A substance may only be used in food contact materials if it has been successfully assessed and authorised to this end.

All authorised substances are included in material-specific positive lists. For a manufacturer seeking authorisation for a substance that is not yet on a positive list, a dossier can be submitted to the Dutch Committee for safety assessment of food contact materials (CBVV), provided the material is not regulated at European level (in which case the dossier should be submitted to EFSA). A dossier can also be submitted to the CBVV in case a substance is on a positive list, but the manufacturer seeks authorisation for a different or broader (less restricted) application. 

The CBVV will evaluate the information in the dossier to assess whether it is safe to use the substance in food contact materials. The Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport will subsequently decide on including the substance in a positive list in the Annex to the Dutch Commodities Act Regulation on packaging and consumer articles. [Please note that only the Dutch version has legal value and that no rights can be derived from the English translation]