In the Netherlands food consumption surveys are performed since 1987. Prior to 2003, the food consumption surveys were coordinated by TNO-Nutrition with a different method than the recent food consumption surveys.



In the DNFCS-1, 5,898 persons participated between the ages of 1 to 85 years, from 2,203 households (response 78.9% at household level and 79.5% at individual level). In 1992, a total of 6,218 persons between the ages of 1 and 92 years participated in the second DNFCS (response 71.7% at household level and 71.5% at individual level). DNFCS-3 comprised 5,958 persons between the ages of 1 and 97 years (response 70.5% at household level and 68.5% at individual level).

Consumption of foods and nutrients

Results of the DNFCS-1, DNFCS-2 and DNFCS-3 can be found in the list of publications.
Because the method is different from recent surveys, results can not directly be compared.


In 1987/88, 1992 and 1997/98 three food consumption surveys were performed by TNO: DNFCS-1, DNFCS-2, DNFCS-3. In the three food consumption surveys data were collect by means of a two-day diary method (two consecutive days). The person who mainly prepared the meals noted in a household dairy what all members of the household ate at home. Each person also noted independently in a personal diary what he/she had eaten outdoors (with assistance of one or both parents for children under 13 years of age). The collected data are computed on an individual level. Fieldwork for this survey was carried out by trained dieticians. Their task included contacting the participants, instructing them on how to complete the diaries, checking the data (for completeness of information, determining dish sizes and the weights of frequently eaten foods), and coding data.

Study population

Consumer panels of persons 1+year.

The respondents were selected from a representative panel of households with the housewife/househusband younger than 75 years. For DNFCS-3, the sample was extended with a group of persons living in households, the head of which (defined as the person responsible for food purchase and preparation) was over 75 years of age. All persons living in institutions, persons who did not have adequate knowledge of the Dutch language, and children under the age of one year were excluded from the food consumption survey.



DNFCS-1 (1987/88) and DNFCS-2 (1992) were commissioned by the Ministry of Welfare, Health and Culture and the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries. DNFCS-3 (1997/98) was carried out for the Netherlands Nutrition Centre on behalf of the ministries.



Data collection

Market Research Agency GfK


Data were collected between April 1987 and March 1988 (DNFCS-1); between January and December 1992 (DNFCS-2) and between April 1997 and March 1998 (DNFCS-3).