There are several ways to get data of the Dutch food consumption surveys from 2003 onwards. If you want a copy of the DNFCS database, read below the conditions for use of the data and how the publications based on these data need to be reported to the administrator.

Use DNFCS data

There are several ways to get data of the Dutch food consumption surveys from 2003 onwards:

  • Website.  Most important results of DNFCS 2019-2021 are published in Dutch on the website  Results of previous surveys are available on the current website.
  • Publications. Most important results of the Dutch food consumption surveys can be found in various publications available on this website. More publications for DNFCS 2019-2021 will be available soon.
  • StatLine-RIVM with detailed results of DNFCS 2019-2021 and DNFCS 2012-2016. For example the distribution of the intake, the consumption on consumption days, etc. Previous DNFCS are available as tables (PDF):  DNFCS 7-69 yearsDNFCS older adultsDNFCS young childrenDNFCS young adults. The tables for DNFCS-young children are exclusively in Dutch.
  • Request more detailed tables by sending an email to
  • Request a copy of the total database.

Copy of the dataset

A copy of the total dataset of one or more DNFCS can be requested on certain conditions. These conditions relate to data of DNFCS Core Survey (2019-2021), DNFCS Core Survey (2012-2016), DNFCS Older adults (2010-2012), DNFCS Core Survey (2007-2010), DNFCS Young children 2005-2006 and DNFCS Young adults (2003). The conditions on which data can be made available are given below.

  • Public and private organizations can use the DNFCS data for e.g. research  purposes, education or teaching. Given the complex structure of the data the use requires extensive expertise in the field of data processing.
  • By means of a motivated application using attached form, a copy of the DNFCS data can be obtained from the RIVM.
  • Even when an executive party of the (private) client has already access to the DNFCS data, the client needs to apply for use of DNFCS data.
  • It is not allowed to distribute or sell any of the obtained data of DNFCS to other parties.
  • The data are highly pseudonymized, making it practically impossible to trace affected individuals. However, each agency that receives and uses DNFCS data is obliged to treat the data as if they were personal data. This means that:
    • User will not perform any act which would lead to the re-identification of the individuals concerned, including by linking different sets of data, comparing and processing data. 
    • User shall take appropriate technical and organisational measures to safeguard a level of security attuned to the risk, so that the use of the provided data complies with the requirements under the EU European Union (European Union ) Data protection laws and other Applicable Legislation and Regulations concerning the Processing of Personal Data, and the protection of the rights of Data Subjects is safeguarded.
    • When third parties get unintended access to the data, this will be initially seen as a data breach. In this case, the user shall notify RIVM (via without unreasonable delay and no later than within 24 hours after discovery of a personal data breach or a reasonable suspicion of a personal data breach.
  • After receipt of the data contact persons receive an annual request of RIVM to report their publications based on these DNFCS data. This is used by RIVM to gain insight into the use of the DNFCS data.
  • Publications of results based on the provided DNFCS data need to be correctly acknowledged (name of study):
    • DNFCS 2019-2021; RIVM
    • DNFCS 2012-2016; RIVM
    • DNFCS-Older adults (2010-2012); RIVM
    • DNFCS 2007-2010; RIVM;
    • DNFCS-Young children (2005-2006); RIVM
    • DNFCS-Young adults (2003); RIVM
  • Refer for the method description to the RIVM-report of the study concerned:
    • Van Rossum CTM, et al. The diet of the Dutch. Results of the Dutch National Food Consumption Survey 2019-2021 on food consumption and evaluation with dietary guidelines. RIVM report 2022-0190.
    • Van Rossum CTM, et al. The diet of the Dutch. Results of the Dutch National Food Consumption Survey 2012-2016. RIVM report 2020-0083.
    • Ocké MC, Buurma-Rethans EJM, de Boer EJ, Wilson-van den Hooven C, Etemad-Ghameslou Z, Drijvers JJMM, van Rossum CTM. Diet of community-dwelling older adults : Dutch National Food Consumption Survey Older adults 2010-2012. Bilthoven: RIVM 2012. RIVM-report 050413001.
    • Van Rossum CTM, Fransen HP, Verkaik-Kloosterman J, Buurma-Rethans EJM and Ocké MC. Dutch National Food Consumption Survey 2007-2010: Diet of children and adults aged 7 to 69 years. Bilthoven: RIVM, 2011. RIVM Report 350070006.
    • Ocké MC, Van Rossum CTM, Fransen HP, Buurma EJM, De Boer EJ, Brants HAM, et al. Dutch National Food Consumption Survey Young Children  2005/2006. Bilthoven: RIVM, 2008. RIVM Report 350070001.
    • Hulshof KFAM, Ocké MC, Van Rossem CTM, Buurma-Rethans EJM, Brants HAM, Drijvers JJMM, Ter Doest D. Resultaten van de Voedselconsumptiepeiling 2003. Bilthoven: RIVM, 2004. RIVM Rapport 350030002.

Reporting publications

After receipt of the data contact persons receive an annual request of RIVM to report their publications based on these DNFCS data. This is used by RIVM to gain insight into the use of the DNFCS data.