Exposure factors are aspects (of e.g. our behaviour or the environment) that influence how closely we come in contact with stressors such as, for example, chemical substances. Important exposure factors are consumption of food and beverages, housing conditions, time spent in close contact with a stressor, but also inhalation rates and consumer products usage.
ConsExpo fact sheets
The ConsExpo fact sheets give important information for the consistent assessment of the exposure to substances from consumer products. Exposure factors are included in these documents. The fact sheets are regularly updated. In recent years, the General Fact Sheet as well as the Cleaning Products Fact Sheet have been updated. Updates of the Cosmetics, Toys and Do-it-yourself fact sheets are in progress.
Overview publication global exposure factor data
There is a comprehensive overview (2016) on global exposure factor data and information relevant to consumer exposure assessment. It describes the types of information that may be found in various official surveys and online and published resources. The relevant exposure factors cover a broad range, including general exposure factor data found in published compendia and databases and resources about specific exposure factors, such as human activity patterns and housing information. Also included are resources on exposure factors related to specific types of consumer products and the associated patterns of use, such as for a type of personal care product or a type of children’s toy. Further, a section on using exposure factors for designing representative exposure scenarios is included, along with a look into the future for databases and other exposure science developments relevant for consumer exposure assessment.
US-EPA Exposure Factors Handbook
The US-EPA also has made a summary of the available statistical data (2011) on various factors used in assessing human exposure. These factors concern the general (US) population as well as various segments of the population who may have characteristics different from the general population. Specific data for children are included. Since 2017, several chapters have been updated based on new information.
US-EPA Consolidated Human Activity Database (CHAD)
The American Consolidated Human Activity Database (CHAD) (2003, update 2014) contains data obtained from pre-existing human activity studies that were collected at city, state, and national levels. CHAD is intended to be an input file for exposure/intake dose modelling and/or statistical analysis. CHAD is a master database providing access to other human activity databases using a consistent format. In Europe, data on activity patterns are collected in HETUS (Harmonized European Time Use Surveys). The most recent version of the guidance has been updated in 2018 by Eurostat.