RIVM reports
- Knowledge agenda Microplastics in the environment (Dutch report, English synopsis)
- Microplastics in soil systems, from source to path to protection goals. State of knowledge on microplastics in soil
- Microplastics in indoor air
- Paints and microplastics. Exploring the possibilities to reduce the use and release of microplastics from paints. Feedback from the paint sector
- Microplastic fibres from clothing : Background report with potential measures (Dutch report, English synopsis)
- Monitoring compliance with the Dutch Plastic Pact : the Baseline Measurement (2017-2018) (Dutch report, English synpopsis)
- The environmental impact of rubber infill near artificial turf fields (Dutch report, English synopsis)
- Potential measures against microplastic emissions to water
- Emission of microplastics and potential mitigation measures : Abrasive cleaning agents, paints and tyre wear
- Inventarisatie en prioritering van bronnen en emissies van microplastics (no English title available)
- Quick scan and Prioritisation of Microplastic Sources and Emissions
- Quantitative tracing of uptake and transport of submicrometre plastics in crop plants using lanthanide chelates as a dual-functional tracer (2022)
- Improved science-based transformation pathways for the development of safe and sustainable plastics (ScienceDirect) (2022)
- Relationship between particle properties and immunotoxicological effects of environmentally-sourced microplastics (2022)
- Riverine microplastic and microbial community compositions: A field study in the netherlands (2021)
- Factsheet over microplastics in Nederlandse wateren (2019)
- The Circular Action Agenda for Plastics. Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy (PACE) (