Today June 5 is World Environment Day (WED). Every year on this date, the United Nations Environment Programme UNEP encourages worldwide awareness and action for the environment. In the Netherlands RIVM monitors the quality of air, water and soil, and assesses the risks to health and the environment. We support the transition to a sustainable and green economy so that future generations can live in a healthy environment.

Resilient cities

Air pollution, dispersal of toxic substances and risks as a result of large-scale accidents or disasters do not cease at national borders and thus policy is set in a European framework. Cities play an important role in addressing climate change and advancing climate solutions. RIVM published the study Key factors for climate change adaptation: Successful green infrastructure policies in European Cities. Our brochure and poster 'Success factors for climate adaptation: Effective policy for open space and greenery in European cities' are available for download. These success factors for climate adaptation and mitigation can be used by other cities to oppose climate extremes and to make their cities more resilient.

National Environment Day

In the Netherlands on June 11, National Environment Day 2014 will be held at RIVM. It is becoming increasingly evident that health promotion is closely connected to a clean and healthy environment. The main theme  of the 2014 National Environment Day is ‘Quality of life’, promotion of health in relation to environmental policy. Speakers include Jolande Sap (NPHF Chairwoman), Marcel van Raaij (RIVM Director of Environment and Safety), Karien Stronks (Professor at AMC/UvA), Machteld Huber (Louis Bolk Institute), Pi de Bruijn (All is Health Programme, NPP) and Goriska van Cooten (Healthy Urbanisation, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment).