The Toolkit for Pandemic Preparedness and Behaviour offers concrete and practical products regarding behaviour and well-being that can be used to support or research behaviour and well-being during a possible future pandemic or some other health crisis. The products are intended for professionals working in the fields of policy, practical application or research. The products described in the toolkit come from RIVM and from other organisations. The products are grouped into three categories:

  1. Supporting behaviour and well-being: interventions, guides and instruments
  2. Research on behaviour and well-being: research methods
  3. Knowledge about human behaviour and well-being: knowledge overviews and syntheses

The toolkit aims to offer inspiration, not to provide a comprehensive overview of all possible products that are available. Similarly, not all products are accompanied by the same degree of substantiation. The available evidence is provided for each product, referring to background information where relevant.

Currently, products in the toolkit for Pandemic Preparedness and Behaviour are only available in Dutch.