10-11 March 2025 | Hotel and Conference Centre Mitland Utrecht
The International Workshop on Feed Risk Assessment – Chemical Safety will aim to explore the state of art in methods and tools for the risk assessment of chemical contaminants in animal feed. The focus will be on possible animal health risks and health risk for consumers of animal products.
After a first workshop held in 2013, the current workshop will revisit and set the scene of feed safety risk assessment and feed safety policies in different countries and world regions. New developments and challenges related to feed sources, contaminants and technologies of increasing relevance will be discussed. Current techniques and methods for feed safety risk assessment will be explored during case studies and interactive simulations.
The workshop is intended for risk assessors, risk managers and other experts in the field of feed and food safety from governmental organizations, academia and the feed and livestock private sector.
The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) organize the workshop, in collaboration with other partners. The workshop will be an in person event and will be held in Utrecht, the Netherlands on 10 and 11 March 2025.
As participant places are limited, make sure to register timely. The deadline for registration is 15 January 2025.
The information on this website will be updated regularly.
For any questions, please contact us at IWFRA-CS@rivm.nl.
Preliminary program
Monday March 10 (8.30 – 18.00)
Setting the scene
What’s happening and where? The state of the art in feed safety risk assessment and feed safety policies in different countries and world regions, as well as at international organizations.
Methods and tools
Current methods and tools for risk assessment of contaminants in feed, addressing both animal and human health risks – Hazard assessment, animal exposure assessment, animal health and welfare.
Dinner at Oudaen (18.00)
Tuesday March 11 (8.30 – 16.00)
Methods and tools – continued
Current methods and tools for risk assessment of contaminants in feed, addressing both animal and human health risks – Transfer/kinetic modeling, human exposure assessment, human health.
Changing the scene?
New developments and challenges in feed risk assessment related to feed sources, contaminants and technologies of increasing relevance.
In practice
Interactive activities and case studies on current issues (e.g. PFAS)
Discussion & conclusions
Available information, methods and tools, possible common approach, resolving gaps.
Snacks and drinks at Mitland (16.00)
Registration and practical information
Participation in the workshop is free of charge and catering is included, except for the dinner on Monday evening. The workshop is limited to a maximum number of participants. In order to register, please complete the registration form.
Participants are kindly requested to provide for their own hotel, travel and visa arrangements. The organization has made a block booking for rooms in hotel Mitland, see information below.
For questions, please contact us as IWFRA-CS@rivm.nl.
The International Workshop on Feed Risk Assessment – Chemical Safety will be held in Hotel and Conference Centre Mitland in Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Hotel and Conference Centre Mitland
Ariënslaan 1
3573 PT Utrecht
The Netherlands
Hotel rooms
A block booking for the workshop has been made in Hotel Mitland. The room price is €147,95 per night including breakfast and VAT, excluding city taxes. Bookings should be made directly to the hotel using an electronic booking system. After registration for the workshop, you will receive the instructions for the booking. Please make sure to book your rooms timely, as the block booking is only temporarily available.
Diner arrangement
A dinner will be held at historic restaurant Oudaen in the centre of Utrecht. The costs for the dinner are €50. You can book the dinner in the registration form.
Stadskasteel Oudaen
Oudegracht 99
3511 AE Utrecht