Determann, D., Lambooij, MS (Multiple Sclerose )., Gyrd-Hansen, D., de Bekker-Grob, EW., Steyerberg, EW., Heldoorn, M., Bjørnskov Pedersen, L. and de Wit, GA (2016) Personal health records in the Netherlands: potential user preferences quantified by a discrete choice experiment. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.x(x) pp. xx-xx. DOI:
Veldwijk, J., Determann, D., Lambooij, MS., van Til, JA., Korfage, IJ., W. de Bekker-Grob, EW. and de Wit, GA. (2016) Exploring how individuals complete the choice tasks in a discrete choice experiment: an interview study. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 16:45. DOI 10.1186/s12874-016-0140-4
Determann, D., Lambooij, MS., de Bekker-Grob, EW., Hayen, AP (Anterior Posterior)., Varkevisser, M., Schut, FT., de Wit, GA. (2016) What health plans do people prefer? The trade-off between premium and provider choice. Social Science & Medicine 165 (2016) 10-18.
van der Swaluw, K., Lambooij, MS., Mathijssen, JJP. Schipper, M., Zeelenberg, M., Polder, JJ.
Prast, HM (2016). Design and protocol of the weight loss lottery- a cluster randomized trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials. Volume 49, July 2016, Pages 109–115. doi:10.1016/j.cct.2016.06.007
D Determann, D., Korfage, IJ., Fagerlin, A.,Steyerberg, EW., Bliemer, MC (medisch centrum)., Voeten, HA., Richardus, JH., Lambooij, MS., de Bekker-Grob, EW. (2016). Public preferences for vaccination programmes during pandemics caused by pathogens transmitted through respiratory droplets - a discrete choice experiment in four European countries, 2013. Euro Surveillance : Bulletin Europeen sur les Maladies Transmissibles = European Communicable Disease Bulletin, 21(22). DOI: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2016.21.22.30247
Lambooij, MS., and Koster, F. (2016). How organizational escalation prevention potential affects success of implementation of innovations: electronic medical records in hospitals. Implementation science 11(75). DOI: 10.1186/s13012-016-0435-1
Veldwijk, J., Essers, BAB., Lambooij, MS., Dirksen, CD., Smit, HA., de Wit GA. (2016) Survival or Mortality: Does Risk Attribute Framing Influence Decision-Making Behavior in a Discrete Choice Experiment? Value in Health 19 (2), 202-209. doi:10.1016/j.jval.2015.11.004
Veldwijk, J., Determann, D., Lambooij, MS., van Til, JA., Korfage, IJ., de Bekker-Grob, EW., de Wit, GA. (2016) Exploring how individuals complete the choice tasks in a discrete choice experiment: an interview study. BMC Medical Research Methodology 16(1). DOI: 10.1186/s12874-016-0140-4
Veldwijk, J., Lambooij, MS., Kallenberg, FGJ., van Kranen, HJ., AL., Dekker, E., Smit, HA. and de Wit, GA. (2016). Preferences for genetic testing for colorectal cancer within a population-based screening program: a discrete choice experiment. European Journal of Human Genetics. doi:10.1038/ejhg.2015.117
Carrera PM., and. Lambooij, MS. (2015) Implementation of Out-of-Office Blood Pressure Monitoring in the Netherlands: From Clinical Guidelines to Patients’ Adoption of Innovation Medicine 94 (43), e1813. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000001813…
Pedersen, LB., Bech, M., Kløjgaard, M., Søgaard, R., Veldwijk, J., de Wit, GA., Lambooij, M. (2015) How discrete choice experiments contribute to person-centered healthcare. A commentary on Kaltoft et al. (2015): “Can a Discrete Choice Experiment contribute to person-centered healthcare?” European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare 3 (4) pp 438-441
Veldwijk,J., van der Heide, I., Rademakers, J., Schuit, JA., de Wit, GA. Uiters, E., Lambooij, MS. (2015). Preferences for Vaccination Does Health Literacy Make a Difference? Medical Decision Making xxxxxx…
Veldwijk, J., Lambooij, MS., van Til, JA., Groothuis-Oudshoorn, CGM., Smit, HA. and de Wit, GA (2015). Words or graphics to present a Discrete Choice Experiment: Does it matter? Patient education and counseling.
