SPADE is implemented in a freely available, open-source software for statistical computing. Here you can find all available files and documentation.
Required files
SPADE is implemented in a freely available, open-source software R for statistical computing. Prior to installation of SPADE, it is required to install R. In addition, we also recommend to install RStudio. In the manual the installation of SPADE is described, starting with the installation of R and RStudio.
Download Manual
In the manual, the use of SPADE is introduced. The manual starts with the installation of SPADE, the required software R, and RStudio, a user interface for R with a text editor. The required input data for SPADE is described, together with a description of the generated output of SPADE. Then the different model options are described in more detail.
Download manual (version 4.1 September 2021)
Download R
R can be downloaded from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), choose the CRAN mirror closest to your location R can be downloaded for Windows. The following packages are necessary:
- gamlss
- lme4
- mfp
- rpart
- rpart.plot
- open xlsx
- purrr
Download RStudio
We recommend to install also Rstudio. (an integrated development environment for R). RStudio facilitates the use of R providing in one single program an integrated R console, a text editor for writing R code, a file manager, et cetera.
Download SPADE
In order to use SPADE, the program can be requested. For this you need to register and agree with the conditions set in the licence agreement for the use of the dataset. Please fill in your references in the application form. By according the conditions and the privacy policy of RIVM you will receive an e-mail with a link to SPADE.
At the moment, SPADE is distributed as a zip-file (windows-version), which you can save on your local disk. The current version of SPADE is "SPADE 4.1" (September 2021). If you need a version for an other operating system, please send us an e-mail.
When a new version of SPADE will be available, this will be anounced by e-mail.