CBRN Chemical Biological Radiology and Nuclear Centres of Excellence Project 99 was officially launched on the 16 December 2022. It is a 3,5 year project funded by the European Union and delivered on behalf of the European CBRN Chemical Biological Radiology and nuclear (Chemical Biological Radiology and nuclear ) Centres of Excellence by an experienced and diverse European consortium. The objectives are to improve detection of and mitigation against risks related to CBRN materials or agents and risks related to installations or sites through the EU European Union (European Union ) CBRN Centres of Excellence Initiative and associated actions. Increased national and regional capacity of the partner countries in protecting humans, animals and environment from accidental or intentional release of pathogens based on a One-Health approach and enhanced regional and international cooperation. The other objective is to increase capacity of partner countries to deal with safety and security challenges related to biological threats and CBRN related disaster relief.

Goal of the project

The goal of the project is the achieve the following results.

  • Result 1: The legislative framework in the Partner Countries is strengthened in compliance with international requirements and regulations.
  • Result 2: Risk assessments methods for biosafety and biosecurity are elaborated and put into practice in the Partner Countries.
  • Result 3: Biological risks in laboratories/facilities are reduced, at national and regional levels through establishing a Biorisk Management System.
  • Result 4: The proliferation risks are reduced through establishment of a framework for Dual Use Research of Concern.
  • Result 5: The public health risks are reduced through enhanced management of biological waste.

Who is involved

  • SCJS EUROPE, Belgium 
  • ULG (University of Liège), Belgium 
  • ISEM Institute, Slovakia 


Kick-off meeting in Kinshasa, DRC, from on March 9. The project was presented to the National Focal Points of the Partner Countries involved. 

RIVM role

RIVM is work package (WP) leader of WP3 Undertake a National Biological Risk Assessment and WP4 Establish a Biorisk Management System and co-lead on WP5 Develop a framework for Dial Use Research of Concern.