van Berkel, JJ, Lambooij, MS. and Hegger, I. (2015). Empowerment of patients in online discussions about medicine use. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 15(24). doi:10.1186/s12911-015-0146-6
Lambooij, MS, Harmsen, IA, Veldwijk, J, de Melker, H, Mollema, L, van Weert, YWM and de Wit GA (2015). Consistency between stated and revealed preferences: a Discrete Choice Experiment and a behavioral experiment on vaccination behavior compared. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 15:19. doi:10.1186/s12874-015-0010-5
Salampessy, BH, Veldwijk, J, Schuit JA, van den Brekel-Dijkstra K, Neslo RE, de Wit AG, and Lambooij MS. (2015) The Predictive Value of Discrete Choice Experiments in Public Health: An Exploratory Application. The Patient. Jan 25. [Epub ahead of print]
Veldwijk, J., Lambooij, MS., Bredenoord, A., van Kranen, H., Dekker, E., Kallenberg, E., Smit, HA., de Wit, GA. (2014) Public Preferences for Genetic Screening for Colorectal Cancer: A Discrete Choice Experiment. Value in Health 17(7): A647. Doi: 10.1016/j.jval.2014.08.2344
Veldwijk, J., Lambooij, M.S., de Bekker-Grob, E.W., Smit, H.A., de Wit, G.A. (2014) The effect of including an opt-out option in discrete choice experiments. PlosOne, 9(11):e111805.
Wanders, JOP, Veldwijk, J, de Wit, GA, Hart, HE, van Gils PF and Lambooij, MS (2014). The effect of out-of-pocket costs and financial rewards in a discrete choice experiment: an application to lifestyle programs. BMC Public Health 14(870). doi:10.1186/1471-2458-14-870.
Veldwijk, J., Lambooij, MS, Bruijning-Verhagen, P., Smit, HA, de Wit, GA. (2014) Parental preferences for rotavirus vaccination in young children: a Discrete Choice Experiment. Vaccine, 32(47):6277-83
Determann D, Korfage IJ, Lambooij MS, Bliemer M, Richardus JH, Steyerberg, EW, de Bekker-Grob, EW. (2014) Acceptance of Vaccinations in Pandemic Outbreaks: A Discrete Choice Experiment. PLoS (Plos One) ONE 9(7): e102505. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0102505
Struik, MHL, Koster, F., Schuit, A.J. Nugteren, R. Veldwijk, J. and Lambooij, MS (2014). The preferences of users of Electronic Medical Records in hospitals; Quantifying the Relative Importance of barriers and facilitators of an innovation. Implementation Science 9(69). doi:10.1186/1748-5908-9-69
J Veldwijk, MS Lambooij, PF van Gils, JN Struijs, HA Smit, GA de Wit (2013). Type 2 diabetes patients' preferences and willingness to pay for lifestyle programs: a discrete choice experiment. BMC public health 13 (1), 1099
van Dijk, MM., van Haarst, MP., Lambooij, MS., EA Heldeweg (2013). Het perioperatieve antistollingsbeleid in de urologische praktijk in Nederland. Tijdschrift voor Urologie 3 (6), 142-147
Lambooij, MS, en Hummel, MJ. (2013) Differentiating innovation priorities among stakeholder in hospital care. Medical Informatics and decision making. 13:91. DOI: 10.1186/1472-6947-13-91.
Harmsen, I.A., Lambooij, M.S., Ruiter, R.A.C., Mollema, L., Veldwijk, J., van Weert, Y. J.W.M., Kok, G., Paulussen, T.G.W., de Wit, G.A., de Melker, H.E. (2012). Psychosocial determinants of parents’ intention to vaccinate their newborn child against hepatitis B. Vaccine.
van Gils, PF, Lambooij, MS, Flanderijn, MHW, van den Berg, M, Struijs, J N, and van de Berg, M. (2011). Willingness to participate in a lifestyle intervention program of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a conjoint analysis. Patient Preference and Adherence. 2011:5. 537 - 546 DOI:
Drewes, HW, Lambooij, MS, CA Baan, CA Meijboom, BR Graafmans, WC Westert, GP (general practitioner). (2011). Needs and barriers to improve the collaboration in oral anticoagulant therapy: a qualitative study. BMC cardiovascular disorders 11 (1), 76
Drewes, H.W., Lambooij, M.S. Baan,C.A., Meijboom,B.R., Graafmans,W.C. and Westert, G.P. (2011)
Differences in patient outcomes and chronic care management of oral anticoagulant therapy: an explorative study. BMC Health Serv Res. 11: 18. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-11-18
Van den Berg, M. en Lambooij, M. (2010). Ongegronde angst voor prestatiemeting. Medici moeten meedenken over indicatoren. Medisch contact. 65 (3)106-109.
