On this website you will find the methods and results of each food consumption survey performed.

DNFCS 2019-2021, 1-79 years

DNFCS 2019-2021


Most recent published study on food consumption of the general Dutch population 1-79 years old. Data were collected from 2019 to 2021. The results describe the types of foods the Dutch eat and drink, how much they consume, where and when. Also the intake of nutrients  and compliance with the Dutch dietary guidelines were evaluated. Results are published in Dutch at www.wateetnederland.nl. An English report is available in which the methods are described in detail as well as the results on food consumption and evaluation with dietary guidelines.   

VCP 2012-2016

DNFCS 2012-2016, 1-79 years


Study on food consumption and intake of energy and nutrients of the general Dutch population 1-79 years old. Data was collected in 2012 to 2016. 


DNFCS older adults 2010-2012, 70+ years


From October 2010 – February 2012 the food consumption is measured of community-dwelling elderly in the age of 70 years and older. Particular regard is given to the intake of vegetables, fruit, fish and fluids and the percentage of elderly that complies with the recommendation on energy, vitamin B2, B6, B12, C and D, folic acid, folate and calcium.

DNFCS 2007-2010, 7-69 years

From 2007-2010 the food consumption was measured from the general Dutch population in the age of 7 to 69 years. Special regards is given to the consumption of fruit, vegetables and fish, energy intake and the fatty acid profile of the diet.


DNFCS 2005-2006

DNFCS young children 2005-2006, 2-6 years


From 2005-2006 the food consumption and intake of energy and nutrients was measured among young children 2 to 6 years of age.



DNFCS young adults 2003, 19-30 years


In 2003 the food consumption and intake of energy and nutrients was measured of young adults in the age of 19 to 30 years.


DNFCS prior to 2003


In the Netherlands food consumption surveys are performed since 1987. Prior to 2003, the food consumption surveys were coordinated by TNO-Nutrition with a different method than the recent food consumption surveys.