In NANoREG over 85 institutional partners from EU (European Union ) member states, associated states, the Republic of Korea and Brazil collaborated in developing reliable, reproducible and relevant methods for testing and assessing the effects of nanomaterials on human health and environment in a regulatory context.
The duration of the project was 48 months; the end date was 28 February 2017. The budget was approximately fifty million euro. Ten million was provided by the EU (European Union ) (FP7 programme) and forty million by member states, regions, partners and other sources.
As –probably the first- nanosafety project, all the information and knowledge generated under the umbrella of the NANoREG project has been made available for other parties directly after the ending of the project. The NANoREG Results Repository serves as a central point of access to all the results of the project by providing links to all relevant documents, datasets and other information of interest.
- NANoREG Deliverables and SOPS: Scientific as well as policy and regulation oriented deliverables inclusive related Standard Operating Protocols, Guidance documents, etc.
- NANoREG Fact sheets: Two pagers that summarise deliverables with respect to background, work carried out and results.
- NANoREG Experimental data: Link to the relational database with the majority of NANoREG experimental data and links to some other datasets.
- NANoREG ISA-TAB-nano templates: a set of templates developed by the NANoREG project for standardised logging of experimental data for different assays and endpoints.
- NANoREG Final report: a complete overview of all NANoREG results including links to all deliverables, SOPs, etc.
- NANoREG Publications: an overview of publications based on the results of the NANoREG project.
- General information on the NANoREG project. This includes a summary of the outline of the project, the list of partners and the newsletters that have been published during the course of the project and some other documents.
This project has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework rogramme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no 310584
An overview of beneficiaries of the Consortium and partners collaborating via a Collaboration Agreement is available here.
The results of the closely related ProSafe project are available in the ProSafe Results Repository.
If not indicated otherwise, the information in the NANoREG Results Repository is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Information on “commercial use” and attribution can be found here.