Since October 2009, NEVO data have been available online. In November 2023, a new NEVO-online version was released: version 2023/8.0, providing information on energy and approximately 130 nutrients of 2323 food items. 

Information about NEVO online

Information about NEVO-online

NEVO provides data on the composition of foods expressed per 100 g edible part (i.e., meat without bones, vegetables without waste). In certain cases, the composition of some liquid foods may be displayed per 100 ml. If applicable this is indicated in the food name.

Functionalities NEVO -online

  • Search
  • Select nutrients
  • Examine and compare
  • Product details
  • Export

A short instruction movie is available in Dutch. 


You can search online for one or more food items. This can be done in different ways:

  • Enter food name or part of the food name in the search field
  • Enter the food code (NEVO code) in the search field
  • Search by clicking on the food group in the top section of the screen.

After the result of your search appears you can tick the boxes of the food items you want to select. You can tick as many boxes as you like. It is also possible to search again using a different search string or in another food group. If a search string is already in the search field and you click on a food group, the computer searches only in that food group. If you want to see all foods in a food group, then the search field should be empty. Your previous search results remain available. 

If you like to make a completely new selection of foods, click on the button ‘Clear selection’. You can then start a new search.

Select nutrients

After searching, energy and macronutrients are shown by default on the screen. You can compare the selected foods. By clicking on the button ‘Select nutrients’ you can chose which nutrients you like to see. You can select each nutrient one by one or select a whole group at once. With this button you can also select other food information, e.g., product group or Dutch names.
By clicking the button ’Deselect all’ your previous selection is removed and you can select other nutrients. At the moment this function is not perfect. You cannot see your selection in the search screen, but it is visible after selection of foods and clicking the button ‘Show selected foods’.


By clicking the button ‘Show selected foods’ nutrient values of the foods selected are shown on the screen. In this way you can compare multiple foods. 
Example: you like to see the composition of nuts and seeds. Search for nut and tick the select boxes of the nuts you are interested in. Then, search for seed, and select the seeds. Click the button ‘Show selected foods’.
The nutrient values can be sorted ascending and descending per nutrient. This can be done by clicking on the arrows next to the nutrient name.  
If one food item is chosen and no values are available for a specific nutrient this nutrient will not be shown. If more than one food item is chosen an empty field is given when the nutrient value is not available.

Product details

By clicking on the food name all details for this food are visible. 
At the top section of the screen, additional information is provided. After ‘Remark:’  extra information is given such as the cooking fat or the brand names. After ‘Recipe:’ you can see ingredients and their amounts, if relevant. After ‘Is fortified with:’ you can see the nutrients which are added by the producer. If a nutrient is present, but the amount is lower than the limit of detection, you can see this after ‘Contains traces of:’.
In the table below the nutrient values are presented. For each value a reference id and description are given. Most of the reference descriptions are in Dutch. 


It is possible to export the nutritional value information of the selected foods to Excel or CSV file. This can be done by clicking the buttons ‘Excel’ or ‘CSV’.

And it is possible to download the whole dataset.