The National Risk Assessment of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is one of the main products of the ANV. Based on the six national security interests, an overview of the main threats to national security is provided. This page contains all publications that form part of the 2022 National Risk Assessment.
Main report
The main report contains the overall results of the 2022 NRA. This publication is available in both Dutch and English.
- Dutch National Risk Assessment 2022 (in English)
- Rijksbrede Risicoanalyse nationale veiligheid 2022 (in Dutch)
Thematic reports
The thematic reports contain all the information on which the overall results in the main report are based. The ANV discusses all the separate threats in more detail in these reports, including an extensive analysis of the likelihood that a specific threat will occur as well as the possible impact thereof. These publications are only available in Dutch, see the publication overview of ANV-reports.
The above reports were compiled based on the ‘National Risk Assessment Guidelines’. These guidelines describe how the ANV analyses risks to the national security of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Read more about the guidelines and the methodology used by the ANV.