In the 2024 National Security Trend Analysis, the ANV presents an overview of the most important developments for national security. On the one hand, the review focuses on developments from the perspective of the threats analysed in the 2022 National Risk Assessment. On the other hand, development is analysed from the perspective of five societal domains: ecology, technology, geopolitics, economy and society. 

The National Security Trend Analysis consist of two documents, both available in Dutch and English:

  • The main report with the overall findings and conclusions.
  • An in-depth exploration containing a more detailed overview of developments for all the different types of threats in the National Risk Assessment as well as a separate review of technological developments.

The National Security Trend Analysis is the successor of the 2018, 2019 and 2020 National Security Horizon Scans produced by the ANV. See the overview of ANV publications.