Heijink, R., Lambooij, M, de Groot, M., en Koolman, X., (2010) De bijdrage van kwaliteit aan de arbeidsproductiviteit van verzorgingshuizen. Tijdschrift voor gezondheidswetenschappen. 88(4) p. 169.
Lambooij., M.S., Engelfriet, P. en Westert, G.P. Diffusion of innovations in health care (2010). Does the structural context determine its direction? International Journal of Technology Assessment in Healthcare. 26(4) 415-420.
Lambooij, M., Flache, A. en Siegers, J. (2009) Shadow of the future, risk aversion and employee cooperation. Rationality and Society. 21 (I3), pp. 307-336.
Lambooij, M., Flache, A., Sanders, K., en Siegers, J. (2007). Encouraging employees to cooperate. The effects of sponsored training and promotion practices on employees’ willingness to work overtime. Interational Journal of Human Resource Management, 18 (10) 1748-1767.
Lambooij, M., Sanders, K., Koster. F., Zwiers, M. (2006). Human Resource Practices and Organizational Performance. Can the HRM-performance linkage be explained by cooperative behaviours of employees? Management Revue 17(3) 223-240.
Lambooij, M., Lindert, H., Westert, G., (2006) Gezondheidstoestand naar arbeidsmarktstatus: een vergelijking in de tijd (1987-2001). Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen (TSG) 84 (6) 324-329.
Lambooij, M. (2005). Promoting Cooperation. Studies into the effects of long-term and short-term rewards on cooperation.of employees. Universal Press, Veenendaal.
Van Emmerik, H., Lambooij, M. en Sanders, K. (2002) Differential Effects of Individual-Linked and Team-Level Status Allocation on Professionals' Job Performance. Small Group Research, 33, 702-717.
van der Grinten E, Breure AM, Lambooij MS, Lette M. (2016) Towards balancing the benefits of pharmaceutical care and minimizing its environmental harm : Identification of potential levers in the medicinal product chain. Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM), Bilthoven.
van Berkel JJ, Lambooij MS, Hegger I (2016). Luisteren naar de digitale patiënt : Verkennende analyse van gesprekken op social media over medicatie en ziekte (Listening to patients online : An explorative analysis of social media conversations about medication and illness). Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM), Bilthoven.
MS Lambooij, C. Molema, W. Limburg, M Weda (2013). Inventarisatie initiatieven medicatieveiligheid. Relatie met HARM-Wrestling aanbevelingen. Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM), Bilthoven.
Van den Berg, M.J., Deuning, C., Gijsen, R., Hayen, A., Heijink, R., Kooistra, M., Lambooij, M. en Limburg, L.C.M. (2012). Definitierapport Zorgbalans. Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM), Bilthoven.
Lambooij, MS en Drewes, H.D. (2010) Gebrekkige afstemming in de tromboseketen. Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM), Bilthoven.
Lambooij, M.S. Kooistra, M., Limburg, L., Boom, J., en Graafmans, W. (2009) . InViZie, Inspectieinstument voor Veiligheidsmanagement in Ziekenhuizen. Fase 1 van instrumentontwikkeling. Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM), Bilthoven.
Eysink, P, Hamberg, H.H., Lambooij, M.S. (2008) Leefstijl in balans. Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM), Bilthoven.
Westert, G.P. Verkleij, H. (2008) Zorgbalans, de prestaties van de Nederlandse zorg.
Daarin de paragraaf over innovatie in de zorgsector.
Lambooij, M.S., Kommer, G.J., Slobbe, L. (2008) Pilotstudie naar arbeidsinzet in de gezondheidszorg. Toewijzing van arbeid aan de kosten-van-ziekten dimensies. Maart 2008.RIVM, Bilthoven.
Lambooij, M., Sanders, K., Koster, F., Emmerik, IJ.H., Raub, W., Flache, A., en Wittek, R. (2003). Verantwoording Vragenlijst Solidarity at Work. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen.
Verhorst, H., De Groen, M., Lambooij, M. en Harmelink, H. (2000) Arbeidsmarktmonitor Universiteit Utrecht. Tweede meting, afstudeercohort 1995-1996. Stogo, Utrecht.
Brink, E., en Lambooij, M., (2000) Arbeidsmarktmonitor Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen 1999. Stogo, Utrecht.
Harmelink, H., Van ’t Klooster, E., Kops, Y., Lambooij, M., Verboord, M. en Verhorst, H. (1999) Arbeidsmarktmonitor Universiteit Utrecht 1998. Stogo en Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht.
Lambooij M., en Kops, Y. (1999) Arbeidsmarktmonitor Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen 1998. Stogo en Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht.
