On the use of the NEVO data copyright and disclaimer are applicable.
The data contained in the NEVO dataset are the copyright of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)/the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Using the information from NEVO-online is only allowed unchanged and stating the source and version number. For this the following reference must be used:
NEVO-online version 2023/8.0, RIVM, Bilthoven.
NEVO-online is published by RIVM, service department from the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports. It is allowed to make a link to this website using the most recent version of NEVO-online.
RIVM uses and relies on information from 3rd parties to collect and maintain the NEVO database. Great care is given to the compilation of the NEVO dataset. RIVM accepts no claims for any direct or indirect damage, including financial loss, caused by any errors in the dataset or by misuse or misinterpretation of the NEVO data.
Reporting brand names is by no means intended to be a recommendation for these specific brands.