a novel and modular framework for animal-free next generation risk assessment.
RIVM is involved in this European interdisciplinary collaboration, which unites 37 partners, academic researchers, regulators, safety authorities, and safety scientists from key industry sectors. The vision of the RISK-HUNT3R consortium is to establish a reliable and cost-effective chemical risk assessment strategy based entirely on non-animal approaches.
Role of RIVM
Different from previous efforts, the regulatory perspective has driven the outline of the proposal from the onset. “This will allow straightforward translation of the research effort into fit-for-purpose risk assessment frameworks and strategies”, emphasises Dr (Doctor) Mirjam Luijten, lead scientist at the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and RISK-HUNT3R Executive Office member. RIVM is actively involved in research and policy advice towards the replacement, reduction and refinement (the 3R principle) of animal use in regulatory safety assessment of chemicals and medicines. RIVM is leading the workpackage “Integrative Strategies for Next Generation Risk Assessment” and provides significant contributions to other workpackages.
Green Deal
Ultimately, RISK-HUNT3R will improve the protection of citizens against hazardous chemicals through non-animal methods. These methods will also enable the development of safe and sustainable alternatives, in line with the toxic-free environment goal of the European Commission’s Green Deal. Read more about RISK-HUNT3R.
RISK-HUNT3R was awarded a budget of €23 million from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.