Co-promoter of PhD (Doctor of Philosophy
Domino Determann. Don’t read this dissertation; Discrete choice experiments of Health Policy: Past, present and future. Gildeprint, Enschede (2016).
Jorien Veldwijk. Discrete choice experiments in public health.Gildeprint, Enschede (2015).
Lambooij, MS. (14 nov 2016) Social sciences in Public Health policy, Theory, practice and ethical considerations. Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Teedon, P. and Lambooij, MS. (3-4 sept 2015) Unravelling the Complexity of Comparative Examinations of Environment and Health Linkages: Problems Associated with Exploring Cross-national Comparative Cases. Workshop presentation. Health, Wellness and Society. Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain.
Lambooij, M.S. and Hummel, J.M. (2012) PHP143 Exploratory Test of Stakeholder Theory in the Implementation Process of It-Innovations in Hospital Care. Value in health, 15 (7). A314 - . ISSN 1098-3015
Lambooij, M.S. Heijink, R. van den Berg, M. (13 juni, 2011) The Dutch Health care performance report: a national monitor for health system performance. Academy of Health. Seattle, USA (United States of America).
Lambooij, M.S. Harmsen, I. Veldwijk,J., de Melker, H., Mollema, L., van Weert Y., de Wit, G.A. (26 mei 2011) Linking stated and revealed preferences: combining a Discrete Choice Experiment and a behavioral experiment on vaccination behavior. Lowlands Health Economists' Study Group (lolaHESG). Soest, Nederland
Lambooij, MS, Westert, GP. (26 juli, 2008) Diffusion of innovations in health care: Comparing OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries on a composite score of innovations in health care. IHEA International Health Economics Association, University of Vergata, Rome, Italië.
Lambooij, M.S., en Hansen, J. (9 juli 2007) Human Capital and health as interacting predictors of labour market success. Poster. IHEA, International Health Economics Association, Copenhagen Business School. Kopenhagen, Denemarken.
Lambooij, M.S., en Hansen, J. (31 mei 2007) Human Capital and health as predictors of labour market success. Congres van de Nederlandse en Vlaamse Sociologische vereniging, Universiteit van Rotterdam.
Lambooij, M.S., Sanders, K.. Koster, F., Zwiers, M. (11-16 augustus 2006). Human Resource Practices and Organizational Performance. Can the HRM-performance link be explained by cooperative behavior of employees? Poster. Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta (U.S.)
Lambooij, M., Lindert, H., Westert, G., (8 juni 2006) Gezondheidstoestand naar arbeidsmarktstatus: een vergelijking in de tijd (1987-2001). Congres Nederlandse Sociologenvereniging, Universiteit Tilburg.
Lambooij, M. en Flache, A. (20 februari 2006). Career mobility, network closure and employee cooperation in labour organizations.Gastcolloquium vakgroep HRD, Universiteit Tilburg.
Lambooij, M., Sanders, K., Koster, F., Zwiers, M. (10 november 2005) Human Resource practices and Organisational performance. Can the HRM-Performance link be explained by the cooperative behaviours of employees? HRM-netwerk Conferentie, Universiteit Twente te Enschede
(Best-paper award).
Lambooij, M. en Siegers, J.J. ( 7 november 2003) The Effects of Risk Aversion and Trust on
Employees’ Solidarity Behaviors in Organizations. International HRM-network conference, Universiteit Twente te Enschede.
Lambooij, M. Van Emmerik, IJ.H. en Siegers, J.J. (22 mei 2003) Investeren in solidariteit op de
werkvloer: De invloed van gefinancierde cursussen en promotiebeleid op solidair gedrag van werknemers. Marktdag Sociologie (Nederlandse Sociologische Vereniging en Vlaamse Sociologische Vereniging) te Nijmegen.
Lambooij, M. en Van Emmerik, IJ. H. (16 augustus 2002) The Influence of Status Allocation on the
Job performance of Professionals. 97th Annual meeting van het American Sociological Assocation (ASA) te Chicago, USA.
Lambooij, M. Van Emmerik, H., Siegers, J. (30 mei 2002) De invloed van statustoekenning op de
werkplek op het functioneren van Professionals. Tiende sociaal-wetenschappelijke studiedagen (SISWO) te Amsterdam.
Lambooij, M.S., Van Emmerik, IJ.H., Siegers, J.J. en Sanders, K. (18 mei 2001) Pride and prestige
and their influence on professionals’ in-role and extra role behavior. Marktdag Sociologie (Nederlandse Sociologische Vereniging en de Vlaamse Sociologische vereniging) te Antwerpen.