All products
Where should the information be submitted?
Producers and importers should submit their information in the EU (European Union) Common Entry Gate Systeem (EU-CEG).
Who may submit the information?
- The importer is responsible for submitting the information for the products they bring on the market.
- The importer must ensure that they and their products are recognizable in the EU (European Union)-CEG system. There are two options for this:
- The importer submits the information themself.
- The importer has the producer submit the information for them. In this case, the relationship must be declared in the field “Submitter has affiliated company” (if the producer has a share in the company of the importer) or in the field “Submitter appoints contributor”.
When should the information be submitted?
- For tobacco products: one month before a new or modified product is placed on the Dutch market. For a series of products, the term is four months in advance.
- For novel tobacco products: six months before the intended date of placing on the Dutch market.
- For herbal products for smoking: one month before a new or modified product is placed on the Dutch market. For a series of products, the term is four months in advance.
- For electronic cigarettes and refill containers - both with and without nicotine - : six months before the intended date of placing on the Dutch market. For any substantial change of the product, a new submission should be made.
- Information on sales volumes of products in the previous year: every year (no later than 15 June).
- All available internal and external information about preferences of consumer groups, mode of sale of the products and summaries of any market research: within a reasonable period of time after it has become known to the manufacturer or importer. A reasonable term should be considered 2 months.
Who processes the information?
In The Netherlands, the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) collects the information for the minister of Health, Welfare and Sport and processes the submitted information.
How will it be disclosed whether the information is correct and products are admitted to the Dutch market?
- The EU (European Union)-CEG-system gives the submitter confirmation that the information is successfully registered.
- Products will not be approved or disapproved.
- The RIVM gives no confirmation of notified products.
- Therefore a list of admitted products is not available.
What are the costs per product (fees)?
No fees will be charged for submissions of data in EU (European Union)-CEG since January 1, 2024. The current fees continue to apply for TNCO measurements. Information about the Dutch rates can be found on the website of the NVWA.
What should be filled in if a field is not applicable?
The EU (European Union)-CEG development team recommends filling in "0" if a field does not apply to a particular (component of a) product.
Where to ask questions about tobacco and smoking products other than about submission of information?
You can ask such questions via the website Vraag stellen aan de NVWA (Ask a question to the NVWA, The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority, the enforcement agency of the Dutch Tobacco Act).
Which flavours are allowed in e-cigarettes?
Information on the ban on flavourings in e-cigarettes can be found in Wijziging van het Tabaks- en rookwarenbesluit in verband met de regulering van smaken voor e-sigaretten (Amendment of the Tobacco and Smoking Products Decree in connection with the regulation of flavours for e-cigarettes). This information is only available in Dutch.
When comes the flavour ban on e-cigarettes into place and what is the sell-out period?
Information about the flavour ban on e-cigarettes and the sell-out period is on the website of the government and the enforcement agency NVWA.
What are the regulations for non-nicotine e-cigarettes?
The regulations for non-nicotine e-cigarettes and refill containers are, where possible, the same as for electronic cigarettes and refill containers with nicotine.
More information can be found on the website of the Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit, NVWA, Rapportageverplichting producenten, importeurs, groothandelaren (Reporting obligation producers, importers, wholesalers). This information is only available in Dutch.
Where to find more information about e-cigarettes?
You can find more information on the website of the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority, NVWA, E-sigaretten en navulvloeistoffen (E-cigarettes and liquids). This information is only available in Dutch.
Novel tobacco products
Do devices for novel tobacco products have to be notified in EU-CEG?
The device itself does not need to be notified in EU (European Union)-CEG. When notifying the novel tobacco product, a detailed description of the novel tobacco product and the instructions for use must be sent, among others.
Where should novel tobacco products be sent to?
Producers and importers are obliged to send a specimen of the novel tobacco product and any device that is required for its use to RIVM. This should be done at the same time as the submission of information in the EU (European Union)-CEG system. RIVM receives these data and products on behalf of the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport.
The address where the products can be sent to is:
Directeur Volksgezondheid en Zorg (V&Z)
Antonie van Leeuwenhoeklaan 9
3721 MA Bilthoven
The Netherlands