The task of timely and effectively responding to a CBRN (Chemical Biological Radiology and nuclear) incident, whether it is due to a natural disaster or an accident, is an extremely difficult one, since it involves a considerable effort of coordination and communication between several institutions at the national level. Furthermore, since CBRN accidents have no borders and may impact neighbouring countries, it is crucial that a framework for regional cooperation and sharing of information between countries in the region is established.
In the context of the EU (European Union) CBRN Centres of Excellence initiative, the project supported enhancing the response capabilities of first responders to CBRN threats and incidents, and promoted inter-agency and regional cooperation in CBRN first response in the Western Balkan and Black Sea regions by enhancing the capabilities to organize and execute table-top and field exercises, as well as train-the-trainer courses both at national and sub-regional level.
Goal of the project
The objective to strengthen CBRN preparedness and response of first responders has been achieved through the following activities:
- Assessment of the current situation, including the outcomes of some specific activities obtained in the already implemented CBRN Centres of Excellence projects
- Development of guidelines and sharing of best practices on the CBRN incident response
- List of basic equipment for first responders and technical specifications required to fulfil their job
- Train-the-trainers and training activities on CBRN incident response for the countries in the Black Sea region and in the Balkan region (sub-regional level)
- Strengthening inter-agency cooperation at sub-regional levels
- Organisation of CBRN response exercises at national and sub-regional levels
Who is involved
- SCK CEN (Belgian Nuclear Research Centre)
- ISEM Institute
- National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
- D2.1_CBRN Response Structure in European Union
- Nine country reports have been delivered, which were used as a roadmap to guide the countries through the project. Country reports described, amongst others, the current situation based on an executed survey, the consecutive actions that had to be taken per work package for project implementation, the local experts responsible for specific activities, participants and lead of training activities and exercises, the exercise scenarios, etc.
- A guideline was developed to support the organisation and execution of table top and field exercises.
RIVM role
As Work Package leader of WP1, RIVM was responsible for the compilation of Country Reports for every individual country. In addition to this, RIVM contributed to the development of the training materials for Train-the-Trainers and supported in the development of the Supporting the execution of table top and field exercises, both nationally and sub-regional.