During the past couple of years, the ANV has conducted multiple in-depth thematic analyses.
In these analyses, we focus on one specific question or topic in relation to national security. This page contains an overview of the four most recent in depth analyses (in Dutch). Also available is an overview of earlier ANV publications.
Extremism (2023)
The National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV) has asked the ANV to perform an in-depth analysis on the relation between extremism and national security. This analysis contains a structured, comprehensive review of the concept of extremism explicitly seen from the perspective of national security.
In-depth thematic analysis Extremisme 2023 (Dutch)
Sensitive technologies (2022)
This analysis has been conducted at the request of several ministries, represented in the interdepartmental working group on sensitive technologies. The purpose of the analysis is to assist in developing a nationwide methodology to provide an easier understanding of which technologies represent a potential risk to national security and to establish a common frame of reference.
In-depth thematic analysis Sensitive technologies 2022 (Dutch)
Organised crime (2021)
The National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV) has asked the ANV for an exploratory analysis on the relation between organised crime and national security. The analysis in particular focuses on how criminal activities can affect national security.
In-depth thematic analysis Organised crime 2021 (Dutch)
Artificial Intelligence (2020)
This analysis has been conducted at the request of the ministries of Justice and Security, of Defence and Foreign Affairs. The document contains, amongst other things, an initial examination of the risks and threats to national security belonging to Artificial Intelligence. It also discusses whether the applied methodology may also be applicable for similar analyses on other new technologies and technological developments than AI.
In-depth thematic analysis Artificial Intelligence 2020 (Dutch)
To older thematic analyses and other ANV products in the overview of ANV publications.