RIVM conducts behavioural and perception research on COVID-19 and vaccination. 

Behavioural research on COVID-19

Our behaviour plays an important role in working together to maintain control of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. It also helps us prevent outbreaks of other respiratory infections. Research on human behaviour offers more insights.

Read more about behavioural research on COVID-19

Pandemic preparedness

Thorough knowledge of behavioural and social science processes and interventions during pandemics is vitally important to an effective response during an outbreak.

Read more about pandemic preparedness


How do people choose whether or not to participate in the National Immunisation Programme? And how do they want to be informed on vaccination? This is what RIVM is investigating under the name SocioVax: social science research on vaccination. 

Read more about sociovax

Behavioural and perception research on the environment and safety

RIVM conducts research into behavioural and perception issues related to the environment and safety. Based on scientific insights, we provide advice on perception and behaviour to the government.

Read more about behavioural and perception research on the environment and safety