2022 Report: Mapping of after-action reviews and simulation exercises in the WHO European Region: report on the online country survey on after action reviews and simulation exercises conducted between 2016 and the end of 2019 in the WHO European Region
The WHO CC performed an AAR/SimEx mapping exercise in collaboration with the WHO Regional Office for Europe. The mapping exercise aimed to identify the nature and range of AAR and SimEx activities within the WHO European region over the period 2016-2019, as well as to analyse the results of these activities in relation to the 13 technical areas under the IHR (2005). The report provides recommendations for the implementation of lessons learned at national level.
November 2019 & 2022: supporting JADE exercise
In November 2019 and 2022, the WHO CC supported the development and execution of the Joint Assessment and Detection of Events (JADE) exercise, a functional exercise conducted by WHO. The purpose of the JADE Exercise is to strengthen the functions of National Focal Points (NFPs) and to demonstrate the importance of IHR communication in contributing to risk assessment and situation monitoring, both regionally and globally.
2021 - present: development of a training curriculum on vector surveillance
The WHO CC is currently developing a training curriculum on vector surveillance and control, aimed at medical entomologists and vector control professionals. The training curriculum provides a framework by which medical entomologists and vector control professionals will be able to assess, address and prioritize the needs for integrated vector management in their country and contains practical exercises to address key challenges in vector control and surveillance. After the module has been finalized, training will be organised to implement the training curriculum.
2021: Redesignation as WHO CC
The WHO CC for Infectious Disease Preparedness and IHR M&E was redesignated for another period of four years, from 2021-2025. Redesignation allows the WHO CC to continue to support WHO by providing technical expertise in this field.
July 2019: Training on the WHO PoE assessment tool
Upon request of the WHO Regional Office for Europe, WHO CC supported the facilitation of a training in the Assessment tool for Core Capacity Requirements at Designated Airports, Ports and Ground Crossings. The objectives of this training were to support participants from WHO’s Emergency Programme priority Countries to achieve the same level of understanding in using the Assessment tool and to facilitate the independent assessment and development of required capacities at designated Points of Entry (PoE).
October 22-25 2018: joint ECDC/WHO exercise on polio incidents
The WHO Regional Office for Europe, jointly with the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC), organised a Polio Outbreak Simulation Exercise (POSE), which WHO CC supported in facilitating the exercise. The aim of the exercise was to support countries in developing adequate national polio preparedness and response plans for containment breaches. The tabletop exercise included participants from selected Member States from the region and was conducted in two consecutive sessions of two days between October 22nd to 25th, 2018, in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Archive news and activities
See also
- International health regulations (2005): assessment tool for core capacity requirements at designated airports, ports and ground crossings
- Joint external evaluation of IHR Core Capacities of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan 2017
- Joint external evaluation of IHR Core Capacities of the Republic of Finland 2017
- Joint external evaluation of IHR Core Capacities of the United Arab Emirates 2017